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I think I might be called

Discussion in 'Pastoral Ministries' started by TheBibleSender, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. TheBibleSender

    TheBibleSender New Member

    Mar 27, 2002
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    I was wondering if some of you could tell me how you knew you were being called to be a Pastor and also pray that God would give me wisdom in this.
  2. dh1948

    dh1948 Member
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    Oct 11, 2003
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    The advice I was given some 40 years ago was, "Don't do it unless you have to." Pretty wise advice if you think on it for a while. I had to!! Blessings to you, my brother.
  3. mont974x4

    mont974x4 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    I have heard that advice too. I used to think it was good, but have since changed my mind. There was a time when training for the ministry was a high priority and if it became clear the person was not called they consider another field. We have come to the point where people are saying, "Well, nothing else I have done was right for me, so maybe I should consider the ministry?" That isn't good for us or for the church. Now, I am not saying we abandon this idea altogether, but we need to tweak it. It is true that I have had a lot of jobs. Some of them were a lot of fun. None of them satisfied my soul. I am compelled to preach and have a deep urge to teach. That, however, is not my go-to reason for becoming a pastor.
    Some (not all) questions to ask yourself...because others will ask them of you.
    1. Do you feel led to ministry? You answered yes already. Describe how you were called.
    2. What gifts do you have?
    3. What gifts do others say you have?
    4. What do others say when you say you feel led to the ministry?
    5. What makes you sure you're called? This is where you might say, "I've done a lot of jobs but nothing satisfies me like preaching." Or, something to that effect.

    My point is that your opinion of past jobs is not the key reason. Ordaining counsels and pastor search committees want to know how you are hearing from God and what counsel you seek.

    This is a big deal and you are wise in seeking prayer and counsel. The warnings to pastors and teachers in Scripture are severe and this is not something to be rushed into.
  4. TheBibleSender

    TheBibleSender New Member

    Mar 27, 2002
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    Thanks for the advice. I have been at my job for 13 years so I actually think that works in my favor. That I am not just looking for another job. mont974x4 those are some good questions and I will try and answer them

    1. Do you feel led to ministry? You answered yes already. Describe how you were called.

    I have had several instances in my life were I have had thoughts of this. I often quickly dismissed this giving excuses such as it would be a waste to go to Bible college because the world was soon going to end or because I had a wife and kids. Many times I told myself that because I run a Bible and tract ministry that there is no way God would want me to do this. Lately I have become restless at my job. I have been desiring to do more with my life that just work a job but wanting to spend much more time doing things that will matter for eternity.
    2. What gifts do you have?

    It is hard I think for a person to describe their own gifts without sound arrogant or proud.
    3. What gifts do others say you have?

    Many people that I have mentioned this to have told me that they thought I would have done this many years ago. I have the opportunity to preach several times a year at my church and I seem to be "good" at it.

    4. What do others say when you say you feel led to the ministry?
    Same as above.
    5. What makes you sure you're called? This is where you might say, "I've done a lot of jobs but nothing satisfies me like preaching." Or, something to that effect.

    Again I am not sure. I feel like this is what God wants me to do. I have just recently been trying to have more faith and trust in God more. I have live a majoirty of my Christian life doing things in the flesh and when I came to that conclusion a few months ago God really convicted me of that.

    So again that is why I am seeking counsel and asking for prayers. I have an open door to meet with a Pastor in a few weeks to come and preach on a Sunday night. I guess we will see what goes from there. thanks again. God bless. :)
  5. michael-acts17:11

    Site Supporter

    Sep 30, 2010
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    In Scripture, God called men & women to different tasks. They never had a doubt that God was speaking to them. These days, men have a feeling or desire and think it may possible be the call of God. If God calls you to a task, He will not leave any room for doubt. I believe there are many, MANY pastors who are not "called". They do not have the ability to teach God's Word; only preach topical sermons that leave the congregation spiritually shallow & Biblically ignorant after listening to him for decades. The tragedy at FBC/Hyles-Anderson is a prime example of this phenomenon. Tens of thousands of members & students didn't have the spiritual depth to discern the truth. Remember, EVERY member of the Body is called to fulfill their function within the Body. If you think you are called to preach, I would highly recommend that you study Scripture to see what it really means to be called to preach. It is not synonymous with pastoring.
  6. mont974x4

    mont974x4 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    That's true, Michael. We often equate preaching with pastoring and that simply is not the case. I know some fine preachers who cannot pastor. I know some fine pastors who cannot preach. Being a pastor is being a shepherd, tending and protecting the flock. That is hard work that is done in the trenches.
  7. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    4. What do others say when you say you feel led to the ministry?

    WHAT! Are you out of your mind......You are a proficient sinner........you must be crazy! :laugh:
  8. mont974x4

    mont974x4 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    Takes one to know one. LOL

    In all seriousness other people can be a great help here, or a hindrance. Either way they may still be used by God to confirm a call. I had one pastor tell me, "You are certainly called, but your divorced so your done." I had another (in response to me telling him I was praying about full time ministry) say,"You're already do the work of a pastor. Let's make it official." He helped me get my first pastoral position and get started with formal pastoral education. After my ordination service my dad hugged me and said, "It's about time!" I also had someone say, "You are clearly gifted and called to pastor, but you can't do it here." That was when I was fired for believing in the perseverance of the saints.

    I am sure every pastor on BB has their own stories like these. The bottom line is a deep desire to obey God and do what He has called us to do. In the end we trust Him to qualify the called, because He never has called the qualified.
  9. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    I hope you understand....what I stated is what they would say about me. And they are not wrong. :smilewinkgrin:
  10. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Besides....I would target church planting (in my own neighborhood) & discipleship. Im not a preacher or a pastor.
  11. Tom Bryant

    Tom Bryant Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    If God is calling you, Praise the Lord!

    These are just sort of random thoughts:

    There are lots of different areas about pastoring. Preaching is the biggest public part, but not really the biggest part. Pastoring includes caring for the people God has called you to lead. Pastoring also is a call to leadership of a group of people. Pastoring is also immensely servant oriented.

    But there are lots of areas where you can pastor. It might be as the lead pastor of a church. But it might also be in leadership of a ministry. Who you pastor might be from serniors to children. All of those groups need pastors. Those who serve on staff of a church are as called to pastor as the man who is in the main leadership position.

    To the Baptist alliterative in me, I say my job is to lead, feed and intercede.

    Praying for you!
  12. Jkdbuck76

    Jkdbuck76 Well-Known Member
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    Jan 8, 2007
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    I have known since my teen years that I have been called by God into the ministry--especially preaching. It was as plain as the nose on my face. however, I wasted many many many years running from Him and His call on my life. I now know my place. God has called me to be a "relief pitcher" of sorts--I am the Plan B guy or the go-to guy at our church for the deacon ministry for I am an ordained deacon and I'm the go-to guy for preaching as I was licensed by our church to the gospel ministry. Will I ever be a full-time Senior Pastor at a church? Probably not. But my Mom says "you never know, Brian!"

    I think it was Greg Locke (or was it Paul Washer??) who once said "When a man asks me how do I know God has called me into the ministry? I usually answer You start to ask questions like that.

    In other words, the fact that you are asking means that God is probably showing it to you. You'll be in my prayers, brother.
  13. mont974x4

    mont974x4 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    LOL and me too...as well as every person who was ever called.

    I think there is a lot of wisdom in the idea that if you are asking these questions then God is probably calling you to something rather substantial, ministry speaking.