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Catholic Priests leaving the RCC

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by BobRyan, Feb 13, 2004.

  1. thessalonian

    thessalonian New Member

    Jan 11, 2003
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    "At least getting married is better than hanging around elememtary school yards. "

    Your a nasty one Ray. Tell me what is the protestant excuse?


    Obviously your logic that Married people don't molest children is haywire and not a solution to the problem.

  2. Ps104_33

    Ps104_33 New Member

    Sep 3, 2001
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    I dont know what it is but I have to admit, when Roman Catholics come to the truth and join a Baptist Church, they come in with both feet flyin'. They usually make the best Baptists.
    My former Pastor, who just retired from the pulpit, for health reasons, after pastoring the same church for 35 years was a former Catholic and one of the most ardent wtnesses for Christ I have ever known not to mention his knowledge of scripture.
    I couldnt even begin to count how many men and women are serving Christ in the mission field and are pastoring churches because of his ministry.
  3. BobRyan

    BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Non Baptist Christian
    A careful reading shows that he did not leave for his friend in the mission field.

    Rather he returned and continued on as a priest.

    It was later that he left.

  4. JustAsIAm

    JustAsIAm New Member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    I find it amazing that priests who leave the catholic faith are just brushed aside. I find it amusing that some will say that their testimonies don't match the "official" catholic teachings!! I guess that there ARE divisions withing the catholic church! How else could priests have different versions of what the church teaches?? Oh, I know, they weren't "really" priests to begin with :rolleyes: . All I know is that once these men leave the rcc, they really do have nothing. Why would someone give up being provided for for life if they didn't really believe the rcc to be false?
  5. mioque

    mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    The article linked to in the first post of this thread is on a website that contains an anti-catholic 19th century forgery. The infamous Bishop Strossmayer's Speech.
  6. Harley4Him

    Harley4Him New Member

    Jan 10, 2004
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    And Bob is the guy that keeps banging on me about sources, while his post links to known forgeries! Too funny [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Bob, why are you posting links to the websites of liars? Is it a birds of a feather thing?
  7. rbrent

    rbrent New Member

    Jan 1, 2004
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    What is your factual basis for calling Bishop Strossmeyer's speech a forgery?

    Are you saying that if there is one mistake on a website, that everything on that website must be wrong?

    Given your superior educational attainments and your knowledge of church history, are you saying the priest who got saved and left the RCC is a fake?

    Are you saying someone posted only part of the speech?

    Are you saying someone rewrote or reworded what the Bishop actually said?

    Are you saying someone made it all up and it never really happened?

    I notice you make this claim from time to time on the BB.

    What is the factual basis for your claim so we can check out your accusation?
  8. GraceSaves

    GraceSaves New Member

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Actually, the proper understanding when doing research on the Internet is to hold material suspect unless it is known to come from a KNOWN reputable source (universities, official organizations, etc). Without these systems that obviously care about whether or not valid material is being posted under their name, its impossible to assess the truth of the information put forth.

    Most resources on the Internet are suspect; their are few good ones in comparison to all the rotten ones. All too often, even on here, people link material that is neither signed by an author, dated, or provides citations for quoted material. All of that screams "I'm not trustworthy."

    Testimonies are always suspect. I have a great book by Lutherans who converted to Catholicism. I enjoyed it; it was a great read. But I didn't take their doctrinal claims at face value. I dug into the Lutheran Confessions and Catechism and likewise the Catholic Catechism and various council decrees and checked that context was given its due and quotations were properly cited. That is rarely done on your average Internet site, and it shows.
  9. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 26, 2003
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    I was a former unsaved Catholic. What has happened to me makes me sick when I think of all those people sitting under good preaching and doing nothing. I heard the gospel for the first time from a college student while in college.

    I went to visit one of my former classmates from high school. He asked me what I was doing for employment. He looked shocked and told me that he never knew I had any interest in that. He never once invited me to church or any Christian functions. He looked ashamed. Former Catholics know what religion loks like and they are sick of it. They know the difference between religious ninsense and real Christianity. They know what salvation does to a person. But I do know of a Catholic Church that does invite people to receive Christ. That church is growing.
  10. mioque

    mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    "What is your factual basis for calling Bishop Strossmeyer's speech a forgery?"
    This version you mean? Yes this one is a forgery.
    There is a real Strossmayer speech that was delivered at Vatican I .
    It just happens to have been a completely different speech than the one on that website.
    Yes, I've read them both.

    "Are you saying that if there is one mistake on a website, that everything on that website must be wrong?"
    In cases of wellknown forgeries being represented like thruth, like this one I get very suspicious about the rest of a website.

    "Given your superior educational attainments and your knowledge of church history, are you saying the priest who got saved and left the RCC is a fake?"
    This priest? I've got no idea. There is something of an American cottage industry when it comes to fake former nuns&priests.
    Which is strange 'cause there are plenty of real ones around.

    "Are you saying someone posted only part of the speech?"
    No this is the whole forgery.

    "Are you saying someone rewrote or reworded what the Bishop actually said?"
    No the forgery was made up out of whole cloth and does not resemble the original in the slightest.

    "Are you saying someone made it all up and it never really happened?"
    I claim somebody decided that they could give a better speech than Strossmayer and made up his own version.

    "I notice you make this claim from time to time on the BB.
    What is the factual basis for your claim so we can check out your accusation? "
    For starters...
  11. Brother Adam

    Brother Adam New Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    Why so angry Ray? I notice that when Baptists argue with Mormons (who believe they belong to the one true Church) they normally speak in charity, and Baptists believe they are a false religion and a cult following the "traditions of men". However, when discussing things with Catholics who apparently hold to false doctrines and are a false religion, there is an overall loathing anger. Don't make much sense to me!

