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Share your poetry with us...

Discussion in 'Other Discussions' started by Onlybygrace, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. Onlybygrace

    Onlybygrace New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Guys, poetry is a great form of expression. This is a poem wrote a while ago, please feel free to use this thread to share your originals with me too. The only rules are please don't post anything distasteful and if you are posting someone elses work please state so clearly and give credit where it is due. Also please feel free to leave positive feedback and comments :thumbs:


    One night I drifted off to sleep and then began to dream.
    But not the kind a mortal has but things that none have seen.
    And even as I pen this tale a lump invades my throat,
    Uneasiness pervades my soul to see the words I've wrote.

    For in my dream before me lay a thing hard to believe.
    A winding stairway made of stone up to the clouds did weave.
    And as I gingerly began my steep but steady climb,
    I shuddered at the thought of what I may or may not find.

    Step by step, too scared to breathe the treacherous path I trod.
    Until at last, I reached the clouds and there the path did stop.
    Before my sight the clouds rolled back and light blinded my eyes.
    It was as if the sun itself in darkness chose to rise.

    And as I stood in trembling awe a voice began to speak.
    It was a deep and gentle voice that filled my heart with peace.
    "My child," it said "it's not your time, you cannot enter now.
    But I just wanted you to know that death can't hold you down!"

    The light grew dim and faded as the clouds closed up once more
    And I began my journey down the stairway to the floor.
    But as I walked my heart within no longer cringed with fear,
    For at the top I knew I had my Father waiting there.

    Then the stairway disappeared just as I reached the ground.
    I heard some muffled voices from some figures gathered round.
    "We lost her for a moment but its fine we've brought her back.
    The cancer's been removed now we can get her health on track"

    Years have passed since I was laid upon that table cold
    And while I lay under the knife I died so I am told.
    But deep inside I know the truth and treasure what I saw,
    That death for me is not the end but just an open door!
    #1 Onlybygrace, Mar 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2009
  2. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Riding For The Brand

    In the world today filled with chaos and disaray
    We need to be riding for the brand and learning to pray.
    In the old west everyone knew the importance of a brand.
    It was the mark a rancher used to burn on his stock out on the open land.

    The term "Riding For The Brand' was an expression of loyalty to a man's employer.
    It was a compliment of the highest order.
    Christians should be riding for the two-one-two brand
    In order to stand tall across the land.

    The Two-One-Two brand is very direct and to the point.
    It signifies two nailed scared hands, one spear in His side, and two more nail scars in his feet.
    And this was done so that you and me He could anoint.

    Riding For The Brand is of the highest calling.
    For it signifies the name of the Lord who's love is unfalling.
    When Christians begin to understand the privilage and responsibility of wearing the Lord's brand.
    They will give it nothing less than their best and spread it across the land.

    So the next time you face a situation that tempts you to compromise. Take a stand for the brand and fight Satan and all his lies.
    It's not easy and it's not alway fun.
    But Riding For The Brand is what we owe God's only Son.

    Pastor Mark A. Mitchell
    Copyright 1994
  3. Onlybygrace

    Onlybygrace New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Thanks for that poem Rev, I really like the idea of the brand. I never quite thought of it that way before. It kind of gives a feeling of honor and integrity, commitment to a cause. Reminds me of that song by Steven Curtis Chapman..."The Great Adventure"
  4. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Moved this thread (great idea to share poetry) from the DEBATE forum since we want to fellowship and share, and NOT fight!!

    Blessings! :thumbsup:
  5. 4His_glory

    4His_glory New Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    This is a good idea. I love poetry (or any type of literature for that matter). Though I am not very good at writing it I have from time to time done so as a personal expression of worship. Here are a couple I have written:


    Though humanity does not see it,
    Though sinners will deny it,
    And fools will mock it,
    Christ’s presence is still there.

    In sunlight and storm clouds, in
    Daytime and in darkness,
    In blessing and in sorrow,
    Christ’s presence is still there!

    Deep in the lowest valleys, and
    High upon the loftiest mountains;
    Within seasons of suffering, and
    Seasons of peace,
    Christ’s presence is still there!

    It is the joy of the redeemed,
    And the terror of the unrepentant;
    It is the life of the Christian and
    The judgment of the wicked,
    It is the presence of the Risen Christ!

    Never ceasing, He has always been,
    From eternity to eternity;
    There at Creation, there at the Judgment,
    The Alpha and the Omega- beginning and end,
    He is the Risen Christ!

    Worship Him for His power!
    Glorify Him for His purpose!
    Worship Him in His presence!
    Worship the Risen Christ!


    Because He did not spare Him;
    The Father placed Him there...

    Because He did not spare Him;
    My sins held Him there...

    Because He did not spare Him;
    Oh how he suffered there…

    On Calvary’s cruel tree!

    How could this be?
    The great Father, He Who loved His only Son
    With love beyond degree
    Deliver Him, bruise Him, kill Him
    For a sinner such as me?

