• Welcome to Baptist Board, a friendly forum to discuss the Baptist Faith in a friendly surrounding.

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    We hope to see you as a part of our community soon and God Bless!

Dr. Bob
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  • Dear Moderator - Can you please delete (What ARe Your Thoughts on This - under General Baptist Discussions)this post for me? I was not aware it would result in an open link to my FB page. I was trying to get the pic, not the page, and another member alerted me to my error and the problems it could cause me.

    Thanks - Pastor Paul
    Dr Bob, you snipped a comment of mine, saying I questioned someones salvation. I think you misunderstood.

    I believe this is the comment that caused the snip...

    Well, you just continue in your unbelief. But why not try believing? Its the better way to go.

    I meant that he was in "unbelief" regarding the scripture referance I was referring to, and I encouraged him to BELIEVE what the scriptures taught.

    NOTHING about his salvation!
    Please so somehting to stop DHK from continually accusing people of volating the BB rules when someone disagrees with him. He is nothing but a bully.
    Robb Lawson
    This is Robb Lawson mom: Just want all you to know that last night (Sat) at 11:59 Robbi passed away and now is in the arms of Jesus. this was so unexpected, so I don't have many details on the arrangements. Robbi was so blessed with so many friendships and I personally thank you all for that... I will have more details to deliver as our family makes many decisions about his funeral. God Bless you all.

    This is on Facebook.
    If posts are "fluff" and not really "debate" topics, they get moved (by a moderator; I personally could care less so don't mess with them). Think they figure it just clutters up a very busy category and would be better in some non-debate area.

    Just guessin'

    Greetings Dr. Bob,

    Can you tell me why all my posts are being moved to other topics? The post on my cat is no more unrelated to General Discussion than the post on video games.

    I was just curious as to why that last few posts I put on the BB have been moved, while others remain?

    I'd appreciate your answer, and I'd like to know-how and why these decisions are made, so I know where to place future posts.

    Thanks, and blessings to you brother,

    Pastor Paul
    Dr.Bob, a new member, timeoftruth, is not Baptist, according to his profile. Can you move his threads to Other Christian Denominations from General Baptist Discussions?
    Hi, Salty posted a notification to me, I in my bumbling ways deleted it so can't respond. I tried to post a pm but his box is full.

    Could you forward this to him? Thanks.

    Don't think I knew him, I was there when it was on Lowell St. There were a lot of changes when they made the move to their new digs out north.

    Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have asked every mod I can find and no one can seem to help me.

    I want to change my username. In the alternative, please close my account and I will just register again under another name.

    I'm getting frustrated that such a simple request has gone on for as long as it has, without any resolution.

    Thank you.

    I have been trying to change my username to something else. I do not want to use my real name on here and notice that most people don't either.

    Please advise how I need to go about this. Thank you.
    Hello Dr. Bob, I would like you to consider the debate thread "Arminian weaknesses reflect Calvinism." It has now gone 4 pages, with several Calvinists posting short off topic blurbs, seemingly aimed at shifting the discussion to personal behavior.
    Hello Dr. Bob, I would like you to consider that when the same question is repeated over and over after a good faith effort has been made to answer it, the repeating of the question rises to the level of harassment. If you agree, please consider I have been asked by the same person what are the limits of free will, repeatedly. Thanks
    Hello Dr. Bob: something I want to ask you. Say your church has extended a call to candidate to a man and in the process of discussion with the deacons and pulpit comm. a worksheet with a particular amount somehow gets in the paperwork sent to said candidate. So he has the idea that this is what his salary will be. The church votes and calls him as pastor and then votes on his salary. The head deacon calls him with the vote and salary which is almost 10,000 less than what was on the worksheet. He says he can't come for what was offered so the deacons meet and vote unanimously not to give him a penny more that the original offer. So the deacons won't say why he's not coming. Only saying that the Lord didn't give him peace about coming. That's not true he had already made an offer on a home which had been accepted. Should the deacons have come back to the congregation and told them about his needing more money? How would you handle this?
    Thanks for your time, Michael (Brutus) Ps.121
    Hello Dr Bob.

    At your convenience, could you take a look at this thread please...

    "Baptist Debate Forums/Baptists only/General Baptist Discussions/the IFB thread...incredible."

    Thank you
    Earth, wind, and fire made a snide remark about my last name. seems his remarks were deleted completely as well as my response which was purely Christian. I have heard of no apology or explanation from a mod or admin or E,W&F. Seems like those who side on who ever is moderating is getting a pass. SAY it aint so.
    What is the max for post on a thread? I thought it was 200 or 20 pages but you just cut one off at 92 and the reason was it was over the limit and there is one over 150 that is left alone and then there are those that are shut down with no explaination. I know it is not soveriegnty or at least it is misplaced. Just want some consistancy.
    on the gen discussion board....this guy...preacer4truth has just started a thread attacking luke 2427.......he called me a judiazer the other day,,,and if you look at his posts he has a what is the board policy on thised 5 or 6 others
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