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Discussion in 'Books & Publications Forum' started by Crabtownboy, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. Crabtownboy

    Crabtownboy Well-Known Member
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    Feb 12, 2008
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    I haven't updated what I have read recently. So, here are the books I read within the last 6 weeks.

    1. Tying Down the Wind
    2. Hornblower During the Crisis
    3. Street of Eternal Happiness
    4. Two Yeas Before the Mast
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  2. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member
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    Aug 23, 2002
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    Looks like a nautical theme.
    I haven't read a Hornblower book since I was a kid! I'll have to search the basement and see if I have one stored in a box somewhere.

    I recommend two more:
    Skeletons on the Zahara by Dean King (2004)

    Delirious with exhaustion and pain, Riley could no longer stay on a camel or keep up on foot. He began to lag behind. He was losing not just the physical ability but also the will to survive.
    "I cursed my fate aloud," Riley admitted, "and wished I had rushed into the sea before I gave myself up to these merciless beings." But that chance was gone. The captain began to search for a stone, "intending," he confessed, "if I could find a loose one sufficiently large, to knock out my own brains with it." But he did not find a good rock, and as this "paroxysm" passed, his reason returned. (p. 111)​

    The Bounty, The True Story of the Mutiny on the Bounty by Caroline Alexander (2003)
    It's not the romanticized story you read as a kid.
  3. postman pat

    postman pat New Member

    Jul 12, 2016
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  4. Crabtownboy

    Crabtownboy Well-Known Member
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    Feb 12, 2008
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    The Sanctuary Sparrow by Ellis Peters. This is the seventh novel in The Cadfael Chronicles.

    http:// [​IMG]

    March by Geraldine Brooks

  5. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member
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    Aug 23, 2002
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    Crabby, how did you like The Sanctuary Sparrow by Ellis Peters? It looks intriguing!
    Was it a good read? Have you read any of the others in the series?

  6. Crabtownboy

    Crabtownboy Well-Known Member
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    Feb 12, 2008
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    Rob, I have enjoyed all the Ellis Peters books I have read in that series. I have not real all of the books, but will gradually do so. It is light reading, good for resting the mind away from deeper books. I do enjoy the mystery but even more so the descriptions of life in medieval England and Wales. Ell,is Peters is the pen name of Edith Pargeter. She was a linguist-scholar and wrote widely, in many areas other than the Cadfael series. I hope you enjoy reading these tales of monastic life and mystery.

    Below is a list of the books:

    1. A Morbid Taste for Bones (published in August 1977, set in 1137)
    2. One Corpse Too Many (July 1979, set in August 1138)
    3. Monk's Hood (August 1980, set in December 1138)
    4. Saint Peter's Fair (May 1981, set in July 1139)
    5. The Leper of Saint Giles (August 1981, set in October 1139)
    6. The Virgin in the Ice (April 1982, set in November 1139)
    7. The Sanctuary Sparrow (January 1983 set in the Spring of 1140)[5][note 2]
    8. The Devil's Novice (August 1983, set in September 1140)
    9. Dead Man's Ransom (April 1984, set in February 1141)
    10. The Pilgrim of Hate (September 1984, set in May 1141)
    11. An Excellent Mystery (June 1985, set in August 1141)
    12. The Raven in the Foregate (February 1986, set in December 1141)
    13. The Rose Rent (October 1986, set in June 1142)
    14. The Hermit of Eyton Forest (June 1987, set in October 1142)[7]
    15. The Confession of Brother Haluin (March 1988, set in December 1142)
    16. A Rare Benedictine: The Advent of Brother Cadfael (September 1988, set in 1120)
    17. The Heretic's Apprentice (February 1989, set in June 1143)
    18. The Potter's Field (September 1989, set in August 1143)
    19. The Summer of the Danes (April 1991, set in April 1144)
    20. The Holy Thief (August 1992, set in February 1145)
    21. Brother Cadfael's Penance (May 1994, set in November 1145)
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  7. Crabtownboy

    Crabtownboy Well-Known Member
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    Feb 12, 2008
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    German Boy: a Refugee's Story
    Wolfgang W.E. Samuel


    From Goodreads:

    In this gripping account a boy and his mother are wrenched from their tranquil lives to forge a path through the storm of war and the rubble of its aftermath. In the past there has been a spectrum of books and films that share other German World War II experiences. However, told from the perspective of a ten-year-old, this book is rare. The boy and his mother must prevail over hunger and despair, or die.

    In the Third Reich young Wolfgang Samuel and his family are content but alone. The father, a Luftwaffe officer, is away fighting the Allies in the West. In 1945 as Berlin and nearby communities crumble, young Wolfgang, his mother Hedy, and little sister Ingrid flee the advancing Russian army. They have no inkling of the chaos ahead. In Strasburg, a small town north of Berlin where they find refuge, Wolfgang begins to comprehend the evils the Nazi regime brought to Germany. As the Reich collapses, mother, son, and daughter flee again just ahead of the Russian charge.

    In the chaos of defeat they struggle to find food and shelter. Death stalks the primitive camps that are their temporary havens, and the child becomes the family provider. Under the crushing responsibility Wolfgang becomes his mother's and sister's mainstay. When they return to Strasburg, the Communists in control are as brutal as the Nazis. In the violent atmosphere of arbitrary arrest, rape, hunger, and fear, the boy and his mother persist. Pursued by Communist police through a fierce blizzard, they escape to the West, but even in the English zone, the constant search for food, warmth, and shelter dominates their lives, and the mother's sacrifices become the boy's nightmares.

    Although this is a time of deepest despair, Wolfgang hangs on to the thinnest thread of hope. In June 1948 with the arrival of the Americans flying the Berlin Airlift, Wolfgang begins a new journey.
  8. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member
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    Aug 23, 2002
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    I purchased the Ellis Peters book, A Morbid Taste for Bones. It's on my to read list for September.

    In the meantime I read:

    The Passage (book 1 of the Passage Trilogy), 785 pages
    by Justin Cronin (2011)

    A rambling epic of good against evil, a post-apocalyptic novel in the backdrop of a genetically designed viral disaster initiating an unplanned vampric evil upon the world.

    Reminds me a lot of Stephen King’s novel, The Stand, with the prominence early in the book of a militarily designed and accidentally released deadly virus combined with a draw to evil or good through dreams.

    The epic nature of the novel also brings to mind Frank Herbert’s novel, Dune, in the way the author evokes futuristic historical recollection to describe the important events unfolding.

    At times I was disturbed at the undisciplined way the author conveyed the story. Long rambling passages describe almost meaningless events, such as using page upon page to describe a character’s needs to urinate; by the time his extensive descriptions are finished it was often difficult to recollect where the story was going. It wasn’t hard to skip over long passages to find some more meatier sections.

    Despite this shortcoming by the end of the novel I was willing to purchase the second book in the series, The Twelve.

    #8 Deacon, Aug 19, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2016
  9. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    I read this a couple of years ago. I had a love/hate thing going with this book. First 25% of the book was very interesting and compelling. Then, BAM! the story resets itself and shifts into the future about 100 years or so and increasingly unlikely events started occurring, mostly related to how main characters survived the infected peoples attempts to "convert" them. By the time the novel got to Las Vegas it had become a caricature of itself. I just couldn't suspend my disbelief any longer. Cronin can create interesting characters and writes a great action scene, but too many deus ex machina moments for this reader.
  10. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    If anyone is interested, this Kindle e-book is on sale this week at Amazon for $1.99, normally $11.99.
