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Featured Does Your Bible Version Prove Tongues Are Not For Private Use?

Discussion in 'Bible Versions & Translations' started by Hark, Feb 3, 2021.

  1. atpollard

    atpollard Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2018
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    I get it ... and reject it.

    If GOD is blessing those Pentecostals that I personally know, then your claim that they are not worshiping Jesus Christ MUST BE FALSE!

    Do you believe Matthew 7:15-20 and Luke 6:43-45?
    What does it mean that these Pentecostals bring forth Good Fruit? (People are healed. People are saved. Jesus is praised. God is glorified.)

    [PS. I was not glorifying NBLC, I was offering a John 3:11]
  2. atpollard

    atpollard Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2018
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    RE: Cessationism

    Whether you believe [God] can do a thing or not, you are right. (see Mark 11:23)
    — Henry Ford [edited]
  3. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    By the way, what is NBLC? When I googled it I only get National Basketball League of Canada.

    P. S. There is also Matthew 7:22-23, you know. Miracles do not prove salvation.
  4. atpollard

    atpollard Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2018
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    New Beginnings Life Center ... the name of the specific Pentecostal church. I think I mentioned it in an earlier post, but it is too long a name to keep typing out over and over (especially with two fingers). ;)

    Here is their website, FYI.
  5. atpollard

    atpollard Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2018
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    Nor do "gifts of the spirit" disprove salvation as is being suggested by some.
    1 Corinthians 12 offers some insight into which spirits are which.
  6. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    I never heard of this charge before--that spiritual gifts disprove salvation. If you are talking about tongues, they don't prove or disprove salvation.

    More than tongues or healing (those are from old line Pentecostalism), what concerns me about the Charismatics is their heretical Latter Rain doctrines, such as the "manifest sons of God," additional revelation to the Bible through so-called prophets, their ecumenicism, etc., etc.
  7. Hark

    Hark Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    You are assuming that the phenomenon or blessings as you seem to call it, is from God. I do not see any evidence that you tested the spirits.

    Believers cannot test the spirits by assuming that if receiving them feels good, then it is of God. There is such a thing as seducing spirits. Many of the manifestations that is being found in Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches can be found in Khundalini , an eastern mysticism, like babbling tongues that are gibberish nonsense, uncontrollable laughter, shaking & loss of self control... even in some meditations that yoga derives from, they can receive the sensation of power, electricity, fire, peace, love, joy... and yet God would call them away from those kinds of phenomenon & those spirits to a personal reconciled relationship with God through the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    That is the only way for God to call these sinners away from their works of darkness is when He does not mimic them. So consider the line of discernment given. Does the healing comes from Jesus Christ by faith in Him or does the healing comes by invoking a phenomenon to happen by receiving what they believe is the Holy Spirit "again" apart from salvation?

    That is the difference between serving the Lord Jesus Christ & serving a phenomenon in His name which is not of Him at all, because you are preaching that phenomenon for that healing or tongues to come about rather than the only calling given and that is the gospel of Jesus Christ for when we had received the promise of the permanent indwelling Spirit at our salvation.

    I was confronted by this saying "Decide this day whom you will serve; the Lord Jesus Christ or something else in His name." from reading in the Upper Room or the daily Bread one day. The sense of urgency could not be missed. I said out loud, "You of course.." but that sense of urgency remained. Then I prayed "Please help me to do this" & that sense of urgency went away. Sure enough, I needed His help because about a week later, I visited my aunt several states over that was confronted by the holy laughter movement just that prior Sunday. They showed the video to us before the service & then the pastor had several young people share their strange experiences before they invoked the Holy Spirit to come again. The Lord led me to read from the newsletter from David Wilkerson on the role of the Holy Spirit in how He will always keep the spotlight on the Son ( John 15:26 & John 16:14 ) whereas the spirit of the antichrist would draw that spotlight away from the Son in worship to chasing after them to receive by a sign. I did not connect the warning prior that apostasy with that apostasy until some time later just to prove He really had to help me not get swept away by that phenomenon. My experience was feeling an unseen hand push me 3 times to go forward & I did, but nothing else happened. Only one person laughed uncontrollably in that Sunday service, but they did a lot of pushing lightly & catching in it when someone is not falling backwards supernaturally.

