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Your Expert Advice Needed Once Again


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Yeah yeah, I know, I'm turning into a pain in the butt. Actually a pain in the butt is what I have from sitting here for over an hour searching for something that may not even exsist. Come to think of it, I have a headache too

Anyway, I'm searching for (and like I said, it may not even exsist) a program that will convert regular text to HTLM formatted text. I know there are programs out there, but what I'm specifically looking for inserts all necessary tags (i.e., <p> <br> stuff like that).

Is there such a program out there, or am I going to have to muddle through a gazillion pages of text insering the tags myself?

As always, any information provided will be greatly appreciated!

God Bless!!!

Adam :cool:


Well-Known Member
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Adam, need to know what word processor program you're using.

Check the word processor program you're using to see if it'll save as an HTML file (click on File, then "Save As"; down in the "save file as type" box, you'll need to search for "web page" or "HTML").

If your word processor won't do this, Microsoft Word and OpenOffice will save files as web pages. OpenOffice is a free program, but it's about a 50-60 meg download. I've tested it with plain text files (bolding, underlining, font colors, and font sizes all seem to save into the HTML format without any problems).

Microsoft Word is usually available at Wal-Mart or Staples for around $90-$120.


Well-Known Member
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Okay, I think I got it.

My word processor program is Microsoft Works Wordprocessor. I punched in some text, and yes, it does have the option to save as an HTML file, so I did. When I viewed the file, it looked normal. Then I rermembered something someone told me quite a while back, about viewing the source, so I right clicked, selected view source and what did I see?

Yep, that's right, all my text nicely formatted with all the tags I need.

Many thanks to computerjunkie and Don for steering me in the right direction. You guys are the best!!!

Thanks, and God Bless!!!

Adam :cool: