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Vatican Ain't Ready For Reform

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by church mouse guy, Nov 25, 2018.

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  1. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    Last week Pope Francis shut down the meeting in Baltimore of the US Catholic Bishops by sending them a message at the beginning of their conclave that they were not to vote on any action concerning abuse by the clergy, Bishops, and Cardinals in the American RCC.

    So we learned what we always suspected that a Pope has total control over everything in the RCC. The US Bishops were left to call for more US socialism and to enjoy their fancy hotel and fine dining. They left town quietly and the eight hundred people assembled across the canal from the conclave were left in the cold open-air pavilion to listen to their own speeches and pray as the police security guarding the Bishops kept them at arm's length.

    Although fifteen states have investigations and there are two federal investigations, some of this abuse was years ago and the statute of limitations may prevent prosecutions.

    So Pope Francis triumphed. He postponed the discussion until February and then in Rome at the Vatican. Meanwhile he berates the West for poverty but the West has more welfare than they can afford. It is his fascist Argentina and the rest of leftist Latin America where the worst poverty is in the world--countries that are so Catholic that they do not allow Protestant missionaries. And then there is the vast area of the world under the thumb of Islam where there is little or no welfare and then there are the socialist/communist states where poverty is all but incurable because of the very socialism that Pope Francis advocates almost daily.

    To add insult to injury, the Pope chose Cardinal Cupich of Chicago to preside over the next event. A close friend of Pope Francis and also the retired exiled to Kansas Cardinal McCarrick, one wonders if the people seeking redress of grievance will travel to Rome for a repeat of what happened in Baltimore? And now it seems likely the strange Cardinal Cupich will be the next Archbishop of Washington DC. The Vatican ain't ready for reform.

  2. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    I know of a lot of Catholics who are not on board with Francis. He is as much a disappointment to them as he is to you. There has been a lot of "Reform" according to traditional Catholics. Personally, Francis is not a good guy. But I think it is about the heart of the believer. I think there are believers amongst the three most influential denominations on the world stage and all the people who truly love Christ are being taught by the Holy Spirit personally. Why? Big calamity coming!

    When I speak to Catholics I come across two camps, pro Francis ,anti-Francis. What is one camp hearing that the other is not?
    Does it have anything to do with Rev. 18:3-5
    …3All the nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her immorality. The kings of the earth were immoral with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown wealthy through the extravagance of her luxury.” 4Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins or contract any of her plagues. 5For her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.…
    There seems to be a faction who is the Harlot and a faction who are Christ's people.
    What is this letter about?
    Vatican Alert! Francis to Demand Oath of "Fidelity" to Himself and His "Magisterium" from all Clerics in Conciliar Church. Coming in "Months." Who among "us" will take the Oath?

    January 10, 2018

    Just in....A Translation of an Italian article coming from information circulating at the Vatican. Francis will demand Oath of Fidelity to Himself and His "Magisterium" from all Clerics in the "Church." All who do not take this Oath will be Suspended from their duties. My question is who amongst the traditionalists will continue the theological game of Twister and find a way to take the oath by cosmic acts of "mental reservation."

    Here is the Breaking News.....Be ready for a very intense 2018!
    The Article whose translation Fr. Kramer says is 99% accurate:

    "Drrafts part LVII: the danger of the schism. Oath of fidelity to the magisterium of Bergoglio "of Fra Cristoforo

    I state that what is reported in the drafts comes from a source very much in the Vatican circles. And he tells me how important he feels about what he succeeds in "capturing" all the entourage that hangs out daily in Santa Marta. So I report exclusively what is "confided" to me. And the public for duty of Truth. I can tell you that the source is worthy of trust. Proof of this is the fact that so many drafts have now become sadly realized. Those who have not yet had implications, it is not that they will not happen. It is only a matter of time. Because, as you will have understood, things in Santa Marta can change from one day to another. It depends on the moods. We are simple ambassadors. And as they say: ambasciator does not bring penalty.

    Clarified this we arrive at the Spiffero. In terms of "reforms" Bergoglio has always had very clear ideas. From the first moment of his pontificate he beat the nail on: migrants, ecology, ecumenism. With the publication of Amoris Laetitia he then sealed his "relativism" in matters of morality. These points are now established in the neochiesa. Now in almost all the Parishes you do not hear about anything else. The faithful and children are taught nothing but the "verb" Bergoglio. Like an obsession.

