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Hooters church

Discussion in 'Pastoral Ministries' started by steveo, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Is this a good time to mention that I didn't ace spelling? :D
  2. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    sho nough :rolleyes:
  3. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    Other than the fact that this idea sickens me to the core....

    ...let me try to put my opinion away and think about Jesus.

    1. Jesus healed a whore from demonic possession, but he did not go into the brothel to do it.

    2. Jesus ate with "sinners" and publicans, such a Zaccheus, in their homes. Not their places of unethical occupations nor while their were participating in said practices.

    3. He met the woman-at-the-well.....at the well. In private. Not while she was cuddled up with her latest shacked-up live-in.

    4. Jesus met with Nicodemus at night. Not in the middle of the a lively Pharisee committee meeting.

    In fact, the ONLY time that I can think of when Jesus openly walked into an establishement of wickedness and depravity for the purpose of teaching a spiritual principle and healing was when he chased out the money-changers from the Temple.

    And he didn't go there to have Bible Study or to give sermons. He went there with a Godly anger. And he said, more or less, "ENOUGH!!"

    It never ceases to amaze me the absolutely pathetic and stupid and misguided things that Christians do in the name of Jesus.

    Now let me climb down from my soap box.



    Scarlett O.
  4. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    You know Johnv-

    I've always tended to agree with you on this board and I have always seen you as a voice of reason more or less...

    ...but not now.

    No nudity? Just skimpy outfits? I don't see much difference.

    As a woman, this whole idea of this restaurant offends me. From the name, which is a vulgar reference to a woman's body, something which should never be treated in a vulgar manner...

    ...to skimpy outfits

    ...to the ridiculous notion that people go there for the cuisine


    ...well, I don't really know what else to say.

    This place is not about the edification of women nor apprectiating the sacred position we hold as wives, mothers, sisters, and friends.

    It's not even about appreciating the beauty of a woman.

    It is about reducing a woman's worth to what's underneath her shirt.

    And thereby making her rankable, scorable, and quantifiable.

    You may see it differently, as a man, and you probably do.

    My humble opinion.


    Scarlett O.
  5. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    A covered hole or pit for receiving drainage or sewage, as from a house.
    A filthy, disgusting, or morally corrupt place.

    The world's septic tank, huh? Fits fine if you ask ME.

    Galatians 6:7, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."


    p.s. Would you believe one of our members jumped on me for quoting scripture so much!
  6. GODzThunder

    GODzThunder New Member

    Jul 1, 2003
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    What better place to hold a youth service than at a bar posing as a restaurant that appeals to the lust of the eye. Yes, the manager accepted Christ but no that does not justify exposing the youth to heavy drinking and daisy duke wearing waitresses. I think this is as blasphemous as that Church in California that uses big macs and coca colas at a pool party for their youth's holy communion.
  7. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    Go to Chic-filet. There is a local youth group who meets there for breakfast early on Fridays and concludes their time with a morning devotion. No hooters or tight pants there. They have done this for years.
  8. Eutychus

    Eutychus Member

    Aug 1, 2004
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    Anyone see Rick & Bubba today on this topic? Some employee of a Hooters called in and Rick got him to admit that the theme was intended as the name implies. Rick used the expression, "to get men to lust after," them, and the man agreed, but insisted that women's groups and others go there just for the food - as if that settled the issue.

    Rick used as a comparison a car wash with modestly dressed women employees and a car wash with women in bikinis - he said you can't ignore the implied intention of the second example.

    I was rather proud of Rick & Bubba for, in gentleness, telling it like it is.
  9. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    The Apostle Paul had a buddy named Demas who went "the way of the world!"----and God just let him go! I can imagine Demas going one way and Paul going opposite!

    The Bible never mentions ole Demas after that episode---he became a "blur" in God's memory! Vague compared to the walk in the word that Paul was taken to!!

    But I'm sure that Demas "won" a lot of souls at Central Asia's version of "Hooters!"----yes, I'm sure he did!!
  10. Bro Tony

    Bro Tony New Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    To my sister in Christ---I don't think it could have been said any better. It is not only the ladies who see it as you said, but many men also. What man with the view of "whatever floats your boat" would have the same attitude if their daughter worked there or their son went there only for Bible Study?

    Bro Tony
  11. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I'm not in any way condoning it. I certainly am not recommending it. However, I don't equate it with a strip club. I'd equate it more along the lines as a pub or sports bar, as far as questionable places go.

    As far as skimpy outfits, I once heard a pastor say that the beach is a cesspool of sin, because of excessive flesh that is visible. I got baptized in the ocean. No one's ever told me I got baptized in a cesspool of sin.

    I can understand why.

