Andrew Anglin, editor of the neo-Nazi site The Daily Stormer, wrote that Sessions’ nomination, along with the appointment of retired Gen. Mike Flynn as national security adviser and Steve Bannon as Trump’s chief strategist, is “like Christmas.”
“Of course, I was thinking of Sessions for either Secretary of State or Defense, but I think Trump is making a point by putting an aggressive anti-Black racist in as AG,” Anglin wrote. “It’s a corrective measure, after Obama turned the Justice Department into the Black Panthers.”
But even Anglin acknowledged that the very features that make Sessions an attractive pick to neo-Nazis might make Senate confirmation challenging.
“The reason he might face trouble? Because he’s a racist and most of these RINOs (Republican in Name Only) in Congress are filthy cuck traitors to the White race and the GOP,” Anglin wrote.
“Of course, I was thinking of Sessions for either Secretary of State or Defense, but I think Trump is making a point by putting an aggressive anti-Black racist in as AG,” Anglin wrote. “It’s a corrective measure, after Obama turned the Justice Department into the Black Panthers.”
But even Anglin acknowledged that the very features that make Sessions an attractive pick to neo-Nazis might make Senate confirmation challenging.
“The reason he might face trouble? Because he’s a racist and most of these RINOs (Republican in Name Only) in Congress are filthy cuck traitors to the White race and the GOP,” Anglin wrote.