    Then again, I think both Catholic and Baptist doctrine[/b] has been formed by the "traditions of men". Today we have Charles Rylie giving us our doctrine as well as John MacArthur and so many others. Doctrinal beliefs consistantly change throughout time and vary greatly from church to church. At one point in time our Baptist Church openly accepted woman preaches, now it rejects them.

    Catholics have been preaching Gods word everyday without fail since its incorporation. If someone misses the gospel message in a Catholic Church, that's there own fault. I was raised Catholic until I was 8, and I sure didn't miss it. [​IMG]

    I for one commend Grant (GraceSaves) for wishing to serve the Lord as a pastor and a priest. If he believes God is calling him, like Paul to remain single as it is better to do, more power to him. He will get to share with Catholics everyday the good news of Jesus Christ since I know that he believes Jesus Christ is the only savior of man and it is only through faith in him that we can find salvation
  12. Brother Adam

    Brother Adam New Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    "I would encourage you to attend Moody Bible Institue in Chicago or Dallas Theological Seminary and get yourself a Biblical education that no-one will be able to effectively combat"

    Nope. I had applications filled out to both and turned the one for Moody in. Then as I got to studing the doctrinal stances more and had discussions with their professors and the dean at Dallas I quickly came to discover as a Fundamental Baptist, this was not the way to go.

    And no one has yet to effectively combat Grant or Carson as of yet. So far they have effectively shown all of the doctrines discussed do not supercede the scriptures but in the very least complament them. Now I know its okay to have traditions, and that I don't have to try to find the third missionary offering of the day and fifth overall offering in the Bible in order for our Church to ask for it. :eek:
  13. Ray Berrian

    Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Grace Saves,

    I did not figure out if you were going to become a Catholic priest, why would you have even appplied to Moody or Dallas Seminary?

    If you believe in Baptist beliefs, I am sure there are other Baptists that can recommend the best seminaries to attend.

    If for example you were going to become a Methodist it would be best to attend Asbury Theological Seminary. Denominations prefer that you stay within their seminaries so that you study their doctrines of that particular denomination. All Christians believe is basic Christian doctrines like the Deity of Christ, the Trinity, Heaven, Hell, and the Second Coming.
  14. GraceSaves

    GraceSaves New Member

    Mar 15, 2002
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    I am thoroughly confused, brother. :eek:

    I never said I had applied to those seminaries...I thought you brought them up, and I haven't even replied to that (lest my mind be slipping on me). I will probably either be going to Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans or St. Meinrad's in Indiana. But I won't start looking into that more deeply until next year.
  15. Carson Weber

    Carson Weber <img src="http://www.boerne.com/temp/bb_pic2.jpg">

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Hi gb9,

    You wrote, "I heard the gospel for the first time from a college student while in college."

    Let me get this straight.. You went to Mass every Sunday before college and never heard the Gospel?
  16. thessalonian

    thessalonian New Member

    Jan 11, 2003
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    This is GB in Mass. [​IMG] [​IMG]

  17. D28guy

    D28guy New Member

    Nov 16, 2002
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    Where in the mass are the people there told that they can be 100% reconciled to God, with Heaven secured as their destination immedietly after their last breath, through faith alone, at the complete exclusion of anything and everything they do?

    I was raised Catholic, Mass every Sunday, 8 years of parochial school, religion class, and CCD(I think thats what the initials were. Held in someones home for teenagers) class, and when I heard that at the age of 24 it was a new concept to me. And it was like a cool drink of water to a very thirsty man.

    In the Coucil of Trent cursings the Catholic Church curses anyone who believes what I just posted up there, yet it was that truth...the Gospel...that got me out of hell and into heaven, and gave me a new, and much much better, life here on earth.

    God bless,

  18. CatholicConvert

    CatholicConvert New Member

    Jun 15, 2001
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    Brother Carson --

    You must understand what Protestants mean when they use the term "the Gospel".

    They mean a red hot, pulpit pounding, sweat-on-the-forehead session of telling everyone in front of them that they are sinners headed straight for hell!!

    They mean a hour's worth of haranging people about their sins and convincing them that they are about to bust hell wide open!!

    They mean telling people in no uncertain terms that if they don't "git up dis aisle right now and assept Jaaaaaaaayzuz you might die and go to hell tomorrow!!"

    They mean telling people that all they have to do is tell Jesus, while kneeling in the front of the Church, "I believe in you" and asking Him "come into my heart and be my Savior" that they are fixed forever, for all time, and should never again doubt that they are going to Heaven.

    You have to LISTEN at Mass and PERSONALLY apply the words in the Mass TO YOURSELF!! {"Lord, I am not worthy to receive You, but only say the word and I shall be healed.")

    I guess that is too much work for some folks.

    Cordially in Christ,

    Brother Ed
  19. Bro. Curtis

    Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    If that's what you heard, Ed, then it's no wonder you left.

    (And I do think yer taking some literary liscence there, my friend.) I have NEVER heard the gospel presented in the manner you just used.

    Anyways, yer hatred is showing, and it's clouding up anything good you have to say.
  20. mioque

    mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    "I would encourage you to attend Moody Bible Institue in Chicago or Dallas Theological Seminary and get yourself a Biblical education that no-one will be able to effectively combat"
    Graduates from this will.