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Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by poncho, Oct 21, 2005.

  1. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Craig Roberts
    October 18, 2005

    Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington, famous for defeating Napoleon's Grande Armee at Waterloo, once said "I've spent my entire life trying to discover what the fellow on the other side of the hill was up to."

    And so it is with intelligence gathering and analysis. As a former intel analyst, I've spent many years on various missions beginning in the mid-1980s and going beyond Desert Storm taking pieces of the "global threat puzzle" and trying to fit the pieces together to discover what the "other fellow" was up to, and what he would do next.

    In the past two decades I have witnessed a series of events that are extremely disturbing. Events, that if put together as pieces of a puzzle, seem to form a picture that is most disturbing-and even terrifying. Taken alone, they mean little. But taken in whole, the mosaic forms more than just a pattern-one that is planned, mission-oriented, and taking place almost as if there were a list of events that must occur to accomplish the final mission.

    The "final mission" is two-fold: destruction of nation-states, and establishment of a New Age global-socialist New World Order.

    For those who think this is "conspiracy theory," or simply fear-factor-fiction, let me ask this: Do you think the US Constitution is intact, and is this the same country as it was fifty years ago? If not, why not? And what and who caused the change?

    Let's all play intelligence analyst. We'll do this by examining the reports, putting the pieces on the wall and seeing what kind of picture it forms. Here are the clues:

    On To The Rest Of PART ONE

    Craig Roberts
    October 18, 2005

    During the Clinton administration, the military was basically reduced-I would use the word "destroyed"-by not only reduction in forces and personnel and equipment and bases, but by chasing off the best officers and NCOs this country had in uniform at the time. I know of many of my cohorts who loved their country and military careers, but became so disenchanted with the Clintons' anti-military doctrines and abhorrence of the military that they either hung up their boots and became civilians, or took early retirement. It was during this time that political correctness was shoved down the throats of fighting units: females were put into harm's way in front line or near units; homosexuals were "accepted" by the "don't ask, don't tell" doctrine; and combined male/female combat support units and ships and aircraft came into being. The Clintons'mission was to destroy the military, or at least reduce it to a shadow of what was required to defend this country. (It was also a mission of the Clinton administration to reduce the firepower of the average American citizen with new, draconian "gun control" laws-after all, any invading force in the future would not want to face a few million armed American "guerrillas").

    It was during this time that Islamic terrorist organizations grew and flourished, and Clinton did little, if anything, about it. It was almost as if he-or his globalist puppet masters-wanted such a movement to grow and become even stronger.

    Then it was George W. Bush's turn.

    On To The Rest Of PART TWO

    [​IMG] Paul Craig Roberts

    Paul Craig Robert's Bio
  2. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    NewsWithViews.com. Yet another site that is nothing more than opinions and commentary. The internet is full of them: opinion sites put up for the purpose of collecting a few bucks of "donations". I don't give opinion blogs any more value that then bytes they're stored upon. You know what they say about opinions, they're like another body part that everyone has, and they often stink.

    As soon as I see the phrase "New Age global-socialist New World Order", I stop reading.
  3. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Really, how dare News With Views carry a column by a repected journalist and Washington insider like Craig Roberts especially when he is writting about a "New Age global-socialist New World Order" that the PTB have already admited exists? (numerous times in numerous articles, books, tv appearances, presidential speeches and other assorted soundbites)

    For those who think this is "conspiracy theory," or simply fear-factor-fiction, let me ask this: Do you think the US Constitution is intact, and is this the same country as it was fifty years ago? If not, why not? And what and who caused the change?

    The four questions are.

    1.) Do you think the US Constitution is intact?

    2.) Is this the same country as it was fifty years ago?

    3.) If not then, why not?

    4.) What and who caused this change?

    Four simple little questions is all he asks. Is it too much to ask for some real answers and discussion other than the standard glossy eyed "theory, theory"?

    [ October 21, 2005, 06:39 PM: Message edited by: poncho ]
  4. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    May 23, 2002
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    Well, I would like martial law in my neighborhood. At one time it was the murder capital of Indiana, outdoing Gary for the honor. Now it is full of vice and cops who look the other way even when they are not eating doughnuts and drinking coffee.
  5. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    That's a good sign then for big brother that you would like to see martial law in your neighborhood. Reckon it show's that their propanganda and fearmongering is very effective. :cool:
  6. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    May 23, 2002
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    I think that it mostly shows that I am tired of not being able to go outside after dark and tired of hookers on the sidewalks at dawn even and tired of alcoholics acting like I am their long lost brother just because I am waiting on the corner for the traffic light to change and I am tired of bums living in the corner bus shelter and I am tired of worthless cops.
  7. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Anybody here have a copy of
    (The Dial Press, 1967)?

