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Open office.org


20,000 Posts Club
I recently had openoffice.org installed.

I was making some correspondence, but today, I must have hit a wrong button, because every time I hit "enter" the cursor goes to the next line (like it should) but it automatically inserts a sequential number. :confused:

How can I turn that :eek: operation off :rolleyes: ?


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
This is from OO help file, not sure I follow it but didn't look too long.

To Enable Automatic Numbering and Bulleting

  1. Choose Tools - AutoCorrect Options, click the Options tab, and then select “Apply numbering – symbol”.
  2. Choose Format - AutoCorrect, and ensure that While Typing is selected.

The automatic numbering option is only applied to paragraphs that are formatted with the "Default", "Text body", or "Text body indent" paragraph style.

To Create a Numbered or Bulleted List While You Type

  1. Type 1., i., or I. to start a numbered list. Type * or - to start a bulleted list. You can also type a right parenthesis after the number instead of a period , for example, 1) or i).
  2. Enter a space, type your text, and then press Enter. The new paragraph automatically receives the next number or bullet.
  3. Press Enter again to finish the list.