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The Parts of Man

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by JonC, May 1, 2023.

  1. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    On another thread I mentioned this subject, and it has been discussed before, but I thought it may be good to revisit the topic in a thread of its own.

    There are three views of what constitutes man, and two Christian views

    Tripartite is the understanding that man is composed of three parts - body, soul and spirit. This was the most common view in early Christianity to Martin Luther.

    Bipartite is the understanding that man is composed of two parts - body and soul/ spirit (soul and spirit being the same thing). This was the view of John Calvin and R.C. Sproul.

    The last view is that man has no spirit or soul but is merely an animal with what we often refer to as a soul or spirit being a human brain function. I am unaware of a Christian holding this view, however @Iconoclast (and perhaps a couple of others...I can't recall) have indicated that they know of Christians who believe man was made with just a body (a "lump of flesh" without a spirit). I don't doubt that some (perhaps many) may claim to be Christian and hold this view, but I doubt it is possible for a believer. I suspect he was referring to something like a Catholic by tradition rather than faith, but an open to correction.

    I hold to a tripartite understanding. The reason is I view the soul as what constitutes who we are and the spirit as what Scripture often refers to as our "mind" or "heart" (I do not believe God giving us a new spirit means a new soul). I view our soul as our actual identity.

    What positions do you hold and why?
  2. 37818

    37818 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2018
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    The word of God makes the distinctions.

    1 Thessalonians,5:23, ". . . And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. . . . ."

    Also Hebrews 4:12, ". . . For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, . . ."
  3. MrW

    MrW Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    I am a spirit, I have a soul, and I live in a body.

    My spirit has the ability to communicate with God’s Spirit, my soul is the seat of my emotions and will, my body is how I interact with my environment.

    My spirit is my innermost man, my soul is my inner man, my body is my outer man (see Watchman Nee, “The Spiritual Man”).

    Man was designed by God to have his spirit commune with God and to be in control of his soul, and his soul in control of the body, thus expressing the will of God through his life. When man sinned, the spirit died to God, and the soul overruled the spirit and now does that which is pleasurable to the soul and body.

    Note that after Adam died spiritually to God (was separated from God by sin), God still spoke to Adam and he to God, thus Adam was not “dead” like a corpse is dead, nor is anyone else.

    When a person believes and is born again, the lifelong process of bringing the soul back into subjection to the spirit begins and is completed at the resurrection.
  4. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    I am very close to your view.

    I believe I am a soul and have a body and spirit.

    We probably believe the same thing but use different words.
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