On a recent thread a member provided information supposedly given by a former Pfizer employee about the covid vaccine ingredients. https://www.baptistboard.com/threads/tiny-heavy-metal-baby.122232/
The employee, Karen Kingston, was a sales representative for Pfizer. She worked in the east Manhattan area and was apparently a good salesperson.
She worked at Pfizer from June 1996 to November 1998.
I am not discrediting Kingston (I do not even know that she offered comments).
But how can a salesperson who worked with Pfizer for 2 years 6 months in the 1990's be a whistleblower for a vaccine produced 30 years later.
How do people choose what sources to trust?
Karen Kingston - Carlsbad, California, United States | Professional Profile | LinkedIn
The employee, Karen Kingston, was a sales representative for Pfizer. She worked in the east Manhattan area and was apparently a good salesperson.
She worked at Pfizer from June 1996 to November 1998.
I am not discrediting Kingston (I do not even know that she offered comments).
But how can a salesperson who worked with Pfizer for 2 years 6 months in the 1990's be a whistleblower for a vaccine produced 30 years later.
How do people choose what sources to trust?
Karen Kingston - Carlsbad, California, United States | Professional Profile | LinkedIn