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Featured Treating others on the BB with kindness

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by evangelist6589, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. evenifigoalone

    evenifigoalone Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2013
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    I was wondering the same thing about myself.
  2. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member
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    Aug 23, 2002
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    I'm glad you're here.

    I don't have anyone on my ignore list.
    I keep no records and my memory is short.
    I enjoy well thought out posts and consider some people friends even though I may disagree with them about a particular topic.

  3. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    No worries ... Robs good people.....so was Mexdeaf ...but they run that poor guy off. Arbo, RegularBaptist, Tom Bryant, Jim, and a whole lot more...REALLY GOOD GUYS but got sick of the place...very little Christian love I am afraid.
  4. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Thank you...too bad you and Padre Durant aren't closer...think id enjoy having you both as pastors and friends.:thumbsup:
  5. HAMel

    HAMel Well-Known Member
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    Nov 15, 2009
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    Mine isn't opinion, I know what he said and what he means and where he stood, so ti's actually objective. Your's is all baseless accusations, unfounded denigrations and presuppositions, things which those in the church practice upon others, and to which helps buffer the world's opinion that the 'church' is ignorant, self-righteous, and condemnatory of things she knows not.

    Gotcha'. My personal belief's/opinions are, as you say, "baseless, unfounded denigrations and presuppositions".

    What you're saying is that you have the inside track with folks like me just trying to catch up. Okay, no problem, really, as you are certainly entitled to your opinion while my opinion is but sewage water. I can handle that.

    You have a good day.

    RIPP0NWV New Member

    Jun 6, 2013
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    Do you ever shut up?
  7. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    I think that is a good post, especially the second point.
  8. HAMel

    HAMel Well-Known Member
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    Nov 15, 2009
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    RIPP0NWV, the comment was to create a "sidebar". Sidebars shift the issue off into another direction and soon, the sidebar is what everyone is concerned with vise the real issue. It's like shifting the burden of proof off the guilty and toward another. It happens all the time.

    The issue was the dealing with bullies and ended up shifting to the great and wonderful works of another preacher who stated we need to be baptized by the Holy Spirit..., but that's not really what he meant nor what he believed. Was this old boy senile in his later years?
  9. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    The thing I like about this quote is that Christ demands change from our innermost being. Matthew 6 talks about the ten commandments of murder and adultery. Not murdering or not committing adultery is the same thing in the quote of controlling our actions. It cleans up the outside. Christ takes the sin of adultery to include even looking at a woman in lust and playing with the image. He demands pure thoughts and well as stopped actions. This is the inside.

    You are so right, the idea of not getting back is hard enough, but to inwardly not feel resentment is impossible in our own power, but all is possible with the Lord.
  10. Rippon

    Rippon Well-Known Member
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    Dec 12, 2005
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    Hey! I agree with all of the above.
  11. Rippon

    Rippon Well-Known Member
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    Dec 12, 2005
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    Not at all. He had a sharp mind till the last. Instead of demeaning the Doctor when you just recently heard of him --why don't you actually read one of books? It doesn't have to be Joy Unspeakable. He preached through books of the Bible --check out his sermons on Romans or Ephesians for example. I think you'd be in for a blessing.
  12. Benjamin

    Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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    Hey! I have to agree too, you guys were/are so :love2: …so kind to point/keep pointing out this poster’s personal flaws and to insist on his lack of integrity instead of sticking to his prior meaningless agenda to discuss the topic of “Are You A Pharisee?” in that thread or to let this one proceed without this important reminder.:love2: How dare he suggest “bullying” and defend his honor!!:(

    In the name of kindness I suggest we now submit his picture to be placed by the definition of “plagiarism” in the Webster Dictionary. :smilewinkgrin:
  13. Rippon

    Rippon Well-Known Member
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    Dec 12, 2005
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    Hiya Benny. How have you been?
  14. Benjamin

    Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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    Fairly good. Enjoying some of the shifts in life, and you?
  15. Rippon

    Rippon Well-Known Member
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    Dec 12, 2005
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    About the same as you I guess. There have been plenty of shifts in my life --especially living here in the West Virginia of China.
    #55 Rippon, Nov 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2013
  16. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    #56 Luke2427, Nov 18, 2013
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  17. HAMel

    HAMel Well-Known Member
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    Nov 15, 2009
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    Well, after several pages of check and check mate with some of you..., I have decided to openly admit that some of you folks are actually..., in real life..., smarter than Lassie when it comes to knowing the mind of the Lord! I'm impressed.

    Yes indeed. I had a very good nights sleep last night and during this time the Lord spoke to me advising that I should redefine the word "bully" (here on this forum) and how I apply said term. In fact, I'm now convinced that none of you are actually "bullies" but rather..., God's Right Hand Man/Men and I should stand in awe with those He has chose to so endow with such knowledge and wisdom and insight. Especially concerning that preacher and his Baptism of the Holy Spirit position.

    I'm quite sure the Lord feels extremely blessed to have caused your existence. I have been humbled having opportunity to exchange with you. Oh woe is me. Oh, the agony of it all. I should have been able to see right from the start.

    Between you all and me however, there are many who don't have the courage to stand up against bullies. You folks (and you know who you are) appear to be as stuffed as Christmas Turkey's. Stuffed full of ego and self-worth. Perhaps you should attempt to reach out to those other individuals who cower in fear of your status?
  18. Benjamin

    Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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    I’m afraid you might not have understood the meaning of my prior post through all the satire I used. If not, read it through this light: I was making a pointing that this thread was supposed to be about kindness, IOWs this business was off topic, another example of derailing for the purposes to pick on someone, with yet another (ongoing) personal attack on you which was unnecessary, uncalled was indeed amounting to a "bullying tactic".

