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Featured The Last Pope an 8th King.

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by OfLivingWaters, Apr 3, 2018.

  1. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Israel is a tale of two houses. Jacob- whom God loved and Esau whom God hates. Apostasy- when did this occur, and was it always present or only since the coming of Christ?
    Apostasy: abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief. When did this happen in your opinion?
    Could apostasy apply to the Vatican, why or why not? I highly doubt you are against the Vatican or Pope Francis. So far in your opinion Israel is Babylon, though St.Peter called Rome Babylon in his first epistle. Israel is the Harlot, though she did not give the cup of abominations to the world in start or finish. Israel is the reason for the knowledge of the one true God. You say Israel is in apostasy
    though this could not fit in definition, because Israel has always been , especial after the Messiah had come , a house divided.
    Apostasy is turning from a vow and union with God. Have believing Jews throughout history done this? You seem to have a problem with Israel. I do not . The heretics of the RCC church are in apostasy simply based on definition. Israel is in the process of coming to the realization of the one true Messiah, apostasy could only come after that. Those who never believed are not in apostasy because apostasy is a RENUNCIATION OF A RELIGIOUS BELIEF. The Pope and many who follow suit fall into this category , NOT ISRAEL, based on definition. For this definition to apply to Israel- Israel would have to convert and embrace Christ and become a Christian institution, then
    renunciation would have to happen. This has already happened with the Pope and many others of the NONE JEWISH state.
    Attack what is TRULY in APOSTASY. I have a problem with a Pope and an institution, you have a problem with a people and a nation.

    This is my last response to you, because it is redundant to continue reiterating the obvious. I am not going to run around in circles with you. It has been interesting. God Bless!
    #41 OfLivingWaters, Apr 11, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2018
  2. Revelation 20:5

    Nov 16, 2017
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Israel(Judea) WAS in apostasy in the 1st century. That is why God allowed it to be destroyed in 70AD. Israel is in good standing with the Lord in this day and time. I believe the Lord brought Israel back as a nation in 1948 for a purpose. However, this has nothing to do with the beasts of Revelation. Those were 1st century creatures. This scarlet beast was "ABOUT TO" ascend at the time Revelation was written which was Judea rebelling against Rome. In other words the Zealot rebellion. They stopped the sacrifice on behalf of the Roman emperor and even minted their own coinage. If you look at the context of 1 Peter 5, he referred to a place called "Babylon" which was probably symbolic but it doesn't give us any more info. How do we know Peter wasn't referring to Jerusalem? It's not definitive what this "Babylon" Peter was referring to. Btw, I do believe that Christians can go into apostasy as well.

    All of the internal evidence points to this beast's origin as Judean. The wilderness setting(Rev 17v3) is not indicative of Rome, but it is of Israel and it arises frequently in the gospel accounts as an element of the Judean landscape. I believe they are counterparts because they both have 7 heads and 10 horns and 7 mountains/hills but that doesn't make them one and the same.
  3. Darrell C

    Darrell C Well-Known Member
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    Jan 30, 2010
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    Is that a question?


    There are several points made in the post you have ignored. One would be that the Church will not be here when Antichrist arrives and is made know (though there will be believers by that time, the mid-point of the Tribulation).

    Not offended at all. I am used to people throwing hissy fits, lol.

    Not at all. Presumptive, but not offensive.

    I don't really keep up with the leaders of Modern Christendom. What's the point?

    Better to know Scripture and put that knowledge to good use in areas that concern the Body.


    Show anything that can be construed as an attack, lol.

    Oh, I'm sorry, this was last night...dinner then.

    The point is that when someone says "I am speaking for God" the surest way to test that is to test their knowledge of Scripture, and see what doctrine they hold to.

    You may be a Christian, but God has never sent out a messenger fraught with error.

    The Rapture was a Mystery revealed to the Body by the Spirit, so I expect self-proclaimed prophets to at least get that right.

    He's a Catholic leader. What more has to be said.

    Is it surprising that a leader of a group that has been in error on essential doctrines for centuries to be making more errors?

    When the Tribulation begins, the death toll is going to be staggering. In seven years half the world's population will perish. No need to get excited about wars and rumors of wars, because when the end times begin in earnest we will see those signs and recognize them for what they are. We have Christ's Word on that:

    Luke 21:28
    King James Version (KJV)

    28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

    While this has a Tribulation context, it applies to us as well.

    Agree wholeheartedly.

    I presented my arguments in my post, perhaps you could try to address them.

    Another point which is relevant to the OP is that even if this new Pope was the last, we won't be here to see it.

    And I will add that it is unlikely that the Pope will be the Antichrist for one very simple reason: the Pope does not have a right hand, as the Antichrist does. The Pope would better fit the False Prophet of the Tribulation.

    Agreed. Now I hvae given several points for you to address, how about addressing the Scripture presented to you.

    God bless.
  4. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    The KJV (NOT "KJB"!) has nothingta do with it. But neither Benny nor Frankie are kings of anything. The popes have less influence nowadays than they once had.
  5. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    A pope or other prominent catholic might well be the coming false prophet, the "beast's" deputy, as the RCC will attempt to control him as per Rev. 17, but the line of popes is not a line of kings. For one thing, none of the recent popes were related to one another. Second, their power & influence is nowhere near what it usetabee.
  6. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Non Baptist Christian
    A king rules a kingdom . After the Lateran Treaty Vatican city became a kingdom within a kingdom. It is ruled by Popes not Prime Ministers, presidents ex....... They are Kings, not under the jurisdiction of Rome.