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Us Old Guys

Discussion in 'Pastoral Ministries' started by Tom Bryant, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. Tom Bryant

    Tom Bryant Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Let me preface this by being personal. I turned 60 this year and been here for 13 years. I know that the probability of being called to another church at my age is the same as it snowing here in SW Florida this afternoon. So I understand that, in terms of time, I am running out of ministry moments. I figure that barring a major medical issue, I probably have 15 years of ministry time left. And I would love to spend it pastoring these people in Osprey.

    So these thots have occurred to me. Maybe we can discuss them not for me but for all us old guys.

    What are we doing to maintain freshness spiritually, physically and mentally?

    What are we doing to not go on cruise control?
  2. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Im not that far behind you buddy but Ive just started in a new career & in a new industry so there is much to learn & since I'm so new to Christianity (approx 17 months) I am still riding the wave of Christ as my Lord & Savior. And I tell you that through the empowerment of the HS, I am stimulated to learn & grow in the faith as Ive never thought possible. How & why the lord would give His grace to such a rank & foul a sinner I cannot fathom but there it is. Thing is, I never wanted to be saved...never wanted the grace so as the kids often like to say....."THIS IS TOTALLY AWESOME":jesus:
  3. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    I am not so certain that age is a factor. I am considerably older than 60, suffered strokes that took my speech and short-term memory. Three years to the day, I resumed ministry at my old church. When I found this too difficult, I took on visiting other shut-in seniors and stroke victims.

    Oddly enough, a pastor in the next village retired at 65, and his church invited me to be their pastor. I was only 80 at that time.

    In the early days of my ministry, pensions were not available. We planned on preaching until God called us home. Retirement only became a thought after pensions came into being.

    The same is true of degrees. Years past we got a minimum of theological schooling and learned in our own studies. Advanced theological studies were meant for those seeking to teach.

    Just a few thoughts from an oldtimer, who still ministers.


  4. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    I love hearing that story Jim.....thanks :thumbs:
  5. govteach51

    govteach51 New Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    I was bi-voc Minister of Music until my mid-40s when my church decided that they wanted a younger man full time with a music degree, my MDiv is in theology.( The entire move was political, a deacon's son-in-law was called as the new Music Minister.) I thought when I was asked to leave I would be able to find a part time postilion, even would do one for free, but I have not. Luckily, I had my regular job and recently retired from it after 30+ yrs.

    I am not to the point in my life I would like to try and do God's will,but so far, I feel like Moses's bunch wandering in the wilderness...I am sort of like you, I don't want to get into a boring mindless routine.
    #5 govteach51, Nov 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2011
  6. revmwc

    revmwc Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
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    Well I am close behind you, have been working on the road since 2001 and find something somewhere to do to teach or preach while on the road.
    Right now I am volunteering in a prison on Wednesday night. Had 78 last night and high of 96 men in a service on Wednesday night. Service last from 7 to 9 and if I preach over an hour I get no complaints.
    The church I am a member of back home has a youth lead service every time a month has 5 Sundays in it, the youth chose their speakers and even over 50 they have had me speak twice this year.

    Just completed studies via CD and test for my thM and plan to begin my thD studies shortly. Keeps one sharp that way. So even as you get older their are ministries you can do as a volunteer.

    The church I attended as a young person and into my later years had a man in his 70's that started a nursing home ministry. I had the privilege when I was in my mid-thirties to take that ministry over for a while. There are many types of things you can do as a volunteer after retirement and between pastorates if you are working.

    I have been an interim music director, taught Sunday School, supplying for churches when home for an extended period of time between assignments. Many things you can do after you can't pastor fulltime or while not pastoring fulltime if you are in tune with God and listening to the Holy Spirit.
  7. revmwc

    revmwc Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
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    Go to the TDCJ website, Chaplancy portion and fill out the volunteer application. Once that is complete and they run approvals on you they will send you a letter with further instructions.
    You will need to find a facility that has an orientation scheduled and contact the unit chaplain. Once you have completed that then you can volunteer to teach preach or many things in any TDCJ unit by just contacting the Chaplain to see where he can use you.
    I did and am currently teaching on a Wednesday night in a TDCJ unit.
    God can use you and this may be a way.
  8. exscentric

    exscentric Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2004
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    "What are we doing to maintain freshness spiritually, physically and mentally?"

    Well, physically I kept on showering when I got to the other end of life :) When my job was outsourced I knew the end was near if I didn't keep occupied. Bought a bike and have been riding three miles a day for 12 years or so along with walking daily.