    Then I made light of those who continue to try to pin this plagiarism thing on you as to insult your integrity – IOWs that's how it was coming across to you so if this makes them happy why don’t they just get it over with. So I sarcastically suggested that they submit your picture to have it placed by the definition in the dictionary if they were so out to pin it on you (bully you). I know I can be hard to read sometimes but if there is any doubt in your mind I wish you to rest assured that my motive was to bring the thread back on topic (being kind, not you again) and to demonstrate that these uncalled for insinuations against you were anything but kind. The matter of defining "plagiarism" was secondary to where all this was leading...

    As a matter of fact, in your defense I would say you were probably unsuspecting that the first typical “set up” comment leading to this matter in your previous thread, “Are You a Pharisee?” was about to become an accusation of plagiarism. I do not believe that you tried to hide anything! I believe such issues were not even on your mind. But, sure enough next it was "insinuated" you were being dishonest about it. Then you were ganged up to pin you to the definition of “stealing” someone else intellectual property as if you had committed a crime and were trying to get away with “it” (them "appearing" to claim dishonesty which IS an assault on your integrity, but I believe the truth is that “it” was honestly insignificant to you at the time). All this behavior was indeed not kind to you and your description which pinned this behavior as bullying fits much better than the accusation of you being dishonest with plagiarism they were trying to pin on you as far as I’m concerned. At best this "insinuation" of dishonesty was being overlooked with this defining your act as plagiarism. At least that was they way you were taking it, so not very kind! That was my point to Rippon and the others.

    Now, maybe Rippon’s reply to me was with some understanding of what I was getting to and was an appeal that it was best to change the subject with a friendly greeting, I don’t know.

    I didn’t want to even bring this up again (“add more fuel to the fire” as they say) but don’t want to leave it unsaid that I wasn’t fanning the flames toward you but quite the contrary in case you misunderstood “my” intentions which often don't come across as they should in a format like this.:tonofbricks:

    Hope we're good...
    #58 Benjamin, Nov 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2013
  19. HAMel

    HAMel Well-Known Member
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    Nov 15, 2009
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    I’m afraid you might not have understood the meaning of my prior post through all the satire I used. If not, read it through this light: I was making a pointing that this thread was supposed to be about kindness, IOWs this business was off topic, another example of derailing for the purposes to pick on someone, with yet another (ongoing) personal attack on you which was unnecessary, uncalled was indeed amounting to a "bullying tactic".

    Benjamin, thanks for responding. In all truth, the post you're referring to did seem to come across as supportive but then, I really wasn't for sure. Thanks for cleaning that up.

    What is interesting to me is that a thread such as this one will produce 30 to 40 responses (most of them by the same three or four folks) while those who have "checked in to read the mail" will total as many as 600 to 800. I wonder why some others never respond.

    I am fully convinced that being a Christian should not be a burden. I'm also convinced that as believers we should not run and hide. The other day at work (I work a part time job) this guy cuts loose with language suitable for a drunk Marine and I didn't hesitate one second to call him on it. I wasn't rude nor did I degrade him. I just asked that he not use that language. It's not appropriate! He shut his mouth.

    Why do most feel they need to cower behind their belief in the Lord Jesus? What's wrong with being bold? Are most believers that cowardly? Well, truth be know they simply do not want to be pushed around by the BULLIES. Fearful of ridicule! GROW SOME THICK SKIN FOLKS!!! STAND YOUR GROUND!!! Bullies love what they do as it inflates their EGO!!!

    About the only other thing that really bothers me are these FOLKS WHAT KNOW IT ALL!!! GOD'S RIGHT HAND MAN..., if you will!!! You be stupid..., I be smart!!!

    Well, it doesn't take much to outsmart me as I have no documents on any wall in my home from Yale, Princeton or Bob Jones University. Tennessee Temple or any of the other Bible Schools..., but you know what? Some of the most graceful, understanding, compassionate, insightful and so full of wisdom they're about to bust people are..., are those men and women filled with the Holy Spirit seeking after the heart of God. No formal education at all but have way more than the most well educated..

    ...and no, I'm not describing myself here as I'm far from the mark described above. I will however not back down unless and until I am "shown" to be in error.
    #59 HAMel, Nov 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2013
  20. Benjamin

    Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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    Well, you’re speaking to someone with no formal theological education and only recently receiving a formal education of any kind, a college degree, before that I merely had a below standard elementary education and not enough high school to count for much at all. I’ve never been one to be bullied either, just rambled on about this the other day.

    It appears you didn’t know but I recently took part in building another Baptist/Christian discussion board and being my priority was to set it up, rules, guidelines and such to help maintain better management rather than to put myself in a position of authority, which I considered quite a responsibility to be entrusted with and something some others might be better at handling than me. Anyway, that said, I use the title of “Right Hand Man” there rather than Administrator/Moderator as a reminder I was first obligated to serve God, second to serve all the members of the board and should always put myself last.

    I’m guessing that you didn’t know that I carried title under my name on this other forum. ;)

    That's the nature of debate but guidelines should be followed so these situations don't get out of hand and a good rule of thumb is to always try stick to the issues and not the person. It is certainly difficult for me to back down from the face of someone addressing me personally.
    #60 Benjamin, Nov 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2013