    So the Lord helped me not to follow a phenomenon in serving that phenomenon in His name but just to serve Him as His disciple to lead people to Jesus in seeking His glory & not to a phenomenon in seeking the glory of that phenomenon.
  8. Hark

    Hark Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Addressing Matthew 7:15-20 but in the context of that message in Matthew 7:13-29

    Jesus said this in His authority in Matthew 7:28-29 about how those who do not hear His sayings & apply them are liken to a house on sand for why many are fallen; hence the believers that are falling in these movements of the "spirit" per Matthew 7:24-27 where in this same movements of the spirit, wonderful things has been done in His name per Matthew 7:21-23

    Now addressing your reference but starting at the beginning of this warning to the churches in Matthew 7:13-14 on how this iniquity will come by broadening the way in the worship place by including the worship of the Holy Spirit with the Father & the Son as if the only way to worship God the Father is too narrow to do by just worshiping the Son in order to worship the Father.

    Now your reference.. Matthew 7:15-20 Citing an example... although modern day tongue speakers believe in another baptism with the Holy Ghost with evidence of tongues ... they do not believe slain in the spirit or the holy laughter movement is of God, BUT those phenomenon comes by the claim they are receiving the Holy Sprit again apart from salvation. One report from another Christian forum has one involved in all of that apostasy gloated that a tongue speaker try to stop it, but fell. That is how you apply Matthew 7:15-20. No good tree would produce a bad fruit. No bad tree can produce a good fruit. If tongues for private use came by receiving the Holy Spirit again apart from salvation, then it has to be a bad fruit since the other more confusing phenomenon ( bad fruit ) came from receiving what they believe was the Holy Ghost again apart from salvation.

    Hence receiving anything from the bad tree of receiving what they believe is the Holy Spirit again apart from salvation is going to be all bad fruit. The way of receiving the bad fruit is from that bad tree & that bad tree is the lie that you can receive the Holy Spirt again apart from salvation. So if all those crazy phenomenon in slain in the spirit & holy laughter movement are bad fruits coming from that bad tree, then so is tongues without interpretation as gibberish nonsense & thus assumed for private use is a bad fruit.

    A pastor of a church one time told me that there are 3 baptisms of the Holy Ghost as per the book he was reading but he goes on to tell me that he believes there are five. This same pastor told me that all Catholics are going to hell. I point out to him that there is such a thing as Catholic Charismatic church & they speak in tongues ( meaning the bad kind the pastor was related to, not the real God's gift of tongues which is a foreign language to speak unto the people ) and then that pastor quickly changed his judgment and said maybe some of them are saved too.

    That is the ecumenical fruit of the false prophet in Matthew 7:16 in that Catholics can do it.. Baptists can do it... every sinner in the world can do it, and yet for all of that manifestations, the Catholics still remain in Catholicism... go figure. Nothing has changed other than to gather workers of iniquity together by those phenomenon & not to the Son in fellowship.

    That is all they walk away from is that phenomenon in serving that phenomenon & pointing others to come here for that phenomenon.. that is not the same as pointing to Jesus Christ in seeking His glory but rather the glory of that phenomenon when you point to that phenomenon for the receiving of those things.

    But you were testifying of this happening at NBLC. That's sending an invitation to go there to experience the same thing. If you really believe this was happening by coming to Jesus Christ in prayer, why is it that for this to happen at the NBLC, they have to be in the mind set of receiving the Holy Spirit again apart from salvation which is another calling & another gospel?

    2 Corinthians 11:1Would to God ye could bear with me a little in my folly: and indeed bear with me. 2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. 3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. KJV

    Not sure how you can convince me that you are heeding that warning from Paul.
  9. atpollard

    atpollard Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2018
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    Some but not all (perhaps not even "most" ... I have no statistics).
    Scripture claims "tongues" is one of the manifestations of "gifts" that the Holy Spirit dispenses as He chooses (1 Corinthians 12:4-11).
  10. atpollard

    atpollard Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2018
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    Because it did happen at NBLC and it did not happen a Cornerstone Community Church or First Baptist Church or Calvary Chapel Worship Center or Beacon Community Church ... all churches that I have attended for years to a decade at one point or another. If it had happened, I would have testified about it.

