Lets face it pluralism is all around us, especially true in my area. How do you start the conversation with someone and prove that Christ is above all gods and that Jesus is the only way to salvation (John 14:6)? When I open air I usually preach John 14:6 and the verse comes up all the time in my conversations. Perhaps this tract will help start conversations with people.
People today do not like to "think" as most would rather just feel and go with the flow on how they were raised in the public anti God school system. The school system of today does not raise people to think, but indoctrinates people that evolution/naturalism is true. So sad so many are deceived by it.
People today do not like to "think" as most would rather just feel and go with the flow on how they were raised in the public anti God school system. The school system of today does not raise people to think, but indoctrinates people that evolution/naturalism is true. So sad so many are deceived by it.