    For years the book was the stock demon of
    political right-wing-nuts conspiritial
    literature. Then maybe in 2000 I actually
    ran across a copy, it wasn't like the
    conspiracy folk said.

    On the one hand war has basic functions in human society: economic, political, sociological,
    cultural and scientific; on the other hand
    war can now eliminate all: society, economies,
    politics, sociologies, cultures and science :(

    What can fulfill the roles of war without
    killing everybody? I.E. what would HAVE TO
    HAPPEN if peace broke out?

    The answer, in short, is yielding US
    sovereignty to the one world society, economy,
    politic, sociology, culture, and science.

    I note since 1967 there has been a trend
    toward that end but it is a
    one world society, economy,
    politic, sociology, culture, and science
    dictated by the USofA. No wonder nobody likes
    us :(

    Now the struggle is, who drives the world?
    Is the driver
    the slightly left of center political liberals
    of the US? OR is the driver the slightly right
    of center political conservatives?

    BTW anybody here but me live next to a
    (longer than two months) FEMA takeover?
    Hands please [​IMG] Thank you.

    On may third 1993 a major F6* Tornado
    Ran from Bridge Creek through Moore and
    Del City to the edge of
    Tinker AFB. On the west side of Sooner Road
    in Del City there was extensive damage moving
    homes off their foundations and pullind sod
    off the ground.

    *It was the highest tornadic wind ever measured:
    316MPH so some sugested F5 goes 261-310
    and F6 goes 311+

    For some six months there was a local cop sitting at
    the endtrance to that subdivision. Your property was
    subject to full inspection IF REQUIRED; Somebody
    inside had to vouch for you, if you went inside
    the subdivision.
  8. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Poncho: //2.) Is this the same country as it was fifty years ago?

    //3.) If not then, why not?

    //4.) What and who caused this change?//

    The significant change is that about 1964 there were enough nuclear
    weapons in the world to DESTORY ALL LIFE on the face of the planet
    bigger than a virus.

    In general, don't tick off the USGovernment or the RussianMilitary.
    (fortunately, neither of these groups is suicidal).

    Poncho: //1.) Do you think the US Constitution is intact?//

    Yes. It will still be around with only viruses :(
    Oh, i was taking the paper is is written upon.
    Or maybe i've confused it with the Declaracion of Independence.
  9. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Sorry to hear how tired you are CMG. I don't think the conditions will be any more enjoyable under martial law though. The globalists have a thing about competition. If you are a middle class American then you are the competition. Once the middle class is gone you'll probably get a chance to wash winshields on the corner for nickels too.

    Sounds like you've already decided to join the NWO Ed, either that or you've convinced yourself that resistance is futile. Which type of world dictatorship would you prefer, socialist or fascist?

    I haven't given up on America or Americans yet myself. It only took a small percentage of the population to win our independence before so I reckon it won't take that many to keep it once they start to see what's really going down here. And I also think more are starting to smell and identify the rats in this country. That would be the globalists that have taken over our government of by and for the people and are systematically bringing us to ruin and a sceintific one world dictatorship.

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    I would surmise if their was a martial law clock , like their is the doomsday clock. I would say we
    are a couple of ticks closer Ponch.

    The Bush culture has hurt this nation and who knows how desperate they could become if power is taken away or severely diminished.

    It is legitimate "Opin"..imho.

    We should hold high leaders to high
  11. emeraldctyangel

    emeraldctyangel New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    CMG...maybe it is time to move?

    Question 1. Yes. I saw it not that long ago and it was not ripped to shreds.

    Question 2. No this is not the same country as it was 50 years ago. I dont believe it should be. If you think so, then you need to reevaluate what it means to evolve.

    Is the Bible the same as it was 50 years ago? Or does it have new meaning for you now?
  12. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    May 23, 2002
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    Yeah, it is time to move. Indianapolis is a city on a downward slide. It is going to be like Chicago--downtown for tourists and highly-paid businessmen--the suburbs for the middle class whites.
  13. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Poncho: //Sounds like you've already decided to join the NWO Ed,
    either that or you've convinced yourself that resistance is futile.//

    I joined the NWO when i made my first Dollar:
    Matthew 24:3 (The Latin Vulgate)
    sedente autem eo super montem Oliveti accesserunt ad eum discipuli
    secreto dicentes dic nobis quando haec erunt et quod signum adventus
    tui et consummationis saeculi

    Matthew 24:3 (HCSB= Holman Christian Standard Bible)

    While He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached
    Him privately and said, "Tell us, when will these things happen?
    And what is the sign of Your coming
    and of the end of the age?

