I've been under some duress lately, from a co-worker (female) who is using the passage of information in the link above, by an author Betty Miller, to explain how woman can be ministers in a Church.
She is very persistent, and I do respect her, but simply put she is wrong.
Here is Betty's personal message following the article which I found disturbing (the part in italics):
Here was some of my email correspondence to my office friend,
I've been under some duress lately, from a co-worker (female) who is using the passage of information in the link above, by an author Betty Miller, to explain how woman can be ministers in a Church.
She is very persistent, and I do respect her, but simply put she is wrong.
Here is Betty's personal message following the article which I found disturbing (the part in italics):
Betty said:Personal Note from Betty:
My own personal call to the ministry came as a surprise to me. I was not expecting the Lord to use me because I did not realize God used women in the ministry. At the time of my call I was in the medical profession. I had been filled with the Holy Spirit and because of the tremendous transformation in my own life, I was eager to share with others this beautiful blessing. I had known the Lord since the age of twelve. However, I had not known Him in the power of the Holy Spirit. After my baptism in the Holy Spirit, I found I had a new holy boldness that I had not had before. I found myself witnessing and sharing with all who would listen. I wanted them to know of my new joy, love, peace and faith. I did not intend to pursue the path of becoming a female preacher. (I really did not know such existed). I just found myself sharing and preaching. Actually all of us who know Christ should be "preachers." Preaching is simply sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. The clergy should not be the ones who do all the preaching! This is the responsibility of every member of the body of Christ.
When the Lord spoke to me about His plan for my life, I immediately thought of many objections. My first was that I was a woman, so how could He use me? I told Him I didn't have the kind of tremendous testimony that would cause people to listen to me. He said, "Betty, it is not your testimony that will cause people to listen, but it will be My Spirit and My anointing." He then ministered to me in a beautiful way to show me in His Word that it was Scriptural for women to minister. Most of these truths are in this teaching. Our confusion over women ministering comes by misunderstanding the full counsel of God's Word. The verse with which this chapter begins is one of the first He revealed to me, "...there is neither male nor female..." in the Spirit. In heaven there will be no sex; so if we are walking in the Spirit now, we will not be conscious of sex, but only of the Spirit of God.
"For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven" (Matthew 22:30).
My husband and I have been privileged to serve the Lord together as evangelists, pastors, teachers and now pioneering this new work on the Internet. It's rewarding to allow the Holy Spirit to minister through us as He sees fit. We only want to be those vessels who stand ready for the Master's use. The Lord uses Bud to relate to many that I could not reach, and He uses me to minister to others that he could not reach. Together we are able to accomplish much more for the Lord than we would if we were ministering by ourselves. We are grateful that the Lord called us into His service together.
God bless you! Betty
Here was some of my email correspondence to my office friend,
me said:There's no inference of the women of the congregation in this passage, 1st Tim. 2:11-13. It simply says that, "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve." Some women will be called to the ministry. That's not what I'm arguing. Women can be in the ministry and not in leadership authority at the same time. But the Bible is clear. A woman cannot have authority over a man. The epistles of Timothy are known as the "Pastoral Epistles" because that's where Christians get so much of their doctrines for the Church and pastoring. I cannot see how an individual can say that it is ok. God's Word says so simply, "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man". No matter how hard Betty Miller or other women profess it is ok, or Christ changed that, this fact remains: God did not say it was ok. He said it was not ok, quite clearly, in 1st Tim. 2:12. That does not mean that women can't be in ministry, or can't be in a leading role. It simply means they cannot have authority over a man.
Further, how can a woman be a minister? She can only minister to women, not to men. "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man" is clear that women pastors would not be effective since men are not under their authority - they would only preach to half the congregation! Now, with a man pastor, the whole congregation is under his authority. Women, I guess, can pastor all they want (if that's what they choose), but no woman pastor is in a place of authority over me, since I am a man. Further, I've yet to see a women pastor that I would consider able to even teach men, with the possible exception of Beth Moore. I see you have your beliefs and I have mine, and that's ok. I'm not trying to force my views on you. But the Word of God is very clear on this, and I believe this misconception is common in the Pentecostal progressive movement of today's church.