Yahoo! is an extremely liberal news media. They do promote homosexual stories and everything associated with our current administration, all in a positive light. They also promote article regarding minorities falling victim to so called white supremacy i.e. cops shooting blacks but conveniently omit stories of whites falling victim to black gangs..., such as the knock-out game.
When a story comes to light regarding homosexuals folks respond claiming to be Christian and immediately begin to quote scripture regarding that life style and that they are all going to hell..., end of subject.
As expected, the above response is inflames and the response is immediate. Those who believe in the Lord are "haters", "Bigots", "Religions Zealots", "discriminators", that we read the book of "Fairy Tales" and the derogatory comments just flow.
Well, I posted the following the other day on Yahoo! regarding Hillary and her advertisement featuring two homosexuals walking down the sidewalk.
The truth has been made visible to all of us. Homosexuals reject that knowledge contained in the truth which has been made clear to them and as such, respond in the negative. As always, once one turns from the light (truth) they enter into darkness. That darkness then permeates their inner being, their heart, mind, soul, emotions and ultimately affects their reasoning ability.
Openly living the homosexual life style is but a public testimony of living the consequences for which they have chosen for themselves. Their lifestyle then offers proof of them surrendering to lustful desires which dishonor themselves. To feel good about it all and themselves, they attempt to make the rest of us feel guilty over their decision(s).
I won't bother you will (all) of their responses but it was kind of interesting as "they" really were at a loss to respond in the usual and customary accusatory way. Here's a couple of the responses.
...and I know this is a bit jungled but the point I'm making is I did not bang them over the head with the Bible. My aim was to cause them to think outside of their box.
Poster. H. A., okay, so define this "truth" that you keep waving around. If you are not prescribing to religious dogma, then what are you talking about, because your original comment says absolutely nothing. Just stating the word "truth" actually means nothing.
My response. Okay, I'll start with that "truth" I'm waving around. Have you ever been in an underground cavern? If not, you should visit one. Deep inside any cavern with the lights off the darkness is so repressive that it's hard to accept. At this point, light a candle. The "darkness" flees that small light. It literally cannot withstand that small light and retreats however, it's constantly trying to overcome that small flame but it can't. If that candle flickers so does the darkness. Said darkness, try as it may, simply cannot overcome that little flame giving "light". Move the light around and it repels the darkness at every turn. The "truth" that I am "waving around" is the reality of that little flame. That "light". Those full of darkness have no light so as to repel the darkness.
Poster. H.A., again you talk about truth and light but give no indication of your source of truth and light. You judge gay people as being in darkness, but you do not give us the source of your ethical code to make this moral judgement. Do you just assume that what you believe is the light, and those who disagree with you are in darkness?
My response. in the darkness..., like in a darkened cavern with no light, how could one find their way? One couldn't. On an island of blind men with one man having one eye, who would be king? The one who can see the "light". You're asking me to provide you with my "source of truth" when (reality) shines forth daily? You accuse me of "Judging" gay people? I've judged no one! If you have no "light" in your soul then you are in darkness. It's really that simple. Now, if a gay person decide to carry on with their life, so be it. Who am I to tell them otherwise. All I'm suggesting is that you seek an inward light. If it "ain't" one then change the bulb.
Me again. and "confusing" those of us who aren't interested in the homosexual life style does not make us discriminators, haters, religious freaks, bad people or ugly people. Besides, I never said a "gay person" was (dark or evil). I merely stated they have no light in their souls and that's an individual issue. I can see where many are very sincere and honest and caring. Far from being (dark or evil).
So what 'cha think? Good approach? Bad approach? Obviously, throwing scripture at them..., which is what they need only inflames and nothing is accomplished.
When a story comes to light regarding homosexuals folks respond claiming to be Christian and immediately begin to quote scripture regarding that life style and that they are all going to hell..., end of subject.
As expected, the above response is inflames and the response is immediate. Those who believe in the Lord are "haters", "Bigots", "Religions Zealots", "discriminators", that we read the book of "Fairy Tales" and the derogatory comments just flow.
Well, I posted the following the other day on Yahoo! regarding Hillary and her advertisement featuring two homosexuals walking down the sidewalk.
The truth has been made visible to all of us. Homosexuals reject that knowledge contained in the truth which has been made clear to them and as such, respond in the negative. As always, once one turns from the light (truth) they enter into darkness. That darkness then permeates their inner being, their heart, mind, soul, emotions and ultimately affects their reasoning ability.
Openly living the homosexual life style is but a public testimony of living the consequences for which they have chosen for themselves. Their lifestyle then offers proof of them surrendering to lustful desires which dishonor themselves. To feel good about it all and themselves, they attempt to make the rest of us feel guilty over their decision(s).
I won't bother you will (all) of their responses but it was kind of interesting as "they" really were at a loss to respond in the usual and customary accusatory way. Here's a couple of the responses.
...and I know this is a bit jungled but the point I'm making is I did not bang them over the head with the Bible. My aim was to cause them to think outside of their box.
Poster. H. A., okay, so define this "truth" that you keep waving around. If you are not prescribing to religious dogma, then what are you talking about, because your original comment says absolutely nothing. Just stating the word "truth" actually means nothing.
My response. Okay, I'll start with that "truth" I'm waving around. Have you ever been in an underground cavern? If not, you should visit one. Deep inside any cavern with the lights off the darkness is so repressive that it's hard to accept. At this point, light a candle. The "darkness" flees that small light. It literally cannot withstand that small light and retreats however, it's constantly trying to overcome that small flame but it can't. If that candle flickers so does the darkness. Said darkness, try as it may, simply cannot overcome that little flame giving "light". Move the light around and it repels the darkness at every turn. The "truth" that I am "waving around" is the reality of that little flame. That "light". Those full of darkness have no light so as to repel the darkness.
Poster. H.A., again you talk about truth and light but give no indication of your source of truth and light. You judge gay people as being in darkness, but you do not give us the source of your ethical code to make this moral judgement. Do you just assume that what you believe is the light, and those who disagree with you are in darkness?
My response. in the darkness..., like in a darkened cavern with no light, how could one find their way? One couldn't. On an island of blind men with one man having one eye, who would be king? The one who can see the "light". You're asking me to provide you with my "source of truth" when (reality) shines forth daily? You accuse me of "Judging" gay people? I've judged no one! If you have no "light" in your soul then you are in darkness. It's really that simple. Now, if a gay person decide to carry on with their life, so be it. Who am I to tell them otherwise. All I'm suggesting is that you seek an inward light. If it "ain't" one then change the bulb.
Me again. and "confusing" those of us who aren't interested in the homosexual life style does not make us discriminators, haters, religious freaks, bad people or ugly people. Besides, I never said a "gay person" was (dark or evil). I merely stated they have no light in their souls and that's an individual issue. I can see where many are very sincere and honest and caring. Far from being (dark or evil).
So what 'cha think? Good approach? Bad approach? Obviously, throwing scripture at them..., which is what they need only inflames and nothing is accomplished.