Generation Jones? Anybody ever heard of that before the OP?
What is Generation Jones? Difference between Genjonesers and Baby Boomers (
Jonesers versus Boomers
Jonesers and Boomers have a lot in common. The two generations border each other. Both generations were children during a period of economic boom.
However, for the Jonesers, that changed during their late teens and when they came of age. During the 1970s, they faced a deterioratig economy due to the oil crises.
The souring economy and the Watergate scandal contributed to a changing cultural mood. In fact, the Jonesers’ experiences made them much more cynical than the idealistic Boomers.
Baby Boomers were teens and young adults during the decade of flower-power, hippies, and the Beatles, i.e., the 1960s. Baby boomers were all about ‘make love, not war’ and ‘peace on Earth.’
The term
‘keeping up with the Joneses’ formed part of the culture of Generation Jones. Young Jonesers coined the slang term
‘jones’ or
‘jonesing’ meaning ‘craving’ or ‘yearning.’
Jonesers had huge expectations in the sixties as children. However, as young adults in the 1970s and 1980s, they confronted high unemployment and de-industrialization.
Generation Jones acquired an unfulfilled ‘jonesing’ or yearning quality for the more prosperous 1960s...."