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  1. R

    Who was it, do you think, that Saved Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Fiery Furnace?

    The original question was.......... Who was it that Saved Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Fiery Furnace? Personally I believe that it was the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ. This would be a Christophany as was the burning bush. The real question however should be......How did King...
  2. R

    Who was it, do you think, that Saved Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Fiery Furnace?

    Not a rebuke in way....only an observation. IMHO you might want to shorten your posts. With so many comments and opinions, a lot of people just are not going to read such a long post. Again.....I did not say this to cause an argument or even a responce, it is only a personal opinion.
  3. R

    The Reckoning of Time

    Same to you my friend. Be well and I said, I have no intent on changing anyone's opinion or mind. FYI......I also believe in the inerrancy of Scripture.
  4. R

    The Reckoning of Time

    No sir, you are incorrect. Those are not "strawman arguments" at all but are actual 100% historical facts. You said....... " How can we trust a God for our salvation whom misleads us in His Word?" That is a product of your imagination. No one has suggested that. I actually said..... " I do...
  5. R

    The Reckoning of Time

    I appreciate your position. As for me.....I had to come to the understanding that the Scriptures we have can and do work with the science we have today to validate what truth is. Please understand that I am in no way trying to change anyones understanding. Allow to give you a few historical...
  6. R

    The Reckoning of Time

    Absolutely true! I for one was a Young Earth believer most of my life. However, the more I read, the more i learned, the more I became aware that the earth just could not be 6000 years old. The old argument that the Bible is right (which a agree with) and science is wrong ran its course. You...
  7. R

    The Reckoning of Time

    It is always interesting to me, that people who are so rooted in what they think and then demand "sources" from others, that they always reject those sources. One of the dangers of life is falling into the trap of......."I like what I know even if what I know is wrong". That simply means that...
  8. R

    The Reckoning of Time

    Source: Strongs 3117......"Yom" It can refer to a 24-hour period, the daylight hours, or an indefinite period of time. The context in which "yom" is used often determines its specific meaning. Source :Hebrew Word Definition: Day | AHRC = Hebrews Word Definitions The Hebrew word יום (yom...
  9. R

    The Reckoning of Time

    That is just not the case. I know that you want it to be, but it is not. The word "day" in the Hebrew is "YOM" and as I posted, it has all kinds of meanings and "Day" is only one of them.
  10. R

    Why do Christians sin?

    Absolutly a Biblical post.
  11. R

    The Reckoning of Time

    You are correct in that "Genesis 1:1 does not give "billions of years" anywhere in the text. However, when considering the Hebrew word for DAY, one must understand that "YOM" has many usages. There is also not a case given in which billions of years did not exist before Gen 1:1. If we simply...
  12. R

    The Reckoning of Time

    And neither does it say that He did not. Again...... Also notice that in verse 2 says: "…the earth was empty and desolate…"! The earth is actually described in some kind of dark and ruined state.
  13. R

    Why do Christians sin?

    Help me out here. What are you trying to say????
  14. R

    The Reckoning of Time

    Agreed. I appreciate your post, however we must conclude that no where in Scripture is there a record of how old the Creation is. Many Christians believe that the earth is about 6,000 years old. But most scientists say the earth is more than 4.6 billion years old. Who is right? This is...
  15. R

    The Reckoning of Time

    Then by that definition YOU are a Young Earth believer. I am not saying that is bad, only that you are one.
  16. R

    The Reckoning of Time

    The Hebrew word for “day” is the word “Yom.” Young earth creationists have always argued that the word used for the days of creation can only mean a 24-hour day. That is simply not true. "YOM" in the originla Hebreww has many meanings all depending on Context.......... Time Year Age Ago...
  17. R

    Why do Christians sin?

    Yes. The old sin nature never dies, until we do.
  18. R

    Why do Christians sin?

    Romans 2:23......."ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God". What is the glory of God ???? It is the standard of His acceptance which was manifested in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  19. R

    The Reckoning of Time

    Agreed. The flood DID NOT cause mountains. We know that the flood did not shape the mountains as the mountains were already there before the flood. Mountains developed from tectonic plates coming together and pushing sediments and earth upwards from the collision..
  20. R

    Why do Christians sin?

    Correct. Now why post something so obviouse and established from the Bible?