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Where did it really come from?


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Who really governs over men?

Dr David Martin, google if you do not know who he is, says, "it," came from DARPA [again google]

Only 30 mins with the enlightenment beginning around the 13 min mark.


From what I have been able to put together it seems likely that after 9/11 there was a general panic about our various vulnerabilities. Out of that came a concern about bio weapons. Since there are various laws and treaties regarding this research, it was decided to have Fauci oversee this by outsourcing a lot of research. To me paying China for research into a weapon that could be used against us seems the height of foolishness. I suspect that the gain of function was supposed to be so limited as to supposedly not be a risk.

The accidental lab leak I think was just that. The high initial deaths may have been of those with already health compromises. One cohort, the aged, usually lose 100,000 a years to influenza. This group through flu and pneumonia vaccinations may have had a life extension that made them as a group more vulnerable.

I see the pharmaceutical companies recognizing the risks of bringing a new technology to the market with insufficient testing and needing reduced liability exposure to do so. Even in the decades prior to mRNA, their "innovations" in vaccines was putting what might be called "garbage" into the shot to amplify an immune response. The desire to bring new products to market but faced with increasingly less successful immune responses would make a technology that would get the body to continually manufacture a vaccine component attractive.

It is difficult to think that humans could pull off any kind of conspiracy much less a complicated one. However, that doesn't shut the door on a diabolical one.


From what I have been able to put together it seems likely that after 9/11 there was a general panic about our various vulnerabilities. Out of that came a concern about bio weapons. Since there are various laws and treaties regarding this research, it was decided to have Fauci oversee this by outsourcing a lot of research. To me paying China for research into a weapon that could be used against us seems the height of foolishness. I suspect that the gain of function was supposed to be so limited as to supposedly not be a risk.

The accidental lab leak I think was just that. The high initial deaths may have been of those with already health compromises. One cohort, the aged, usually lose 100,000 a years to influenza. This group through flu and pneumonia vaccinations may have had a life extension that made them as a group more vulnerable.

I see the pharmaceutical companies recognizing the risks of bringing a new technology to the market with insufficient testing and needing reduced liability exposure to do so. Even in the decades prior to mRNA, their "innovations" in vaccines was putting what might be called "garbage" into the shot to amplify an immune response. The desire to bring new products to market but faced with increasingly less successful immune responses would make a technology that would get the body to continually manufacture a vaccine component attractive.

It is difficult to think that humans could pull off any kind of conspiracy much less a complicated one. However, that doesn't shut the door on a diabolical one.
I doubt the conspiracies. They may have a grain of truth, but a grain doesn't truth make.

I look at it this way - the virus was serious. It actually helped, in a measurable way, Social Security by decreasing the population. Millions died specifically from the virus. Many were unhealthy. Many were healthy.

But people respond to viruses and medicines differently. When I had a surgery they gave me increasing doses morphine and was surprised that it had no effect. Another medicine ine I took home (can't recall the name) out me out. A friend, now passed away, was in his 90's and got through COVID at home without complications (other than in bed for a couple of weeks). Another, 21 years old, got covid and it causes a stroke. A relative had a reaction to the vaccine.

Pharm Companies exist for profit while their scientists and workers exist to advance medicine (their career goal....you won't want to produce a bad product).

Conspiracy theories are a result of wanting an immediate answer and personal ideologies.


Speaking of conspiracy theories.....a good topic would be future implications of neuralink.


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Did the military have anything to do with where, "it," came from and or the response to, "it," after, "it," appeared?

Whose established response was adopted worldwide? How did the worldwide response take place? Was the response basically the same sans a couple of countries?

By whose authority, doctors, government leaders, whose?


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It - Covid virus - came from China

Was "it" unleashed as biological weapon by China? The Jury is still out!

Was "it" unleashed accidentally, but "it" was produced with partial funding from the USA? Possibly

Was the origin of "it" intentionally hidden from the voters by those who had been involved in funding the research? Possibly

Was a certain well known Doctor given immunity to preempt investigation and prosecution? Possibly