    But as we have seen in these times, not all have aligned. And among these there are also Bishops and Cardinals. This is the concern of Bergoglio. Those who "resist". He can not stand it. He is stronger than him. Here then is what Santa Marta has been studying for a few months.

    My source told me that a sort of "act of fidelity to the pope (obviously Omissis) and his magisterium" is under study. The small letters are desired.

    This kind of "act of fidelity" will be required of all clerics of the Catholic Church, deacons, priests, bishops and cardinals. And it must be formally pronounced. In the various dioceses a day will be chosen in which all, bishop, priests and deacons will have to pronounce solemnly this formal act. Which means to promise "blind loyalty" to the "magisterium" and the teaching of Bergoglio. Of course it will be mandatory. Those who do not make this "promise" will have to consider themselves "suspended a divinis".

    If this draft were to happen (I hope not), we will be at the turn. And I believe that nobody will save us from the schism. Also because how can we lend loyalty to a heretical magisterium?

    In my opinion there will be a rift never seen in the history of the Church. The Neighbor of Bergoglio, and those who will remain faithful to the Traditional Teaching of the Church. And hence the total confusion.

    Regarding the times, the source has not been unbalanced. He told me about a few months. He told me that the text is being prepared.

    I think it's time to increase prayer. We strongly invoke the Madonna who can save us from this disaster. Let's do Eucharistic adoration. Let us pray to the Apostles, the Martyrs, the Saints, the Souls of Purgatory, the Archangels, the Angels. Let's move Heaven as much as possible. Because if such a thing happens, the battle will really be furious. We pray so much! Let us pray for one another, because none of us yields before the enemy. We also add fasting! At least who can do it!

    It's true. The Lord has told us that the gates of hell will not prevail. But he did not tell us there will be no battle. The battle will be there. And it will be the decisive one.

    Fra Cristoforo

    There seems to be two factions at work under the Catholic title . Are there traditional and Modernist Catholics in here?

    Maybe some opinions can be shared concerning this. I know many priest are not happy with what he is demanding , and there are those who go along happily. What's going on?
  3. Adonia

    Adonia Well-Known Member
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    Apr 6, 2016
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    Garbage! I'll believe it when it happens.
  4. Adonia

    Adonia Well-Known Member
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    Apr 6, 2016
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    And pray, tell us, what is "your source"?
  5. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I guess we will see.
  6. Walter

    Walter Well-Known Member
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    Nov 20, 2011
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    Don't hold your breath!
  7. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    I didn't write it , I acquired it.
  8. kyredneck

    kyredneck Well-Known Member
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    Jul 28, 2009
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    ….you hillbilly.....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Adonia

    Adonia Well-Known Member
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    Apr 6, 2016
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    From where did you acquire this document?
  10. Walter

    Walter Well-Known Member
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    Nov 20, 2011
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    Again, source? I don't care if you used Chick Publications or Iconbusters as your source, just state it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Adonia

    Adonia Well-Known Member
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    Apr 6, 2016
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    Our friend must have used the "Vatican Tattler", a publication which is available to only a select few. One has to be "in the know" to actually get a copy.
  12. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    This letter must have touched a sore spot for some. Is it because you are a 'Modernist" or a concerned "Traditionalist"?
    If it is just your need for proof, then trust me you will hear about when it happens, because for sure traditional Catholics will not be silent about it. The wheat and the tares are apparent in the RCC too. "The Harvest", it is a time for reaping.

    I think the real discussion is what are your views concerning Francis?
  13. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Francis says he IS changing the Lords prayer, Franklin Graham to explain. Today on Fox News Franklin Graham pointed to this change now in effect. He, due to his lack of wisdom really could not discredit what Francis is doing. Ainsley had greater understanding than Franklin and Francis with her reply concerning this. This, just broke this morning in the secular news but Traditional Catholics already new this would happen. Fr. Kramer's letter is TRUE. Who among traditionalist will take the oath to Francis's magistrate?

    He is changing it to 'Abandon us not, while in temptation" from "Lead us Not into temptation".
    There was discussion about this last year but everyone insisted he would NOT change it. It would seem another one of his Magistrate decrees is going into effect. It is proving to be a tumultuous 2018 after all. As the letter from Fr. Kramer stated.

    There is nothing wrong with the Lord's prayer, only with Francis's understanding of it.
    Christ was lead into the desert to be tempted of the devil. Being lead means: If you are following the Holy Spirit, you will be tempted. The desert represents the world with its lack of substance and life.

