Amen, Don, Amen. :thumbs:
But, Zaac, that is your opinion.
No it is not an opinion. It's a BIBLICAL fact. He's worshiping a false god. He's on the way to hell and you need to stop this authoring of confusion that he is not. That man does not know Jesus and you know that he does not.
Can you name one presidential candidate in your life time that you knew for sure was a Christian? Or have you never voted?
We're not talking about other Presidential candidates. we're talking about Willard Mitt Romney, the man who served as pastor in the Mormon Church. The man who has proclaimed that he knows that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that the church is true.
We have one candidate who prefesses to be a Christian, but he is for same sex marriage and abortion on demand at any stage from conception on.
And with an iron fist of obamacare, he will force all believers who have over 50 employees including religious organizations (Lifeway, Baptist Hospitals, Catholic Hospitals, and more) to pay for insurance plans that cover payment for abortions, abortifacients, and birth control pills - even though abortion is against our Biblical beliefs.
He's an anti-Christ.
As a Christian, I have to vote against that, believing the promise by Mitt Romney that he will appeal obamacare.
He's a man whose belief system is based in a lie. He's a deceiver just as he has been deceived in his faith.
Mitt Romney believes he is a Christian, BTW.
Barack Obama believes he is a Christian by the way. If Mitt Romney is a Christian then so is Barack Obama.
As a Christian, I have to vote for a candidate that is likely to appoint conservative, pro-life, pro-marriage between a man and woman, Supreme Court Justices - instead of those who are of the opposite beliefs like the 2 obama appointed.
As a Christian, we are called to love Christ FIRST. He can handle all that other stuff and probably would if His people would trust and obey FIRST instead of thinking that we can place people in office who can fix those things.
We're missing what our focus is supposed to be. God will place folks in authority based upon US.
And if Obama is re-elected and gets to place pro-abortionists on the SCOTUS, believe me, you can trace that right back to US.
God MUST be first no matter what we think a man is going to do.
s a Christian, I have to vote for someone who will promote religious liberty, especially Christianity, instead of seeking to suppress it.
Obedience is better than sacrifice.
We have no bonafide born-again Christian candidate (that we can see into their heart and know beyond a doubt, but, hey, actually I don't know that about you because I can't see your heart and you don't know that about me because you can't see my heart - is my point that you keep missing)
I know that you haven't professed to be a Mormon, a person whose beliefs run contrary to God's holy word as Mitt Romney has. So again, there's no need to be second guessing where Mitt Romney is on his way to any more than folks would second guess where Osama Bin Laden went for not renouncing Islam.
so until that time comes, as citizens we have to vote for the best "secular" person to lead our country
No we don't. Apparently a lot of you think we do, but we certainly do not especially if that person promotes that which is against Christ.
- and now we are at a crossroads - do we want to continue down the proven path of socialism that obama is leading us down, or do we want to stop it by electing Romney?
The problem with this sentiment is that folks think they can stop the downward spiral of the country by electing a man. Why on earth would a holy God allow the fate of the country to change course just because Christians decide to STILL choose evil over HIM?
So yes, we have a choice. Most Christians seem to be set to make the wrong choice and THAT is why I fear God will give us four more years of all the utter hell barack Obama can bring upon this country.
Or are we to be as a song once said - so "heavenly minded we are no earthly good?"
We better figure out how to not endorse those who are against Christ in our desire to be some earthly good.
We are to be salt and light - as a Christian, I believe I am taking a salt and light stance by voting against the policies of evil.
That's crazy. How are you taking a salt and light stance against evil by voting for another equally evil man who you have said might have a pure heart?
Jesus admonished: “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)
And He also says in His word :
15 Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. 16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:15-16
The wisdom to support Mitt Romney in any fashion is not of God and that's why it is authoring the confusion that it is for folks.
As Christians, as Americans, we have 4 choices: (1) Don't vote. (2) Vote for Obama. (3) Vote for Romney. (4) Vote for a 3rd party.
As Christians, we also have the option to not vote for anyone who shows himself to be against Christ.
This is a dangerous thing that Christians are doing and we will be held responsible. For that very man that so many Christians are willing to look past his worship of a false god to because they think he will be better for the country than Barack Obama, is the very reason why the country will get four more years of Obama and deservingly so.
Our sacrifice of overlooking his worship of a false god and to his "good" qualities to save the country from it's current path is not better than obedience.
Or we can lie down in our self righteousness over the choices and self pity and do nothing.
Or we can trust that God is sovereign and that He is going to take care of His children. But we better also recognize that He disciplines His children to. And we are CLEARLY setting ourselves up for a good old fashioned, take em to the woodshed whupping.
Me - like Nehemiah - I intend to do my part to vote my conscience and try to rebuild the (wall) of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that we have been blessed with so that we can continue to worship in freedom, live in freedom, and continue to Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout this great land and throughout the world before the KING comes.
As I said, I think folks are confusing THEIR consciences with God's Holy Spirit. God is not dividing His house by encouraging folks to support a man who is against Him because it's for the "greater" good. Man is doing that.