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    We hope to see you as a part of our community soon and God Bless!

Dr. Bob
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  • Greetings Dr. Bob. Jared Hanley, who posted the "Bapticostal" thread in the General Baptist Discussions, lists himself as non-denom. I think this is a good topic, but shouldn't it be moved to the Other Christian Denominations? It also raises a question. If a person is non-denom, but has "baptistic" beliefs, what's the ruling on where he posts?
    Dr. Bob,
    Why is the Lordship thread closed. It is well below the 200 mark. No reason was given that I could tell.
    Greetings Dr. Bob,

    I realize that it looked like I was selling my books on this thread. Furthermore, as Stephan pointed out, we are not to "sell" things on the board.

    Thus, it was righteous that you removed both of my posts, and I will not quibble with you as to the intent behind my post, HOWEVER, if you are going to remove, and uphold the policy on using the board to sell items, than in ALL FAIRNESS, the post by Tom Vols should be removed. Is he not attempting to sell personal items on this forum ???

    I hope there is not a double standard on the board, and should you not remove Tom's post, I'd expect an explanation, so I can better understand what I can post and not post in regard to my books, and my personal library, that I am trying to sell, locally.

    Thanks for your consideration in my question.

    Pastor Paul
    Dr. Bob,

    Do you know why my post to the Reading forum is not coming up? Was it moved ??

    Waiting to hear from you. If I broke a rule of the BB, I apologize, but, either way, I'd like to know why it shows your name under the title, yet it isn't there.

    Maybe the forum isn't working, Don't know ???

    Pastor Paul
    I can't seem to figure out how to "quote" another poster in my response. How does this work?
    Greetings Dr. Bob,

    I hope you can assist me. For some reason, someone "moved" my post titled: A Big Thanks for Baptist View Polls...

    I would like to have you consider moving it back, as I was attempting to thank all of the board members who have actively contributed to the polls I posted over the last week.

    I was attempting to thank everyone, and moving the post will keep those on this forum subject from finding my Open Letter of Thanks.

    If you could move it back, I'd be thankful.

    Pastor Paul
    Just a quick hello as you do not post on the All Christians zone...trust you are keeping well....
    It's a minor thing, but I'm curious as to why every time I click on "Mark forums read", I'm told I don't have permission to do that. Jon-Marc
    Boy am I embarrassed, sorry, I don't need to change my name, I just realized those other posts were me, about 8 years ago. I had forgot. Sorry to bother you. Joy2U
    Hello, I dont know if you remember me it has been many years since I posted on the Baptist Boards.
    Some how i have two threads on the Theology Forum; name: Who Maketh Thee to Differ From Another. Can you help me out?
    I guess I might as well give up. I'm getting tired of being logged out while I type a reply. I just typed a long reply and was told I was not logged in when I tried to post it. After logging in--again--what I typed was gone. There's no sense in trying to post since I get logged out while I'm typing. No other Web site does that.
    Hi Dr. Bob,
    Could you move my topic titled "Ancestry mingled with Religion" from

    BaptistBoard.com > Baptist DEBATE Forums (Baptist Only) > General Baptist Discussions


    BaptistBoard.com > Baptist FELLOWSHIP Forums (Baptist Only) > Missions / Witnessing / eVangelism

    I'm new on the BaptistBoard.com and didn't realize where to place my topic at first. Some kind people helped me out and recommended I ask it to be moved. I agreed it should be moved.

    Hi Bob, would you change Acts 2:48 to Acts 13:48 and remove the newer thread listed the same.

    Hi, Dr. Bob!

    In the thread, "Link to Dr. Wilkinson's book", I have tried to keep the conversation on-topic. I am hoping people will read that book & understand just where KJVO came from. However, Mr. Garvey & now Antenna Farmer keep going off-topic.

    I am quite willing to destroy any and all arguments on a new thread they might have over 1 Tim. 6:10 or Acts 12:4 even though they've been discusses 'ad-nauseam', but I'd like the "Wilkinson" thread to remain open and up-front long enough for people to read his book & compare it to the worx of Ray, Ruckman, Fuller, Riplinger, etc.

    I know you're a busy man, but I thought I'd pass this along in case you hadn't had time to read the thread, & might wanna take some action.

    I continue to pray for your good health! After all, you're only a little more than a month older than I. (My DOB - 04/22/1948)

    In Christ,
    Dr. Bob, Where it says "You last visited", could the time be changed to white lettering like the rest of that? I have a very difficult time seeing the black numbers against the dark blue background due to eye problems. It's no fun getting old. Jon-Marc
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