    And to what cause was this sacrifice made?
    That of which the world has not seen before
    Nor will see again?
    Alas I see it was ot because of what He had done,
    but Because of my great sin!

    My mind can not comprehend,
    My mouth can not answer,
    My heart can not tell,

    Yet this I know…

    Because He did not spare Him;
    Redemption’s work is done

    Because He did not spare Him;
    Justified I stand

    Because He did not spare Him;
    Glorified I’ll be

    Because He did not spare Him;
    Death met it's great defeat

    What shall I say?
    What can I do?
    Such love to repay!

    The Father did not spare Him;
    His grace to manifest

    The Father did not spare Him;
    That glorified He'd be!

    The Father did not Spare Him;
    And now exalted He stands

    May my praise be continually a song of
    Exceeding joy!


    The Father did not spare Him
  6. donnA

    donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    You guys all have christian poery, and so far I haven't written anything christian. Heres one I did a few years ago, it is copyrighted as it was also published. All the others are love poetry, not your kind of thing I think

    Falling Leaves

    I watched the wind blow today.
    Or rather the results of the wind blowing.
    It blew through the dry dead leaves on the ground.
    It mixed them all together as they tumbled over each other.
    It even lifted a few up into the air, there they met with other leaves
    blown off the same trees by that same wind as they made their journey,
    slowly spinning downward.
    Together they landed on a bed of leaves waiting for them.

    Leaves trurning brown, past their prime, once brilliant green,
    turned to an even more brillant array of color.
    Brilliant colors of a past hope, you see, they weren't
    dying and slowly drifting to their death. They were dead
    alread, from the moment they turned their brilliant color
    they began to die, the color merely their last fight for
    life, dead when they slipped from the tree that birthed
    them. Going the way of all other leaves before them, vicitms
    of circumstane I should think.
    I watched the wind blow today.

    Donna Davis
  7. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 18, 2006
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    You are welcome
  8. billreber

    billreber New Member

    Apr 14, 2005
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    Here's one I wrote this Christmas. I have published three books of my poetry now, which can be found at www.lulu.com. Just search for my name, William Reber. Hope you enjoy this one.​

    Going Home

    (A well-known song says there’s no place like home for the holidays,
    but on that point I have to totally disagree. . .)

    It’s the place where you are always welcome,
    No matter the time or the season,
    Where the people there will always love you,
    Where you can go for any reason:
    Home! We all know exactly what it means!
    There’s Mom and Dad, and sisters and brothers,
    Uncles and aunts, cousins, even close friends,
    And all sorts of significant others.

    But there IS something even better than that!
    Think how it will be on the Final Day,
    When Christ Jesus returns to take us HOME!,
    To live in peace, with Him forever to stay.
    HOME!Not just for the Christmas season,
    But for eternity, with angels and saints, saved
    From all the ages, worshipping our God
    On the streets that with gold He has paved!

    There will be no tears, no fighting, no grief;
    There will be singing and praising of the Name
    Above all names, songs from the ages sung aloud
    With one desire from all – to honor His fame!
    No evil, no sin, will ever bother us again,
    And, together, folks from every nation and group
    Will work, play, and sing to the Glory of God,
    And each child of God is part of His troop.

    But the best is yet to be announced. . .
    The Lord God Almighty will be there,
    And we, His children, will live with Him
    Forever, together, with never a care!
    HOME! Then we shall know Him fully,
    And we will fully know what was done
    To be saved by our God, chosen by Him,
    To be HOME! forever, with Jesus the Son.
  9. Onlybygrace

    Onlybygrace New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Hey Donna, thanks for the poem.

    I didn't intend the thread to only include Christian poetry. The criteria is that it is wholesome. I write on a variety of subjects and experiences. So go ahead and talk about love, I personally have no problem with that, we Baptists also fall in love...er...in a Organised, God-honoring and Biblical way of course!!! :laugh:

    May I also suggest that each author briefly preface the poem telling us kind of what it is about, maybe also sketch the circumstances around its writing and then if it is a specialised form like an acrostic or haiku to inform us and explain, so we can appreciate your work more. :1_grouphug:
  10. donnA

    donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    i haven't really decided what mines about, except life. my love poetry is clean, but I don't think I'd feel right sharing them here.
  11. billreber

    billreber New Member

    Apr 14, 2005
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    Is this all of us who write poetry? No wonder the world is going down!:laugh: :laugh:

    Come on, folks, show us what you've written! Here's another of mine:

    Fog Fountain

    As the fog lifted, beauty abounded . . .
    White frosted tree limbs drooped down,
    Framed by a brilliant blue sky.
    It seemed like a frozen fountain might be,
    A most beautiful sight for us to see.
    The frost glittered in the sunlight,
    And even the tree trunks looked great!
    Yet another tribute to the Master Artist’s skill!

    ©2009 William L. Reber
    Too bad the picture I based this on is too big to put on BB!
    Bill :godisgood:

  12. Onlybygrace

    Onlybygrace New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Wow thanks for the great poetry guys.

