WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity
"On Monday Sept. 17th, Christine Blasey Ford’s high school yearbooks suddenly disappeared from the web. I read them days before, knew they would be scrubbed, and saved them. Why did I know they would be scrubbed? Because if roles were reversed, and Christine Blasey Ford had been nominated for the Supreme Court by President Trump, the headline by the resistance would be this:
"Christine Blasey Ford’s Yearbook Lends Context to Her Accusations
After viewing a few pages from Christine Blasey Ford’s yearbook, you can see why she can’t remember specifically where or when she was supposedly drunkenly pawed by a teenage Brett Kavanaugh. You can also see why the yearbook pages were scrubbed from the Internet — but not before Cult of the 1st Amendment saved them for posterity:
They are a testament to the incredible power these girls had over their teachers, parents and the boys of Georgetown Prep, Landon and other schools in the area. In the pages below, you will see multiple photos and references to binge drinking and the accompanying joy of not being able to remember any of it.
The Kavanaugh pawing supposedly happened in 1982, during the summer after her sophomore year…
10th grade seems to have been a ritual initiation into the “Holton party scene”. Another sophomore girl threw multiple all night benders, the highlight of which featured a male erotic dancer in gold g-string…
1982 was a particularly wild year and Scribe 82 [that year’s yearbook at her school Holton-Arms] published multiple pictures of minors drinking heavily, beer cans stacked up, liquor repeatedly glorified, “boys, beer and “the ‘Zoo’ atmosphere”.
Click through to see the pages that Christine Blasey Ford and her left-wing activist lawyer don’t want you to see.
Maybe she really was pawed by some guy. No doubt a lot of that went on at the bacchanalias she took part in. However, I doubt Brett Kavanaugh was there — not that Ford’s allegations would be relevant at this point even if true....."
"On Monday Sept. 17th, Christine Blasey Ford’s high school yearbooks suddenly disappeared from the web. I read them days before, knew they would be scrubbed, and saved them. Why did I know they would be scrubbed? Because if roles were reversed, and Christine Blasey Ford had been nominated for the Supreme Court by President Trump, the headline by the resistance would be this:
"Christine Blasey Ford’s Yearbook Lends Context to Her Accusations
After viewing a few pages from Christine Blasey Ford’s yearbook, you can see why she can’t remember specifically where or when she was supposedly drunkenly pawed by a teenage Brett Kavanaugh. You can also see why the yearbook pages were scrubbed from the Internet — but not before Cult of the 1st Amendment saved them for posterity:
They are a testament to the incredible power these girls had over their teachers, parents and the boys of Georgetown Prep, Landon and other schools in the area. In the pages below, you will see multiple photos and references to binge drinking and the accompanying joy of not being able to remember any of it.
The Kavanaugh pawing supposedly happened in 1982, during the summer after her sophomore year…
10th grade seems to have been a ritual initiation into the “Holton party scene”. Another sophomore girl threw multiple all night benders, the highlight of which featured a male erotic dancer in gold g-string…
1982 was a particularly wild year and Scribe 82 [that year’s yearbook at her school Holton-Arms] published multiple pictures of minors drinking heavily, beer cans stacked up, liquor repeatedly glorified, “boys, beer and “the ‘Zoo’ atmosphere”.
Click through to see the pages that Christine Blasey Ford and her left-wing activist lawyer don’t want you to see.
Maybe she really was pawed by some guy. No doubt a lot of that went on at the bacchanalias she took part in. However, I doubt Brett Kavanaugh was there — not that Ford’s allegations would be relevant at this point even if true....."
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