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Wondering what you, as a teenager, struggle with most..

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by LindaB, Jun 19, 2002.

  1. LindaB

    LindaB New Member

    Jun 9, 2002
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    what do you struggle with most in your daily life? and it doesnt have to be a spiritual matter!
  2. SorryDude

    SorryDude Guest

    Swearing and honesty lust. Its hard to turn your head with out seeing a girl with practicly nothing on, at least where i live.
  3. Matticus

    Matticus New Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I'm agreeing with SorryDude on the lust.
  4. MissAbbyIFBaptist

    MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    Most definatly my temper!
  5. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    It's been a long time since I was a teenager. I am 40 years old. (And a very youthful 40, might I add! Ha!)

    But I can remember what it felt like and I can remember struggles that I had then.

    My biggest problem was that I wanted to keep one foot in the church and one foot in the world. The movies that we watched and the music that we listened to were so persuasive that sin was "normal" and everybody was tempted. And if everybody was being tempted, then when we did sin, we couldn't be all that bad because everybody else was doing it.

    In a nut-shell, we thought that Bible-thumping was for Sundays and Wednesday nights and that living our own lives were for the rest of the week.

    And it wasn't that we were bad because we weren't.

    We just lacked spiritual wisdom. We thought that living was about being fulfilled.

    We just had it in reverse. Being fulfilled is about living. Living daily with God and following His great plan for us.

    Peace to all the young people who seek out the Lord

    Scarlett O.
  6. ATeenageChristian

    ATeenageChristian New Member

    Oct 19, 2001
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    I struggle with temptation and what I do on the Internet. Thank God for Cybersitter :D :D :D otherwise I'd be back in my old habits.

    [ June 20, 2002, 05:11 PM: Message edited by: AgainstTelevangelists ]
  7. amblivion

    amblivion New Member

    May 26, 2001
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    I struggle with many things, but the thing I struggle most with is accepting the place where God has called my dad to be a pastor at. I live in a town of 1,200 and I used to live in a town of 50,000 where no one cared if you were born there or not. You were always accepted. I know this is where God wants my family, but I sruggle with acceptance of people and sometimes get angry with God for putting me here with no best friend to talk to except God and my sisters. When I get angry with God, I have a tendency to rebel against God and my parents.
  8. Saved Martian

    Saved Martian New Member

    Jan 19, 2002
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    I mostly struggle with moving to a small town. Were it maters if you lived there all of your life or not.I really got angry at God. :mad: For putting me in this town. I really get mad at my Mom and Dad so I rebel against them. I did something really bad that the school recommened counseling. So I had to go. But now I don't need it anymore. [​IMG]

    [ June 22, 2002, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: Saved Martian ]
  9. MissAbbyIFBaptist

    MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    Above I posted about my temper. I would have said more, but at that moment, I was busy.
    I have {had} a problem with controling my temper. People in my family have the same problem. {not that I'm blaming them, because I was most definatly responsible for my actions!} But because of that, even after I got saved it was just normal to blow up and yell when i was upset. Then one day as I read from James I saw the verse on being slow to wrath and so on. I realized that it wasn't right, it was a bad testimony, and it was plain foolish! Proverbs have many veses that speak of a wise man holding his anger, and things like that.
    If I wanted to be a good testimony to others around me, and if i wanted victory in my life, I had to surrender my big mouth and my hot head to the Lord.
    I can still remember the day about a year after I got saved that I went to the alter and told the Lord that i wanted Him to be in control, and I would serve Him as long as He enabled me too. Since then I've had so much more peace and I have a chance to grow in my Christian life. I'm NOT ANYTHING NEAR PERFECT, but I am trying to live my life as close to what Christ wants. I make mistakes, I stumble {sometimes a few times a day} but God is a God of second chances and forgivness. To know GOd loves me even when I break His heart, and to know He will never leave me is sometimes overwhelming, but I know it's true.
    ALso, if you ever grasp the fact that the Holy Spirit lives in you {meaning you can quinch it, hurt it or allow it to have control} if you ever get ahold of that, it really makes you think before you go and sin.
    Everyone has differnt weaknesses, and some things may be harder for others, but God wants us to grow, for us to serve Him, and He is a God of forgiveness.
    In our Saviour,
  10. extremebiblereader

    extremebiblereader New Member

    Jan 12, 2001
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    HMMMMM.....I struggle with alot of things. My anger,different temptations, like drugs and smoking. Cussing and listening to certain music I know I am not supposed to be listening to. The TV.
    And actually the internet doesn't tempt me.
  11. Dixie Girl

    Dixie Girl New Member

    Jun 2, 2002
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    I agree with Scarlett O.
    I have often had trouble keeping one foot in church and the other in the world! I go to a public school and it's sometimes very hard to remember who I am and what I'm there for and not to get side tracked. Thank the Lord my younger sister is always there to remind me! I don't know what I'd do without her!

    Jess :D
  12. mmhayes04

    mmhayes04 New Member

    Mar 30, 2002
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    I've always thought that God has blessed me with a life with fewer temptations than most other kids my age. Luckily, He also blessed me with a very church-going disposition, because if I didn't want to go, it would be bad (I get my head set, and that's what I do, ya see). I also attend a Christian school and all of my friends are either from church or from that school... all good kids. Anyway, the hardships that I face mostly, concern staying in God's will ALWAYS... not just on Sunday and Wednesday nights. Such as, finding my place in His will and staying there whether I like it or not. I try to pray throughout the day, but I like to have a set time that I pray too... I usually pray before I go to sleep... and sometimes it's hard to keep that habit up too. As everyone, I don't read my Bible NEAR enough. And I'm sure that some of the words I say are less than pleasing to God. Lust is another thing. :eek: But, not as bad as it used to be... haha.
  13. tigger

    tigger Guest

    I mostly struggle with knowing or wanting to find out who i am in life and i know some other people (teens) who struggle with the same.
  14. uhdum

    uhdum New Member

    Jul 12, 2001
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    Probably lust, not reading the Word, and not having enough faith.

    Satan knows these three things have been my weaknesses for years, and he constantly attacks me on them.
  15. yardane

    yardane New Member

    Jul 25, 2002
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    I struggle with my temper mainly, patience, trusting the Lord, and not blaming him for trials I go through.
    Just 2 months ago there were a number of more things but my parents helped me over come those temptations, I will admit those were a painful 2 months, but I can honestly say now that I thank God that my parents found out.
    Lately in my Bible reading I have read a number of verses on anger that helped me a lot, and also ones on trusting the Lord.
  16. MissAbbyIFBaptist

    MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    Proverbs 3:5,6, Yardane. They are my life verses, and are very precious to me when I'm going threw a hard time.
  17. simonfarmer

    simonfarmer Guest

    i suppose to be honest, like some earlier respondents, i'd have to say now it's struggling with chastity (tho' before puberty it was probably querulous traits which got me into most trouble).

    it's a mystery why God built into our design such a strong sexual drive - yet He forbids any illicit expression of it.

    i wish there was a sex-switch below the waist which one could leave switched off until marriage.

    that would resolve a lot of physical perturbation.
  18. rebelanointed

    rebelanointed New Member

    Aug 19, 2002
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    Stubbornness has to be one of my biggest struggles. I can be very hard-headed and dead-set. Gets me in trouble sometimes.
    Reading the Bible and praying are things I try to do alot, but lately haven't done alot.