    As I said, the edit from Henry Ford's famous quote seems to sum up my observations perfectly:

    Continuationists seem to believe God will, when Cessationists believe that God does not.
  11. atpollard

    atpollard Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2018
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    [Philippians 1:6 NASB] For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

    Relax, I am not your slave ... my master is able to keep all that are His.
  12. Hark

    Hark Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    I also add that some believe they had received tongues at their salvation moment, but they were believers long before that moment. They just changed when their testimony as to when they were saved. My former neighbor across the street did that. I can see why some people say if you do not speak in tongues, you do not have the Holy Ghost & therefore you are not saved. My former neighbor across the street would have a hard time stopping them from using her experience when she had changed the testimony as to when she was saved to that moment of reading her Bible in the kitchen one day when she felt what she presumed was "the Holy Spirit" with tongues and she said why .. because she got it all at once. But then she went on to ask her pastor why did this happened & the pastor pointed to the Book of Acts.

    There are some that claimed they were not following Jesus before that moment they claimed they were saved. I dare say they were believers when they were a child & just had forgotten about Him as life went on. One has to interview their lives before that moment to ascertain that. Most do not believe they were saved when as a child when they did not follow Him since, but they were saved as the scripture says by believing in Him and so not being rooted in His words is why they were not following Him as His disciples until that moment when apostasy had confronted them to believe that was when they were really saved..

    Again you are assuming He is dividing according to His own will & not the will of Another when the will of the Father is being done as Christ ministers, being the Head of the Church through the Holy Spirit in us. Jesus is the author & finisher of our faith & all that the Holy Spirit does gives the credit & the glory to the Son thereby glorifying God the Father in Him.
  13. atpollard

    atpollard Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2018
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    "You've got to know when to hold 'em
    Know when to fold 'em
    Know when to walk away
    And know when to run ..."

    ;) [bye]
    • Prayers Prayers x 1
  14. Hark

    Hark Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Unfortunately you are believing every spirit that comes over a believer as if they are of God rather than not believing every spirit but test them as 1 John 4:1-6 warns us & instructs us to do.

    Actually, that should not be the division since this is about the good fight, keeping the faith in Jesus Christ. I realize there are those who may label themselves as Cessationists believing the gifts has ceased, but one cannot be a discerning of spirits in discerning what is not of the Lord unless those gifts are being manifested. It is possible that God is using tongues elsewhere in the world in ministry outreach BUT if such references are used by modern day tongue speakers that gained that tongue by another baptism with the Holy Ghost, then no. No way can that be true.

    Same thing for those who claim they speak in tongues & interpret their own tongues. Too convenient & scripture says that is not how the gifts are manifested when it is divided within the body of Christ. More likely, they know the second language.

    But there is another possibility & that they are assuming they are interpreting that tongue as one church had thought they had the real God's gift of tongues of speaking in another foreign language & so they hired a linguist to record &translate the tongues going on in their church. The report was that it was not a language at all, but just gibberish nonsense. How could this happen? could they be lying to fit in with modern day tongue speakers?

    A testimony from Joyce Meyers said on how she interprets tongues is by getting the gist or the feel of what is being said. So as she was winging it, so was the church.

    So it is kind of hard to call someone a liar. They may be sincere in translating the tongue, but if it is not a foreign language at all but gibberish nonsense, then they are winging it... and I can say that because some people fake tongues to fit in, they could also be tempted to fake interpretation to fit in. God knows. They will answer for it in Heaven for lying like that. The same goes for those who did not heed His words & believed the lie that they can receive the Holy Spirit again apart from salvation with the evidence of tongues for why God permit that strong delusion to occur.

    By the grace of God & His help, that is where I stand and thanks to Him, I am abiding in Him by testifying of Him in seeking His glory & not the glory of something else in His name.
  15. Hark

    Hark Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Yes; He keeps the souls of His unrepentant saints left behind too. Works that deny Him will be burned off of that foundation but that foundation remains just as that seal of adoption is not going anywhere.

    So many believers may go astray climbing up another way to get that stranger's voice they follow per John 10:1-5 but He must get those sheep as they will be made to hear His voice as the King of kings, and be of the one fold & one Shepherd; John 10:16