    Actually, I can probably speak with a small amount of authority on this. About 8 years ago, I went to a Hooters for lunch with some folks from work. The visual novelty, shall we say, lasted for about a minute and a half, and I was disinterested. After that, I was looking at the menu, and ordering food. The food was good. Actually, it wass very good. I haven't been to a Hooters since. I choose not to go, because I don't think it's a good witness for me to visit such an establishment. And, I think there are better places to hold a Bible study than a Hooters. Where I part ompany with many is that I don't equate it to a strip club.
    Not as differently as you might have thought.
  12. USN2Pulpit

    USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    Don't worry Johnv, I see your point - as do many others probably. Hooters is definitely not a strip club. As for scantily clad women, I think we should all avoid the summer olympics, too.

    It's disgraceful how they make those athletes (especially beach volleyball) dress.
  13. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    I'll reiterate my opinion just this last time and then I don't think it's wise of me to beat a dead horse. I need to move on.

    Just because it's not a strip club means it's OK? Not in my opinion. Not at all. Not hardly. Not even close. That's very poor justification.

    Unethical and immoral idealogy and behavior is NEVER made acceptable simply because there is something worse out there.


    Very poor justification.

    I can't even get past the name. The vulgar and crude name!! Just the name, in my book, makes it unacceptable.

    As far as the summer olympics is concerned, the women playing beach volleyball don't offend me in the least.

    The human body, in and of itself, is beautiful. We are "fearly and wonderfully made".

    The women playing Olympic volleyball aren't made to be ridiculous. Sure, there are men who watch them with impure thoughts. But there are also men who would watch a woman in a fur coat with impure thoughts.

    The Olympics is about celebrating the pinnacle of the achievements of the human body.

    The Olympics aren't vulgar. They aren't making a mockery of a man's reactions to women's particular body parts.

    It's BECAUSE of places like Hooters and immoral magazines and pornography filling the internet and television airwaves that we REACT to the Olympics in such juvenile manners.

    We have come to treat our bodies as "dirty little things". BECAUSE of the Hooters of the world and such.

    We can't look at nudity in art or watch Olympics or look at the statue of David without giggling like 14 year old idiots.

    The Olympics are not vulgar.

    Hooters is and therefore inappropriate for Christian consideration.

    My last sermonette!


    Scarlett O.
  14. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    And we should all be very proud if our 18 year old daughters want to work there ...... [​IMG]

  15. USN2Pulpit

    USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    Scarlett O., I think you might be taking my last post as an endorsement for that restaurant. Nothing could be further from the truth. I think it's a disgrace - and no Christian should patronize the establishment. Can I be plainer? But it's still not a strip club.
  16. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I never said I was in favor of it. I would never recommend Christians meeting or patronizing one. I said it wasn't tantamount to a nude strip club. A bar or pub, yes. But not a nude strip club.
    Now here, you and I are in agreement. But I don't think that's because of the sinful world, I think it's because of well-intended but overzealous puritanism. Indeed, there are several people on this very bb who would refer to the statue of David as pornographic, or at least, inappropriate for young eyes. They will equate anything involving a nude figure with sexual immorality. I would disagree with them.
  17. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    Now here, you and I are in agreement. But I don't think that's because of the sinful world, I think it's because of well-intended but overzealous puritanism. Indeed, there are several people on this very bb who would refer to the statue of David as pornographic, or at least, inappropriate for young eyes. They will equate anything involving a nude figure with sexual immorality. I would disagree with them. [/QB]</font>[/QUOTE]I would agree that for some adults, a misguided "puritanism" is the underlying factor for discomfort with nudity/semi-nudity in a non sexual arena.

    I have witnessed that in some people.

    Would you not agree that another factor for people's juvenile response to such nudity/human body is an overexposure to exploitive and ridiculous concepts of our bodies purported constantly by the media and the world?

    For example, if you watched a decade of "Baywatch" then you might have a "Beavis/Butthead" type response to the women's beach volleyball team.


    Scarlett O.
  18. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    As have I.

    In many cases, yes. Just the opposite of hyperpuritanism is gratuitousness of same.

    You make a good point. I only watched two episodes Baywatch, in its 3rd season. They were actually reasonable stories, but since I don't have an interest in the beach genre, the show didn't appeal to me. Although, if someone has an infantile mentality, and they're watching the show purely to check out women in beachwear, then I'm sure you're right. OTOH, a person with an infantile mentality would probably do the same thing while watching one of those operation shows.
  19. Bro Tony

    Bro Tony New Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    What I think should be abundantly clear is that Hooters does not continue to exist just because of the food. You can get good wings alot of places. And Baywatch was not on the air all those years because of great story lines or great acting. They both demean women and speak of a society that is consumed with sex.

    Bro Tony
  20. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Probably true, bro tony. OTOH, there have been shows that show more than Baywatch, that don't last a single season due to low viewership, and restaurants that show more than Hooters, that don't get any business. So perhaps it's not that simplistic.