    Mat 24:3 (LKV1611 Edotion):
    And as he sate vpon the mount of Oliues, the Disciples came vnto
    him priuately, saying, Tell vs, when shall these things be?
    And what shall be the signe of thy coming,
    and of the end of the world?

    Back of the $1 bill NOVUS ORDO SECLORIUM

    Consider the slogan: NOVUS ORDO SECLORIUM: usually translated 'new order for the ages"

    NOVUS - Latin word from which we get 'new'

    ORDO - Latin word from which we get 'order'

    SECLORIUM - latin word from which we get 'secular' (not religions, but
    of the world) also means "age".

    So Novus Ordo Seclorium can indeed mean 'new order for the ages"

    But Novus Ordo Seclorium and also mean: 'new order for the world' or 'new world order'.

    Until 1973 I tryed to stay off of main targest. In 1972 I even took a
    'public safety' course: how to be (what is now called) a FEMA augmentee.
    Unfortunately, about 1964* the world had the atomic and hydrogen bombs
    it takes to destroy all human life on earth. By 1988 there were 30 times
    as many nuclear weapons as it take to destroy all human life on earth.

    *I didn't find out until after 1964.

    In 1975 I went to work on a target. In the year 2000 I'd made my first Million
    dollars (BTW, I tithed on it to my local church).

    Poncho: //Which type of world dictatorship would you prefer, socialist or fascist?//

    The two choices, as it appears I specified up topic (before) appear
    to be US Democratic or US Republican.
  14. rivers1222

    rivers1222 Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    Martial Law in communities that suffer natural disasters or public upheavals in order to bring calm.yes.

    Martial Law just to extinguish civil liberties in communities that adhere to the 2nd ammendment, NO.
  15. emeraldctyangel

    emeraldctyangel New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    You cant really extinguish civil liberties. We have had them for so long, and honestly, they are part of the natural order of things (meaning they are self evident no matter what), that you can imprison and kill each other for years on end, and man will still understand freedom and desire it. Dont think so? Look at Iraq. They DESIRE the freedoms they know they can have - not because the US told them so or even showed them how, but because they want to live a life where they do not have the taste of fear on the backs of their throats at all times.

    It sounds by some of the posts, that you believe that once they start the extinguishing of civil liberties, that somehow people will stand for it. I believe that even the most pacifist person in this country would stand up for their rights. So all of this rhetoric is just screaming at the sky. There has to be medication for that.
  16. Bunyon

    Bunyon New Member

    Jul 31, 2005
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    "I think that it mostly shows that I am tired of not being able to go outside after dark and tired of hookers on the sidewalks at dawn even and tired of alcoholics acting like I am their long lost brother just because I am waiting on the corner for the traffic light to change and I am tired of bums living in the corner bus shelter and I am tired of worthless cops"''-------------------------------------------------------

    Why don't you just move to New Mexico, Church Mouse Guy
  17. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Ed, you sound just like a "conspiracy theorist" now... [​IMG] Seriously though, I see their (NWO) symbolism stamped on alot more than just the dollar bill these days even some bibles have a version. The triskel from what little I know about the occult is on a few of them.

    The most obvious is the "all seeing eye" like on the dollar bill it's showing up everywhere. Little pyramid symbols are all over the mass media along with the "eye" like CBS and Time Warner, AOL, that new 989 thing, Darpa's Total Information awareness, that had a name change and the funding routed through different channels. Just about everytime I turn on the TV (which I try to avoid) all I see is "the lights" shining at me from most all the networks programing and movie makers logos. Who is the light bearer again? The Bush's talk about their "points of light" in speeches and so on. Makes me wonder just who they are really carrying "the torch for"? Now "security cameras" are going in all over the world, RFID chips to track and trace everything from soap containers to humans. Our own government or whoever is posing as our government is willing to sign any treaty that weakens our defenses and gives our sovereignty away to one "world" organization or another.

    Yet so many people believe that a conspiracy isn't at work to destroy this country and turn it int0 a nation state ruled by people other than who we the people elect. :confused:

    Once they start eh?

    The constitution doesn't need to be "ripped to shreds" it's only a piece of paper after all. It can stay right where it is safe and sound while it's meaning and principles are subverted by the one world "gods" and their federal cohorts here at home. Looks to me like they are having quite the success at it too.