    Here's another one of mine. It is a short acrostic entitled "DAWN". An acrostic is a poem where the letters of the title form the first letter of the first word of every line and vertically spell the title.
    I have been working on a new form of acrostic which I have titled an analytical acrostic. It combines alliteration with a set number of words per line. This is my second experiment with it and I hope to refine it and have it recognized as an official poetry style. Here there are 6 words per line and each word begins with the letter on the acrostic.

    Dazzlingly decorative daybreak display driving darkness

    Away and arranging an amazing artwork

    Waking weary wards with warm whispers

    Naturally neutralising night’s nocturnal numbing
  13. billreber

    billreber New Member

    Apr 14, 2005
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    Now we can put pictures on BB. At the top of the page, click "Community", then click "Pictures & Albums". Check out my pics, including the Fog Fountain!

  14. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    DONNA! I did NOT know you wrote! That is awesome and just my style. Lovely work, please share more!
  15. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Though Spring has yielded to Summer Sun
    And Summer to Autumn's harvests of grain
    Though Winter has put on her frosted coat
    Still you, my Savior, reign

    As snow sparkles on this frozen desert
    And Sun strives to warm this land in vain
    While searching I wander yet do know
    Still you, my Savior, reign

    The iron grasp of Cold now hugging fierce
    Threads through dense forest and icy plain
    Breath is frozen and chill runs too deep
    Still you, my Savior, reign

    Look to the sky with just one final breath
    Iced hands in silver have my body slain
    Her claim untrue, I rise to you because
    Still you, my Savior, reign.

    © 2009 Gina Locke

    I wrote this while living in North Pole, Alaska.

    Interior Alaska is a beautiful place and very inspiring! This poem was written as a tribute to the intense bond one can feel with both nature and the spiritual while in the midst of this awesome state. I am not speaking of a literal death in the end, although if one wants they could read it as such. (and out here, freezing to death does happen on a regular basis!) It is more of a death towards that which we do not need. It is easy to become independent and think we do not need God. This poem is my way of expressing that no matter what the season or circumstance, my Savior reigns and I want that to always be. It is AMAZING that no matter what happens, no matter what failures there are, how disappointing, joyful, or mundane circumstances may be, God is THERE for us! We're these little insignificant ants crawling around, capable of being wiped out, frozen to death in minutes, eaten by a beast, ran over by a car, whatever...and instead of seeing us as such, He raises us up as His sons and daughters. AMEN!
  16. donnA

    donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Things like this rarely happen to me. But I do have one other poem that was also published, like I said, it is a love poem though. This is by far the nicest one.
    I know absolutely nothing about writing, just what sounds good to me.
  17. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Anyone who talks or reads knows something about writing...even if just by default.
    Sounds like what you have is a natural gift. You surprise me pretty good every once in a while, woman! What else do ya got up your sleeve as far as hidden talents? :thumbs:
  18. billreber

    billreber New Member

    Apr 14, 2005
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    Gina, I love your poem! Thanks for sharing it.

    Bill :godisgood:
  19. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    I wrote this poem when I became a Canadian in the 70's:

    What is a Canadian? I want to know.
    I ask continually, but no one knows.
    Some say they were born here,
    And that makes them so. Others, They just came here, and that
    Makes them so.

    What is a Canadian? I want to know.
    If he exists, how does he know?
    He has a paper that says it's so,
    But in his heart, does he really know?
    It seems we are a scattered bunch,
    Each to his own apart.

    What is a Canadian? I want to know.
    This country's natives do not claim,
    Except the land is their domain.
    There must be more than a domicile,
    To be Canadian without shame.

    What is a Canadian? I want to know.
    I know, he once was proud, the
    Maple Leaf to show abroad. But now,
    I wonder, and sometimes aloud,
    What is a Canadian? I want to know.


  20. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    LOL Bill! I guess the world is a little big for a single photo, but thanks for inspiring me to go look outside!

    Here's another one from me too...I usually don't share my freeverse on this board because people here seem to like more disciplined styles, but what can I say...I'm a stinkin' liberal! :laugh: I've never found anyone who thought much of this one, but of everything I've written, poetry or otherwise, this is my favorite.

    Chasing Glory

    This is what I offer:
    My heart, my soul, my desire
    Body, mind, and spirit.
    There's just one catch.
    It's framed in humanity
    Frail, weak, responsive
    To lusts of the flesh
    Thoughts of the illogical
    That which you hate.
    You created me human
    With divine expectations
    I will never fulfill
    Cannot fulfill
    While breath is in me
    Yet this is your command.
    To believe is to obey
    So I rise to your challenge
    Only to fall to the earth
    Once again part of the dust
    As was before life was formed
    Is it more natural to return
    To the terrestrial or to yours?
    The struggle drags on
    You the spotless lamb
    I the black sheep, your shadow
    Finding merit only through you
    Who veils himself invisible
    Calling yourself light
    While I follow in the dark
    My grasping thoughts pursuing
    The unattainable glory of you.

    © 2008 Gina Locke