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Your "favorite" Preacher/Pastor/Bible Teacher's Educational Background

Discussion in 'Baptist Colleges & Seminaries' started by izzaksdad, Oct 9, 2005.

  1. izzaksdad

    izzaksdad New Member

    Dec 9, 2004
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    With all of the discussion on seminary training, accreditation, degree mills, "real schools", etc. blah, blah, blah, it would be interesting to see the educational background of some of those men who have had the greatest impact on our ministry, or even the greatest impact on church health and church growth in America today.

    Anyone care to post?
  2. Martin

    Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==Sure. There are several Bible teachers (etc) that have really impacted me.

    The first would be Dr Darrell Bock at Dallas Seminary. His work on the historical Jesus and the Gospels has provided me with alot of helpful information (etc). According to the DTS catalog Dr Bock has the following: BA University of Texas at Austin, ThM Dallas Theological Seminary, PhD University of Aberdeen.

    Another one of my favorites is Dr Craig Blomberg from Denver Seminary. Dr Blomberg's books on the New Testament have been very helpful as well. My three favorite books by Blomberg are: "Jesus and the Gospels", "The Historical Reliability of the Gospels", and "Making Sense of the New Testament". Great books! His educational background is as follows: Ph.D. in New Testament University of Aberdeen, M.A. New Testament Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

    He graduated summa cum laude from Augustana College with majors in Religion, Mathematics, Education, and Spanish.

    Source: Wikipedia

    I have also been influenced by Dr John MacArthur. Of course Dr MacArthur is president of The Master's Seminary in California and Grace To You Ministries. I love his books "The Gospel According To Jesus", "The Gospel According To The Apostles", "Hard To Believe", "Can God Bless America?", "The Murder of Jesus", and "Why Government Can't Save You". According to The Master's Seminary web-site Dr MacArthur has the following educational background:
    B.A., Los Angeles Pacific College
    M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary
    Litt.D., Grace Graduate School
    D.D., Talbot Theological Seminary

    Finally I will mention Dr Charles Stanley. I have to mention him because I was saved through his ministry (w/ prayer from my grandmother). I also love his down to earth teaching style. Dr Stanley has a BA from The University of Richmond, BDIV from Southwestern Theological Seminary, a Masters and Doctors degree from Luther Rice Seminary.

    I could mention some profs at Liberty Theological Seminary but few would know who they are (trying to stay with somewhat known names). More personally I will include some info on my current pastor and my last pastor.

    My pastor, btw, has two degrees from Covington Seminary :eek: and a degree from Mid-Western Baptist Theological Seminary [​IMG] . I don't like the Covington part but it is true. I think he regrets his decision to attend Covington but at the time distance education was not a well accepted thing so he did not have all the choices we do today.

    My former pastor has his MDiv and DMin from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

    Hope that is what you were looking for, in general anyway.

  3. izzaksdad

    izzaksdad New Member

    Dec 9, 2004
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    Fantastic Martin. Thanks. Exactly what I was looking for .
  4. Broadus

    Broadus Member

    Nov 30, 2004
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    John Piper: BA, Wheaton; BD, Fuller; Dr. Theol., University of Munich

    Alistair Begg: BA (I think), London Bible College (now London School of Theology)

    John MacArthur: see above (the docs are honorary, but rightly bestowed, IMO)

    R. C. Sproul: BA in Philosophy, Westminster College; MDiv, Pittsburg Theological Seminary; Drs (doctor of theology), Free University of Amsterdam
  5. TomVols

    TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    Begg has an honorary doctorate from Cedarville Univ. in Ohio. (IMHO, he's the greatest preacher alive today).
  6. UZThD

    UZThD New Member

    Dec 24, 2004
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    Stanley's ThD was obtained before LR was accredited. But that is not to say that LR was not credible. Yet, when LR became accredited by TRACS the school had to forego the ThD program.

    I think the hardest working in the study and the most effective pastor I've had is Tim LaHaye in the late 50s and early 60s. I think Tim then only had a BA. But IMO, he was, were education a criterion, an "over-achiever."

    As for higher ed scholars, I would say that H. Wayne House with a ThD from Concordia and JD from Regents has affected my life much because I have seen Wayne in his study at work. I marvel at his accomplishments as an author, a teacher, and an administrator while maintaining important relationships with family.

    I wish I had the energy of a LaHaye or a House.
  7. Martin

    Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Just a comment on something.
    Stanley's ThD was obtained before LR was accredited. But that is not to say that LR was not credible. Yet, when LR became accredited by TRACS the school had to forego the ThD program.

    ==Yes and now that the school is seeking SACS they are making even more adjustments. Which, in my view, is a wonderful thing. It only makes the school better. [​IMG]

  8. Convicted by the Spirit

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Howard Hendricks BA Wheaton, Th.M DTS and D.D. Wheaton and other grad work from Biblical Seminary and DTS. Books published which have impacted me "teaching to change lives" and "living by the book."

    Jay Adams has taught at Westminister in Philly and holds degrees from John Hopkins, Reformed Episcopal seminary, Temple Seminary and University of Missouri. Several of his books which have helped me are "competent to counsel", "The Christian counselors manual" and a few others.

    The author/theologian which has shaped my spiritual life mainly would be John Piper his education is listed above. His main works which have impacted me are "don't waste your life" and "desiring God."