    I'm what you could call a creationist, the theory of evolution from what I can figure out was started by a bunch of Malthusian social Darwinists to refute God's word and cast doubt...so no I'm not going to "reevaluate" a farce. You can if you wish to though. This is a "free country" even though your liberties are disapearing faster than you can say Patriot Act(s), martial law and multinational troops operating on our native soil.

    Remind us again how the civil liberties of the German people were extinguished along with the Weimar Republic and why we're so smart and attentive today that it can never happen here in the USA.

    [ October 23, 2005, 05:34 PM: Message edited by: poncho ]
  18. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Poncho: "The triskel from what
    little I know about the occult is on a few of them."

    Ah Ha! you buy into conspiracy theories about the occult,
    yet haven't checked them out. I happen to know a lot about
    the triskelion, It is a very simple genometric figure to make.
    The triskelion is used by the early church and even church
    churches to represent the Blessed Trinity: God the Father,
    God the Son (AKA: Messiah Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit.
    The triskelion is used on the Front Page of the New King
    James Version (nkJV). The nKJV was designed to satisfy the
    specifications set forth by King James Version Only-ists: (KJVO-ists)
    for a new translation:

    1. Same source (AKA: Textus Receptus*)

    * This word is plural, there are plural source texts from
    which the New Testament was made.

    2. no baby baptizers or gay boys on the translation committee(s)

    These criteria were used and the nKJV made. The KJVO-ists determined
    that their can be no more changes to the KJV so NO NEW TRANSLATION
    can ever be made in English that will ever replace their KJV.

    It took the hostile KJVO-ists 8 to 10 years to discover the
    triskelion on the title page. And the KJVO-ists tryed to use it
    to discredit the nKJV. Unfortunately, the KJVO-ists have a
    smiling sun figure on the cover page of the KJV1611 Edition.
    So all that got exposed is another KJVO-ist Double Standard.
    BTW,i might add that the decorations on the Bible are NOT part of
    the Bible.

    BTW, the triskelion has been used a Pagan symbol, not an occult symbol.
    However, all symbols, being simple, have been used by unsavory religious
    and political uses. For example you will find Navaho pots with
    the swataska symbol of the Third Reich on it - from the 8th century AD.

    Yes, i read Texe Marrs book about symbols. Yes, Texe Marrs is full
    of himself :(

    OBTW (Oh, by the way): the triskelion can bs composed of interlocking 6's
    and and has been called: 'the pawprint of the devil' [​IMG]

    Poncho: //Ed, you sound just like a "conspiracy theorist" now...//

    Ha! I was into conspiracy when you still did foul things in your diaper.
    The most convincing of all conspiracy theories is the one about the
    attempt to bankrupt the USofA. Yep, the bugger man here is the 16th Ammendment.
    Since the 16th Ammemdment was passed, we have gone all downhill.
    THe US Constitution requires the Congrees and especially the House of
    Reprsentatives to control USGovernmnet spending. The Congress only controls
    about 35% maybe 36% of the budget. The other 65% is entitlements: spending
    of Federal money by all those who qualify for it: Government workers,
    national debt management, Social Security (Medicare, SS, etc), welfare program,
    state support programs, etc.
    Entitlement will bankrupt the country, how is anyone going to protest
    the USGovernment's actions if they can't even afford to get to the
    place of protest?

    Rivers1222: //Martial Law in communities that suffer natural disasters or public
    upheavals in order to bring calm.yes.

    //Martial Law just to extinguish civil liberties in communities that
    adhere to the 2nd ammendment, NO//

    Yep. Who is going to bell the cat? It is obvious that the USFederal
    Government gets to define which is which.
  19. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    So what is the difference between pagan and occult Ed? Seems like they all follow the same god(s) and the philosophy "if it feels good do it".

    It's okay to put my trust in men sporting 'symbols' on their books and bout everything else they posses because they may be pagan in origin and not occultic, is that what you are saying?
  20. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Poncho: //So what is the difference between pagan and occult
    Ed? Seems like they all follow the same god(s) and the philosophy
    "if it feels good do it".//

    When thier jackboots step on your throat the difference
    doesn't mean anything. If you are to overcome them before they
    step on your face, you need to know the difference. Fortunately
    for you the one who smashes in your head will porport to be

    Poncho: //It's okay to put my trust in men sporting 'symbols'
    on their books and bout everything else they posses because
    they may be pagan in origin and not occultic, is that what you are saying?//

    Symbols are what you make of them, or what others
    that you might want to influence make of the them.
    Symbols are MINORS. Jackboot sales are MAJOR. Follow the
    big bucks.