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5 Years Are Left Until the Return of Yeshua in 2026 AD

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by gaviria.christian, Mar 28, 2021.

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  1. gaviria.christian

    Oct 24, 2019
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    Seeking Christ
    5 years are left until the year 6,000 from creation in 2026 AD, which will be the true timing of the return of Yeshua, in the autumn. 7,000 years have been appointed for the existence of this earth, with the last 1,000 years set apart, beginning in the year 6,000. That is why God created the world in 6 days, and set apart the 7th day, to foreshadow his 7,000 year plan for this earth, with the last 1,000 years set apart, which is the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshua on this earth mentioned in the book of Revelation. It is the “millennial shabbath” of this earth. The earth is not billions of years old, that is a lie told by men who want to deny the existence of God and that the scriptures are true. Very soon they will discover how wrong they were. And one of the most misinterpreted scriptures is “no one knows the day nor the hour”. The believers almost 2,000 years ago did not know if Yeshua would return 100 years after his first coming, or 200 years, or 500 years, or 1,000 years. It is like a master that tells his servants, “I am returning in the night”. The servants do not know if the master is returning at 9 PM, or 12 AM, or 3 AM, yet if it is now 5 AM, now the servants know it is the final hour for the return of the master. So in likewise manner it is for us now approaching the year 6,000 from creation. We are in the final hour and it is quite obvious Yeshua is about to appear, to begin the millennial shabbath of this earth, as was predestined from the very beginning of this earth. And that is why unlike believers almost 2,000 years ago, we who are in the final hour, and know the Torah and its appointed times, know the time of the return of Yeshua, which will be 2026 AD, in the year 6,000 from creation. From Adam to Abraham it was 2,010 years. And from Abraham to the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD it was 1,990 years, therefore it was the year 4,000 from creation. That is why according to the prophet Hosea, Yeshua will return after 2 days, meaning 2,000 years. Which is 2,000 years from his anointing in the year 4,000 in 26 AD to his return in the year 6,000 in 2026 AD, which are both Yovel years. In the last 3 and 1/2 years, beginning in 2023 AD, in the spring, in the morning of Nisan 15 according to the Jewish calendar and in Jerusalem time, the two witnesses of Revelation will appear, clothed in sackcloth, from two different cities in the world. They will strike the world with plagues and will shut the heavens so that it doesn’t rain. Therefore there will be global drought and famine beginning in 2 years from now. They are the last warning to the world, but the world will not understand, will hate them, and seek to kill them. Then 3 years later after the two witnesses begin to prophesy all fiat currencies will enter into hyperinflation globally, with the destruction of Vatican City. For she is the true prostitute of Babylon of Revelation, in Rome, ruling over all the cities of the world through central banks and money. Her destruction will also be the collapse of the global financial system, for she is the head of the global financial system. There will be utter chaos in the world, for no one will be able to buy and sell anymore, for all fiat currencies of the world will lose their value. Fiat currency is the true mark of the beast of Revelation, for it is a false weight, whose value is a mere illusion. Gold and silver are true money, whose value is based on weight, according to the Torah of God. All who used and possess fiat currency are under a curse written in the book of Revelation, “if anyone receives the mark he will drink the wine of the wrath of God and will be tormented in fire and sulfur”. Therefore anyone who truly wishes to obey the commands of God must also get rid of all fiat currency, which is how the mark of the beast is removed. Which is why not having the mark of the beast is a true test for those who obey the commands of God, for money is a necessity to buy food and water and necessities. And the Roman papacy is the true seat of the antichrist, deceiving the entire world into believing many lies, including the lie that the Torah does not need to be obeyed. And clandestinely subjecting the entire world to his financial system of fiat currency. Then 6 months later after the destruction of Vatican City will be the descension of Yeshua, who will strike the world with 7 terrible plagues, for 7 days. His descension on the earth will be in the morning in Jerusalem time in Elul 22, according to the Jewish calendar. And 7 and 1/2 days later the 7 trumpets of Revelation will be blasted for 7 days, beginning in Tishri 1, according to the Jewish calendar. The trumpet blasts will be heard all over the world, and at the 7th trumpet blast, in Tishri 7, Yeshua will begin to rule the earth. The trumpet blasts are the the grand inauguration of the rulership of Yeshua, with great displays of power. It will rain fire, the seas will be turned to blood, the sun and moon will be darkened, and 1/3 of humanity will be slaughtered by a great army of angels. 3 days later in Tishri 10, on Yom Kippur, which is the Day of Atonement, the people of God will be gathered from all over the world, by angels, at the sound of the great shofar. This is the “last blast” mentioned by the apostle Paul, which is the day of the 1st resurrection. Which is commonly called the “rapture”. The two witnesses who will die in the morning of Tishri 6, in Jerusalem, will be resurrected also on this day in Tishri 10, 3 and 1/2 days later after their death. Although they begin prophesying in two different cities in the world, they will die 1,260 days later in Jerusalem. And all who were gathered in Tishri 10 will be taken to meet Yeshua in the air in the clouds of the sky, in Israel, for that is where God has appointed the people of God will finally join Yeshua. And all of these will make residence in a new mountain that will form around the mountains of Hebron, in Israel, which will be called “Mount Zion”, for 1,000 years. A great city will be built south of the mountain, according to Ezekiel, for the people of God that were gathered in Tishri 10. And lava will flow from Mount Zion to the north, to Jerusalem, and will form into a lake of lava outside the southern gate of Jerusalem. Then, 5 days later, in Tishri 15, in Sukkot, the 7 bowls of wrath of Revelation will be poured on all humanity. Which are 7 plagues. At the 1st plague all humanity will be struck with boils, and at the 7th plague a global earthquake will cause all cities on the earth to collapse. Then all humanity will be captured by the armies of angels Yeshua will descend with. And all will be taken to the eastern side of Jerusalem to be judged. All will stand accused of the commands they broke in the Torah, which all mankind has discarded and disobeyed. It is because of the disobedience of humanity and the refusal to obey the Torah and believe in Yeshua that such great wrath will be poured on all humanity, from God. The wrath to come will be far worse than the global destruction of the flood of Noah, because they drowned quickly, whereas in the wrath to come God has appointed agony for all humanity for an extended period of time. Then all will be condemned to be thrown above a lake of lava that will form on the southern side of Jerusalem. Which will destroy both body and soul. And their last moments of existence will be sheer agony and horror. Only a small remnant will survive these events, which will be those who believed and obeyed and prepared. And these will rule this earth for 1,000 years, over another small remnant among the nations that will be granted mercy and will be permitted to live onwards. And all of this is what the scriptures call “the great tribulation”. It will be the worst events humanity has ever experienced, and it will never happen again. To prepare, a person must come to obedience of the commands of the Torah and believe in Yeshua. And I also recommend stocking up on food and water for at least 3 and 1/2 years. And own your home, without rent nor mortgage. If you follow these recommendations, then you will survive. But if you refuse to follow these recommendations, then you will die. 5 years are left.