    Also John Macarthur's book "the vanishing conscience" is one of my favorite works and he has written so many great works.
  9. Rob't K. Fall

    Rob't K. Fall New Member

    Sep 13, 2000
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    Pastor David C. Innes, Senior Pastor, Hamilton Square Baptist Church, San Francisco, CA.
    BA(61), BD(64) and DD(78) BJU. He has been in the pastoral and pulpit ministry for over forty years. He is one of those few whom we can rightly say earned his DD.

    HSBC Home Page
  10. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Pastor Dean M. Noonan, Pastor of Faith Baptist Church, Milwaukee, WI.

    BA Maranatha BBC.

    Hasn't written many books yet, but faithful, loving, Godly service at the same church for 26 years and counting.
  11. PamelaK

    PamelaK New Member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    One definite favorite I have heard preach many times:
    Dr. John Goetsch
    Currently he is the Exec. VP of West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, CA

    BA - Maranatha Baptist Bible College
    MA - Bethany Theological Seminary
    DD - Maranatha Baptist Bible College
    PhD - Bethany Theological Seminary
  12. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Hey, I like Dr. Goetsch as well!


    We attended that church in Lancaster when he first came there.
  13. Brother Ian

    Brother Ian Active Member

    Jul 27, 2005
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    Not to belittle the man's accomplishments, but according to the church's website, the Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Laws were honorary degrees, not earned.
  14. Rob't K. Fall

    Rob't K. Fall New Member

    Sep 13, 2000
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    Brother Ian, for the last two or three generations DDs in these United States have been strictly honorary degrees. The same can be said of the LLD (Doctor of Legal Letters). So, there is no question of their being "earned" degrees as are ThDs and JDs. Many times the honor of a DD is seemingly based on how much support a school has received from an individual and not on that individual's ministerial record. However, in this case, BJU recognized the credits Pastor Innes earned at (Hard) Knox Graduate School of Theology and Ministry.

    I was only answering the basic question. I was not seeking to hold up or denigrate any particular individual.
  15. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    My father earned his BA from Wheaton in the '40's. He got an equivalency MA when he was in his 80's!

    John R. Rice went to Decatur (TX) Baptist College (a junior college), where he played in the second football game he ever saw. He got his BA from Baylor U, did grad work at U. of Chicago (education and psychology) and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also received a bunch of honorary doctorates, but some of you are not counting those, I guess.

    My wife's home church pastor, Ralph Tingley, never did graduate from Bible college, but is one of the most godly men I've ever known. If it weren't for him we might not have ever made it to Japan.
  16. Squire Robertsson

    Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    John, I've no problem with honorary doctorates. As Brother Fall noted above, they are properly given in recognition of credits earned in the school of hard knocks.

    I would note for many years the D.Min. degree was not popularly given by schools in my sector of the Baptist galaxy. Pastors for many year went as far as a MA (Bible) or M.Div. Though many (including your truly) stopped at a BA. The men who went on for their masters saw little profit ThDs or PhDs in the pastoral ministry. Those were earned by the academics.
  17. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 22, 2005
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    We're on the same page, Squire.
  18. Paul1611

    Paul1611 New Member

    Aug 23, 2005
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    James W. Knox in Deland Florida.
    I believe he has a degree in English/Journalism, but no Bible College degree. He is one of the best verse by verse Bible teachers that I have ever heard. He is a godly man in my opinion, and 100% sold out to God. He has a wonderful tape ministry in which God greatly used in my life when I first got saved, and a radio program called the "Preaching of the Cross". He has published a number of books which are free of charge to those who cannot afford it, (same with his cassette tapes) and has a wonderful church. More info www.jamesknox.com
  19. Brother Ian

    Brother Ian Active Member

    Jul 27, 2005
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    No problem. I understand what you're saying.
  20. izzaksdad

    izzaksdad New Member

    Dec 9, 2004
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    Oops! I started the post and have not even offered my own info.! Various Pastors and writers and theologians:

    Dr. David Gallamore- Pastor, Rock Springs Baptist Church- South Carolina- Associate Degree- Fruitland Baptist Bible College, Bachelor Degree- Southern Baptist Center for Biblical Studies, Honorary Doctor of Divinity- Southern Baptist Center

    Dr. Johnny M. Hunt- Pastor, First Baptist Woodstock- Georgia- Bachelor- Gardner Webb College, MDiv- SEBTS, Honorary Doctorate of Divinity- Immanuel Baptist Seminary, Doctor of Sacred Laws and Letters- Covington Seminary

    Dr. Jerry Vines- Pastor, Jacksonville First Baptist- Florida- B.A. Mercer Univ., B.D., Maters-NOBTS, Doctorate- Luther Rice Semianry

    Dr. Phil Hoskins- Pastor, Higher Ground Church- Tennessee- attended ETSU, Milligan College, received Th.D from Andersonville Theological Seminary

    Dr. Willian Craig- Talbot School of Theology- B.A.- Wheaton, M.A. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, PhD.- Univ. Birmingham (England), Th.D- Univ. of Munich (Germany)- if you have never visited his website or are unfamiliar, see if this will get you there: www.leaderu.com/offices/billcraig/menus/index.html

    Dr. Andreas J. Kostenberger-SEBTS- Vienna Univ. of Econ., MDiv.- Columbia Biblical Seminary, PhD- Trinity Evangelical.

    Dr. Daniel Heimbach- SEBTS- B.S., United States Naval Academy; M.A., M.Div., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; M.Phil., Ph.D., Drew University.