In the now (thankfully) closed thread Earth Wind and Fire asked the following questions which I believe deserve an answer.
Many states have good handgun laws allowing law abiding citizens to own and carry firearms. But the federal government has stuck its nose in the business of the individual states and passed the "killing field" law now known as the "Gun Free School Zone" law that forbids guns on or near schools.
Some states, such as our great state of Texas, have ignored those federal laws and allowed school staff members to carry firearms in order to protect the children. But most states kowtow to the federal government and actively enforce the "killing field" laws forced on us by the over-reaching US Congress.
The quote is, as I am sure you know, from the Declaration of Independence. It has been in the Archives, with a copy in the Smithsonian, since 1787. But bear in mind the Declaration is just that, a Declaration of grievance and the intent of the writers to correct the inequities enumerated.Where was this when Roe v Wade was being Inacted?
As it does not bear the weight of law, it is more akin to a statement of intent then a statement of law.Was that put in place to protect the Right of the People (the murder of unborn innocents)?
We can. The problem is, we don't. Abortion was illegal (usually a felony) in this country from the time of our founding until Roe v. Wade in 1973. And even then Congress did not make abortion legal. 7 unelected Judges did so. (With a Republican majority I might add.)Are we as a country so enamored with our judicial system “as it stands” that we cannot address the murders of unborn, the slaughter of kids in schools, the murders of our own Christians in churches.
Many states have good handgun laws allowing law abiding citizens to own and carry firearms. But the federal government has stuck its nose in the business of the individual states and passed the "killing field" law now known as the "Gun Free School Zone" law that forbids guns on or near schools.
Some states, such as our great state of Texas, have ignored those federal laws and allowed school staff members to carry firearms in order to protect the children. But most states kowtow to the federal government and actively enforce the "killing field" laws forced on us by the over-reaching US Congress.
We have become exactly what the Founding Fathers warned us of. “When once a republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.” – Montesquieu in Spirit of the Laws, quoted by Thomas Jefferson.what have we become!?!