I would like to thank everyone who thought enough to pray for my lovely wife, Pamela. We just learned that her metastatic breast cancer is in remission! Yay
Of course, I will continue to ask for your prayers as she has gone through a lot… first with her earlier endometriosis cancer which required two surgeries and now with this bout of breast cancer which has been diagnosed as stage 4 so it can still rear its ugly head at any time, however this is very good news this remission period and we are all very happy. Coincidentally, my sons wife will be giving birth to their first and our 1st grand baby ( a boy ) very soon… and so our Thanksgiving & Christmas will be particularly blessed. Again, thank you all and thank you dear Lord.
Of course, I will continue to ask for your prayers as she has gone through a lot… first with her earlier endometriosis cancer which required two surgeries and now with this bout of breast cancer which has been diagnosed as stage 4 so it can still rear its ugly head at any time, however this is very good news this remission period and we are all very happy. Coincidentally, my sons wife will be giving birth to their first and our 1st grand baby ( a boy ) very soon… and so our Thanksgiving & Christmas will be particularly blessed. Again, thank you all and thank you dear Lord.