Well-Known Member
That Obama was elected president is because of the effort of George Soros and a like minded group of wealthy leftists. I am not much on “conspiracy theorys”. SN and poncho deal with those on this Forum. However, in the case of Obama and his backers I believe that “Something Evil This Way Comes”.
Obama, the Marxist financiers of his campaign, and the Marxist mob with which he has surrounded himself intend to drive this country into bankruprcy. Obama has already stated that the country is broke but he continues his spending spree, doubling the deficit in one year. It is estimated that over the next 10 years up to 40% of every dollar spent will have to be borrowed and the deficit will be increased by $9 trillion dollars. Their purpose is that a Marxist nation rise out of that ash heap of bankruptcy they will have created. This they will do unless the citizens become engaged as they are in the tea parties and the town hall meetings over the extravagance of the Obama administration, Obama’s takeover of certain industries and financial institutions, and Obama’s attempt to seize the medical care industry.
During the campaign Obama talked about a “civilian national security force” as strong as the Military. What part does this proposed “civilian national security force” play in Obama’s plan?
Certainly a cadre of 35+ czars is a long way from a “civilian national security force” as strong as the Military but it is a start. However, recall that Obama’s career has been essentally that of a street organizer. He was an avid pupil taught by Sol Alinsky. A question of interest: Just how big are ACORN and the SEIU and where do their loyalities lie? Will they become his “civilian national security force”?
John McCain in his recent town hall meeting talked about a peacful revolution because of Obamacare. It is my belief that a revolution will occur as the Obama agenda proceeds Hopefully it will be peaceful, the Obama administration will implode, and the PHOENIX, the Constitutional Republic our Founders gave us, will rise out of the ashes. However, unless Americans stand now against Obama and his Marxist cabal the next generation will live in a Marxist nation ruled by Obama type elites.
Obama, the Marxist financiers of his campaign, and the Marxist mob with which he has surrounded himself intend to drive this country into bankruprcy. Obama has already stated that the country is broke but he continues his spending spree, doubling the deficit in one year. It is estimated that over the next 10 years up to 40% of every dollar spent will have to be borrowed and the deficit will be increased by $9 trillion dollars. Their purpose is that a Marxist nation rise out of that ash heap of bankruptcy they will have created. This they will do unless the citizens become engaged as they are in the tea parties and the town hall meetings over the extravagance of the Obama administration, Obama’s takeover of certain industries and financial institutions, and Obama’s attempt to seize the medical care industry.
During the campaign Obama talked about a “civilian national security force” as strong as the Military. What part does this proposed “civilian national security force” play in Obama’s plan?
Certainly a cadre of 35+ czars is a long way from a “civilian national security force” as strong as the Military but it is a start. However, recall that Obama’s career has been essentally that of a street organizer. He was an avid pupil taught by Sol Alinsky. A question of interest: Just how big are ACORN and the SEIU and where do their loyalities lie? Will they become his “civilian national security force”?
John McCain in his recent town hall meeting talked about a peacful revolution because of Obamacare. It is my belief that a revolution will occur as the Obama agenda proceeds Hopefully it will be peaceful, the Obama administration will implode, and the PHOENIX, the Constitutional Republic our Founders gave us, will rise out of the ashes. However, unless Americans stand now against Obama and his Marxist cabal the next generation will live in a Marxist nation ruled by Obama type elites.