    The Dates of the Return of Yeshua and the Events the Great Tribulation of the Earth | Wisdom of God
    #1 gaviria.christian, Mar 28, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2021
  2. Dave G

    Dave G Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2018
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    " But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." ( Matthew 24:36 )

    " Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." ( Matthew 25:13 ).
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  3. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    Isn’t this a duplicate thread? Didn’t you just cut and paste the same thing you posted in the other thread?

    No matter if you repeat yourself a million times, it won’t make what you say true.

    peace to you
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    I am closing this thread.

    It is not only a duplicate thread, but you, when requested, NEVER give Biblical support of your false prophecy. I know you THINK you know when Jesus is returning and why, but you have NO support from the Bible as to exact date, years, or days.

    To claim so is to negate the Bible as it says that NO MAN knows.

    I am closing this thread also because you are crass, rude, rule-breaking, and accusing of the brethren when someone questions you.

    Here is the evidence of that.

    • January 29,2021 - You claim that we are on the "path to destruction", "blind and stubborn", and "a stiff-necked generation" all because we do not believe your date setting and have asked for Biblical support of your assertions.
    • January 28, 2021 - You claimed we are all unsaved. You said, "More weeping to come for you and all the rest because because all of you refused to believe the truth to be saved."
    • January 28, 2021 - You said we are are all disobedient to God and will die because we do not believe you. "All of you are going to suffer and die within the next five years because of your disbelief and lack of understanding and refusal to obey the Torah of God. Many of you will remember that I told you this."
    • July 25, 2020 - You said, "You people have no understanding of the Torah or its appointed.. Which is why you are clueless as dogs and growl when pearls are offered to you like ravenous dogs."
    • March 17, 2020 - "The prophets were angry men. When Elisha was mocked for being called baldy, he cursed the young men and bears came and killed them. I came to this forum to warn you people for your benefit that you may seek God and obey him........your days of trampling and mocking the truth are at an end and soon you will drink the wine of wrath of God undiluted in full strength as you people rightly deserve....."
    • March 17, 2020 - You said, ".....All of you will be thrown into the lake of lava like garbage and die in agony because you refused to obey the Torah....that is why you laugh and mock rather than fear, and honor those who are telling you the truth for your own benefit that you may walk in obedience and be saved.
    • March 17, 2020 - You said, "A worthless generation you are rightly deserving the wrath soon to the poured out over your heads."
    You, sir, have called ALL of us unsaved because we do not believe you.

    As a moderator and Christian, I am inviting you to STAY and fellowship with us here. Discuss the Bible and exalt Christ with us.

    As a moderator and Christian, I am warning you that any more posting of false prophecy and hatred of the people here will get you tossed out for good.

    #4 Scarlett O., Mar 28, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2021
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  5. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Gav - are you are assuming that creation took place in 4002 BC - James Ussher (1581-1656), the Irish theologian who famously calculated the precise date of Creation - Oct. 23, 4004 BC - - But that was just one guesstimate.
    We do not know exactly when creation was, nor do we know when the end times begin (regardless of your end time theology)

    I personeally interviewed and met in person, Mr. Edgar C, Whisenant, who wrote the book 88 reasons why the Lord will return in 1988.
    Well, he was wrong - in fact he did the same thing William Miller did back in 1844 - when the advent did not happen - they both revised their dates by adding one year.
    And Keep in mind Whisenant was a NASA scientist - another he was no dummy.

    But the next year - in both cases - the Lord again - did not appear.

    So GAV - lets stop this date setting -
    A word to the wise is sufficent.
    • Winner Winner x 2
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