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Another reason to homeschool

Discussion in 'Homeschooling Forum' started by Gina B, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Abortion abounds and our money stays in America. Oil is bought from Muslim countries and our money goes there.

    As a pastor I was a part of the change started in a school while most of the pastors in the area I contacted asking for help did nothing except to tell me it would not make any difference. It did make a difference. I also taught at a high school and instituted change in the state and at the high school I taught at. It also changed the students lives as well. That was done in accordance with the law and who I am as a person. Why should Christians give up on making change? Should we hide in a corner and roll over and play dead? Several years ago in Vista, CA the Christians got Christians elected on the school board.

    Change does not occur by sitting on the sideline and complaining. It is easy to spot followers. Followers sit on the sideline and complain. Leaders find a way to lead and get things done.
  2. sunniemom

    sunniemom New Member
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    Aug 27, 2008
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    I have no idea how this is relevant to this discussion. We are talking about rearing our children according to Biblical principles, not about trying to change society or whether or not we should move to Costa Rica.
  3. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    In post #1 was written:

    Just in case you're doubting your decision...

    I work in the school system. Between classes I stand in the hallway and make sure kids are safe, there's no fighting, and that when the bell rings, no students are still in the hallway.

    Students who have boyfriends/girlfriends often cling to each other between classes, exchanging long hugs and kissing on the lips. There's no rule against this.

    So what am I seeing on a regular basis?

    Same sex couples clinging, hugging, kissing.

    There's no rule against hugs or kisses so nothing can be said.

    This happens in both the middle schools and high schools.

    Aberrant sexual behavior freely on display between and around kids as young as twelve years old. Lovely, isn't it?

    So my response is that while that may be one reason it is not congruent with the rest of so many people who would advocate such a thing.There are other alternatives to the status quo. Some leave while others make change. Are not we as Christians to be agents of change for Christ. Are we not to be praying for change and to be a part of that change when we can.
  4. sunniemom

    sunniemom New Member
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    Aug 27, 2008
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    I'd say that yes- we are to be agents of change in the sense that we can give the Gospel and live our lives in obedience to Christ, and in that way we can change lives one person at a time.

    As far as this particular topic goes, I don't think our best efforts as agents of change are in attempting to change 'society' or its systems. And having said that, I also don't think it appropriate to put our children 'out there' until they are themselves saved, thoroughly grounded, and mature enough to handle the challenge.

    I would say that it is a good thing that their input be considered as to how they think they can best serve the Lord. If they have proven themselves to be responsible, and believe they can handle going to public school, or if they want to continue their education at home or in a private school, their opinion should carry significant weight by the time they are in their teens.
  5. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    I think that children need to know how to live the Christian life in the world and that is done by the most influential people in their life. Years ago I worked with a youth who started several Bible studies on the high school campus. About 6 months earlier he was rather frisky with the ladies in the youth group. I saw the same thing years earlier. One of the young ladies started a Bible study that soon became about 100. The high school youth group went from about 30 to 130. Later the college group went from about 30 to 250. All started by one young lady seeking to reach her friends.

    Society is made up of people. When God changes people he changes a society. I have an open invitation to return to the high school any time I want to teach again. A lady I know was used by God as a teacher to change the students in a school where she taught. It started by reaching a child who was trouble and when people saw how God worked in that child life it grabbed their attention.

    When we pray God does amazing things.

    While things may seem hopeless God is still God.

    When our God is big the world seems small.
  6. NextGenDisciples

    NextGenDisciples New Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Always an interesting topic

    There are definitely temptations that are faced when kids go to public school that aren't faced when you maintain your kids in homeschooling. I have seen the benefits and downfalls to homeschooling.

    I grew up in public school and did fall into a lot of temptation but through it all and my parents doing their utmost to keep me spiritually grounded and make sure I was in church and involved I think I came out okay. Now on the flip side there are those who do not come out like I did and fall into temptation.

    On the contrary I have known several friends who were homeschooled and in that process some received a better education than I did and they scored very well, I know two who are currently doctors and are well grounded and great Christians. However I have seen people kept in homeschool and kept in the church who got out and were corrupted by the world and not being able to have any early life experiences where they were under their parents roofs and could be corrected and discipled more in the church during those mistakes.

    In the end I think much of it depends on that person and their personality, the balance that is provided because the world can be a shocking truth depending on how much you are kept from it. Temptations can be great to an adult who is no longer under their parents protection and experience things and pleasures of the world. Unless you stay in the Christian bubble in which I'll say you are an ineffective Christian in terms of witnessing for Christ and being the salt and light of the world, eventually everybody will face the temptations of the world. I don't think their is a right answer to this question and it requires a lot of prayer.

    Next Generation Disciples
  7. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    That's very true. However, I am ignorant about what it takes to get change started. I feel very alone and outnumbered and disappointed that most of the believers don't feel there's a need for change or that trying would be completely hopeless. I can't be the only one that feels this way. What would the first step even be after recognizing there's a need for change?

    Nextgen, you bring up a very valid point on personality and how that can make all the difference. I have a child that had a tough time dealing with public schooling in the beginning, but now she shines and has maintained her love for Christ. There is another one that concerns me. She has a different personality and while I am starting to see her become more mature in being herself and not wanting so bad to be like everyone else, it's still not good and I'm considering pulling her out of attendence next year for her own spiritual benefit, although she doesn't want that and I'm not sure if it would cause her to rebel and just make things worse. Maybe she's old enough to make that decision. I don't know.

    But yes, personality has TONS to do with how a child does in a public school setting and if they are strong enough to handle it without going wayward in their Christian life. Many will say "well, they'll be in the world when they're adults so they may as well get used to it," but for now they're still children and we still have to consider our job as parents and that they will be more mature once they're old enough to be on their own.
  8. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    I would suggest that you talk with someone who is a Christian who is also a teacher, administrator, or school board member. another thing you can do is to volunteer in a school such as helping kids with their homework, etc.
  9. abcgrad94

    abcgrad94 Active Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    Our church tried to do this, but we were denied. We wanted to have a tutoring time for kids after school. Nope. We were told we had to maintain a separation between "church and state" meaning "church and school."
  10. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    You can do things as an individual that a church cannot do.