I am somewhat old fashioned. Introduction, point one, point two, point three and conclusion. I also like alliteration. It helps to remember and keep me in order. I only take the outline into pulpit, but also type out quotes to read.
Sermon text...Deut 32:7
"Remember he days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask your father, and he will show you; your elders, and they will tell you.
3 kinds of memory: sensory (fleeting awareness)
Short term -working.
Long term -storehouse.
1. Remember and forget not...Deut 9:7
2. Remember the many generations.Deut 32:7
3. Remember me..Judges 16:28
These were my sermon notes of an actual sermon I preached to veterans. This is all I took into the pulpit along with my Bible.
Each of the point are obviously explained and illustrated. For example, I started this sermon with a poem..Jenny Kissed Me, and then talked about my first kiss,memory. You get the idea.
Never liked lengthy notes; most preaching was off the cuff, so to speak.