    It is the nature of the beast to tempt. As long as this world stands there will always be temptation. The Lord's prayer simply states," lead us NOT INTO Temptation". Being lead of course always leads to temptation by satan. His desire is for the believe. God does not lead us INTO, we are are always lead to confront ,to stand against what stands before us. "Into", this is key . Being lead into something is far different from being lead to be confronted. This is what is asked of God to NOT allow to happen.

    Pope Francis Suggests Changing The Words To The 'Lord's Prayer' ???

    There is NO NEED! Who among traditionalist will comply? None!
  14. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    Francis would be much better served in changing the Roman viewpoint in regards to what the Gospel really is!
  15. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    And what is that according to you? Assuming you speak from the idea that what you belong to is the untainted truth. Please share!
  16. Martin Marprelate

    Martin Marprelate Well-Known Member
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    Dec 18, 2010
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    Where's the popcorn emoji?
    If all else fails, you could try praying to the Father in the name of the Son. :)
  17. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Are you assuming I wrote the letter? Your denomination is the only one among the others which does not believe in a (Passing Through Fire) stage ,as believed by the ANCIENT HEBREWS and the first church in Christianity and is supported by St. Paul as doctrine. The Ancient Way too gets it and Yes the RCC too. If you would like to debate this I am game?

    You better hope you are a precious gem, it is only those who are unscathed by the Fire of the Holy Spirit. For even silver and gold have dross which can not be received into heaven. Once the gold and silver is purged of this on their way to heaven , they enter into the joy of the Father. At the end of the age all the Elect will be as precious gems and will not experience this when they go to heaven. The Holy Spirit fire is everywhere because God is. Everything is tested and proved by the fire. Wood hay and straw are burnt up and cast away from Him. It is as simple as testing a doctrine by scripture to know what a soul received in his after life.
    John Calvin did not do well.
    St. Paul is revealing the qualities of people . Depending upon your quality will determine the effect of the Holy Spirit upon you.As I said Gold and silver when put to the fire their impurities(dross) separate from them and only their Purity remains. Precious gems no dross they pass through the fire like passing through milk. Wood , hay and straw, well, nothing to save!

    Christ Our Foundation 1Corinthians 3:12-14
    …12If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw, 13his workmanship will be evident, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will prove the quality of each man’s work. 14If what he has built survives, he will receive a reward.…
    How about we do some testing? It is clear Francis put the nail in the coffin of his life. Do you want to see how your doctrine stands up?
    If you repent and change your full refinement will be here on earth while you are alive you will die a precious gem. It is much more pleasant. If you continue to cling to your hay , wood and straw well, you know.
  18. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Those who can read, if one thought the Lord's prayer "originally" was bad (Not Really), Francis' is far worse. We ask our Lord to not LEAD US INTO TEMPTATION, Francis's change states , ( we are lead into), not just confronted as the Lord's Prayer states and is shown to us in the Lord's ( example ) of being lead to be tempted of the devil in the desert.

    This is CRAZY! Francis's reason for changing it he says is-" it was falsely interpreted when the scriptures were compiled".

    Anyone can say that! Do you or I ,or any little person for that matter have access to the original text? Only high ranking persons of the Vatican have such access. Some Cardinals and Bishops have read original transcripts yes, the elect among them will have to fight against this heresy!
    Will Pope Emeritus rise to the occasion?
    PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! I believe so, because it was spoken of by the little children of Fatima. He will not die before he fulfills his duty to the body of Christ!

    CONCERNING THE CHANGE: There were Hebrew, Greek and Latin scholars who originally aided in translating scripture to begin with. Suddenly , it's wrong? This then can be applied to ANYTHING the Lord has said ultimately, with the end being total undermining of the Word.

    It is quite clear to me this statement made by Mother Mary : " In Fatima , the Dogma of the faith will always be preserved". This is for the Priest who know the apparition is true. Thorn in Francis's side....Mother Mary, who came to the little ones to preserve those chosen out of the RCC to be the holy Elect. Don't you think Mother Mary would know if the Lord's prayer was incorrect? She lead in the reciting of the Rosary with the children of Fatima. Now, for sure , if there was any question concerning the importance of her messages , they are now put to rest! The Ark of the new Covenant is proven to be refuge in a time of great darkness and the calamity to come. PRAY! PRAY! PRAY!
    Penance, penance, penance!

    Protestants need to pay attention too, to her messages or they will be further deceived and brought to an even lesser state concerning doctrine than they already are!
  19. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    The Church of Rome has needed to have their own version of the reformation, as they till teach another Gospel!
  20. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    And what gospel do you teach?
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