The Old Adage/Idiom Works Well Here....
...I was taught at an early age in my walk with Jesus that it is best to "Not bruise the fruit!"
While I have gifts that most denominations would denounce, and others would hail! I have found it is best to use these gifts in a subtle, underlying manner than to use them to divide and conquer.
Yes, your gifts can be used [even within this more conventional body of believers], but, you need to prayerfully know the difference between using them for the overall good of the body, and using them to puff up yourself and be divisive. Divisive spirits are a sin. Titus 3:10 tells us to warn such folks twice, then leave them alone. Also see 1 Cor. 1:10-17.
More importantly, let 1 Cor. 14 be your Scriptural guide in this matter. Don't trust your own feelings in this case, because feelings can often be misled by the devil, leading us to sin. When it comes to the highly divisive nature of tongues and other such gifts, it is best to "Not bruise the fruit!"
I fully understand where you are coming from, as I was once zealous and wanted the world to know just how great it was to possess these gifts and use them for the betterment of the body as a whole. I later observed how an unchecked passionate [Scripturally speaking]approach can lead to division within a body, leaving a great number of souls disillusioned, wounded and left on the side of the path. Some never got back on that path.
Just read softly, and let the Holy Ghost, who gave you these gifts, be the leader and not your ambition or desire to see the world changed with the wonders of the gifts you found.
Time has shown me that some folks will never see the cross as you see it. So, my main goal is to make sure that they first, and foremost, see the cross for what it is [their personal salvation], and allow them to grow at God's own speed. The most important thing that I want for another is that they are getting to heaven! To possess all of the gifts of the Spirit is not as important as their being saved and
"growing towards glory!"
I can tell you are well meaning, brother, and I know you will get it right before you let yourself be used to divide a cohesive body.