    Spiritually and mentally: At the same time as biking I started doing coffee at the fast food joints while doing a Bible study for myself. I take a book at a time and just study the Word then read through a number of commentaries etc. and set down my thoughts.

    I also taught basic computer classes for poor folks in the neighborhood. Lots of fun. Students from late teens to 80's.

    In general, there are many churches in the country that cannot support full time pastors that often take on older pastors. It helps the pastor and church financially while the church gains the many years of experience.

    We have a little neighborhood church that has had five pastors in fifteen or so years. Three of the five were in their late 70's and died in office but the church was blessed by all of them.
  9. Rippon

    Rippon Well-Known Member
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    Dec 12, 2005
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    I got a kick out of that one Jim. Only 80 at that time,huh? :)
  10. SaggyWoman

    SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    I appreciate your openness and certainly your asking of these questions.

    Although I am probably half your age....:)rolleyes:) Well, maybe 2/3 your age, they certainly have crossed my mind. I don't preach or pastor in the same way you do, but in my "congregation", call it what you will, I have wondered how to remain fresh. I think I struggle more with how much younger people in church are than me and that I have an obligation to train them up so they can be leaders. Have you ever thought about having some younger men (or women) help you in the pulpit--team tag? Or help you and walk beside you in ministry? Maybe they can give you fresh insight for ways to minister.

    Some of my older pastor friends, though not pastoring in church, have filled in a lot as pulpit supply. One friend is 80 and is still filling in. Life is not over when you retire.
  11. Tom Bryant

    Tom Bryant Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Don't sell yourself short. In a real sense, you pastor (shepherd) your group! So we all do have to keep fresh spiritually as well as mentally.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I don't think that retirement is the end. In fact when I do retire, I plan on doing interim work. And I am looking forward to it.
  12. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    I turn 60 too in a couple of weeks, Tom. Physically I'm not doing that great. Spiritually I struggle. Really weary right now from a 6 year term in Japan.

    Mentally I'm doing much better. I've found a new niche to study within missions, which is Bible translation. So I've been reading a lot, stretching my mind, and have even been asked to do an essay. The subject is challenging and deep, so I figure I can go on learning for quite a while, and hopefully be a help to others.

    So for those our age with mental aging, I suggest finding something new to study: a period of church history, relearn or learn a Biblical language, find a certain doctrine to get expert on (except for Cal/Arm :laugh:). They say this helps delay the onset of dementia. Or something. I forget. :flower:
  13. Mexdeaf

    Mexdeaf New Member

    Mar 14, 2005
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    I just turned 55, but I feel 45. Just finished a two-mile run-walk this a.m. Recently returned to college to work on a Master's degree. Just hanging out with younger people helps- plus ministry opportunities crop up. Hoping to get into teaching at the college in order to supplement my part-time ministry income when I graduate.

    I'd advise anyone looking for a ministry (or something to do) to try taking a class or two at a local college, or work as a tutor- some tutoring jobs pay well. Young folks today are not as much against God as they are looking for something to believe in. Since we know Who that "something" should be, opportunities will present themselves.
  14. exscentric

    exscentric Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2004
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    "find a certain doctrine to get expert on"

    Sounds like a good idea, could you remind me what "doctrine" means, don't remember :)
  15. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    Are you coming down with Alz..., Alshi..., you know, that disease where you forget things?
  16. glfredrick

    glfredrick New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    I'm 55 and just getting back into the pulpit ministry. I walk 4-6 miles a day, am strong, and my blood pressure is as good as it was when I was in my 20s. I've just lost 30 pounds (4 notches in my good leather belt) and am ready for the next 20 years!

    The thing that I've seen that mostly hinders older pastors is not their age, but their culture. They tend to get lost in an era that no longer exists, and with them, their church as well, making their efforts at being missional mostly null and void. When the illustrations from the pulpit ring of Billy Graham and WWII trenches, then they are out of touch with a world that revolves around electronic and social media. Fortunately, the gospel never changes, so no true pastor of God's flock will be completely irrelevant, but they can be almost there, if for no other reason, their lack of ability to cause people to "hear" that good word in a language they can grasp.

    Though I can make no claims to being as culturally relavant as the up and coming generation of techy persons, I've worked hard to keep up and to stay relevant. I am as comfortable with a 20 something who loves indie music, candles, and liturgy as his expressions of worship as I am with the Builder Generation and their emphasis on saving for a rainy day, hoarding, and difficulty with change. Why? Because I can exegete the populace as well as executing Scripture and have found both necessary for work in extending the kingdom of God through His local congregation.
  17. exscentric

    exscentric Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2004
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    I don't remember :)