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Where do you go

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by OCC, Sep 30, 2005.

  1. OCC

    OCC Guest

    when you have a problem with a moderator? You obviously can't go to the person themself, and you can't go to other moderators. I am frustrated and not having any recourse is not helping frustration. I know I'm not the first to wonder this.
  2. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Aug 23, 2002
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    Well, first better examine yourself.
    What can you do to stay within the moderators rules.

    Second, you can go to other moderators.

    Third, stay out of the forum(s) where the moderator moderates, or at least minimize your presence there.

    Lastly, go to another site.

  3. OCC

    OCC Guest

    I don't know what I can do to stay within the rules. See...others get away with breaking the rules leaving me to defend myself...and somehow I am in the wrong.

    I have to trust a moderator in order to go to another moderator.

    I could stay out of the forum where they moderate but it's not fair to me. I want to participate in the discussions as much as anyone else...I just hate when I get attacked without provocation.

    I could go to another site but I shouldn't have to. I am not the first to feel frustrated with "certain" moderators so it wouldn't matter if I left.

    Thanks for the advice.
  4. USN2Pulpit

    USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    I would suggest talking with someone face-to-face. There's more to life than the internet, and there is more to Baptist life than (gasp) BaptistBoard. Spend some time in fellowship with Christian friends, and you'll find that what people (who you don't know) say on a bulletin board just isn't that important in the big scheme of things.

    Don't get so worked up.
  5. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
    Likes Received:
    Whine, whine, whine. This subtle (but still obvious) attack on moderators will not be tolerated.

    As an elder here (in age/experience; thankfully the BB is NOT a church!!) I would say, "Grow up". :eek:
  6. OCC

    OCC Guest

    Actually BOB...I am tired of you attacking me. What did I do to YOU?

    It was no attack on moderatorS. If you read it again it says A moderator. I don't appreciate you making more of it than I said. The fact that you continually make comments like that proves my POINT! And I am the one who has to grow up?

    I'm man enough...Bob...YOU are the one I have a problem with. You leave no recourse to discuss anything...you just insult and ban. Before you say I should have sent you a private message..hey..look at YOUR comment to ME. I am SICK and TIRED of trying to have discussions with people and having Curtis and YOU come along and attack me!!!! :mad: :eek:
  7. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Sadly, I had to go into your profile and send you an email since you do not allow pm's. THAT will be changed.

    I'm not attacking you? I'm tired of whining, feigning the martyr, and trying to gain sympathy by (this is the third thread in 12 hours) public griping.

    Grow up, KJ. Fighting might be accepted on the playground, but not here.
  8. OCC

    OCC Guest

    Why do I have to let you send me private messages? And please don't send me any more messages to my personal email address.

    I had a whole reply message typed out but deleted it. There is no recourse when a moderator is attacking you (such as in your last sentence above) so why should I bother?

    I'll believe that fighting is not tolerated here when the moderators do something about people who attack me unprovoked. Or at least answer my private message when I write to them about it. If they did, nothing would have been said publicly.

    edited for spelling mistake
  9. AMEN !
  10. OCC

    OCC Guest


    I have more I could say but it would serve no purpose.
  11. KJ They have control freaks on every BOARD. Power corrupts. If they only knew how they make themselves look to others. Childish I'd say and not to smart ;)
  12. OCC

    OCC Guest

    hmmm... [​IMG]
  13. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
    Likes Received:
    2 Peter Chapter 2 speaks much of false prophets.

    2 Peter 2:10 (KJV1611 Edition):
    But chiefly them that walke after the flesh
    in the lust of vncleannesse, and despise gouernment.
    Presumptuous are they; selfe willed:
    they are not afraid to speake euill of dignities:

    I note that Administrator Dr. Bob is part of the 'government' here.
    I note that Moderator C4K is a dignity* here.
    *Remember: DIGNITY = 4. A high position, rank, or title
  14. OCC

    OCC Guest

    Oh I'm very afraid...there is no freedom to say anything.

    I am part of the government here to. I am a member. Also...I am KingJames. [​IMG]

    edited due to my next post [​IMG]
  15. OCC

    OCC Guest

    Are you calling me a FALSE PROPHET? I could get mad and complain to the moderators (who would not have a problem with it anyways) but you know what? I will rejoice in being slandered.
  16. Ed what does "vncleannesse" and "walke" and "gouernment" and "euill"
    Mean ?
  17. OCC

    OCC Guest

    I don't know but I think he called me a false prophet. lol

    in all truth, I do know what those words mean and I think you do too. You're just havin some fun with him eh?
  18. Well those words sure were not spelled right !that says alot
  19. OCC

    OCC Guest

    Yeah...I could't spell the words that way if I tried. lol

    Ed...why isn't your name spelled in the Olde English fashion?
  20. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    I'm quoting the
    King James Version, 1611 Edition (KJV1611).

    The KJV1611 was changed before the common KJV1769

    1. The KJV1611 used U and V before they switched place
    So 'vncleannesse' means 'uncleanness'
    Did you ever wonder why the letter 'W' is called 'double U'
    but looks like a 'double V'? The name of 'W'
    was determined when the symbol 'V' stood
    for what we now call 'U'.

    2. Apparently in 1611 the silent 'e' was used
    all the time. Now the silet 'e' is only used
    when one might confuse the sound with another
    word. Example:'bite' and 'bit' - the 'e'
    is not sounded in 'bite' but makes the 'i'
    have a different sound. In 'walke' the silent
    'e' means the 'a' sounds different, but there
    is no seperate word 'walk' to confuse one.
    Today we just 'use 'walk' and remember how the
    'a' is to be sounded.

    3. Prior to 1611 (it had already happened
    but the KJV1611 Translators decided to
    use the old way) the letter 'I' stood
    for both the vowel 'I' and the constant 'J'.

    So let us Praise Iesus Sonne of God! \o/