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  1. Dave G

    What do you see?

    All, In another thread I asked a member who disagrees with what are commonly called "the doctrines of grace" ( or what is very often referred to as "Calvinism", TULIP, etc. ), but what I see as the truth in summary form, what they see when they read the Scriptures like I do... As a newspaper or...
  2. G

    Calvinism and the Unpardonable Sin

    A worry to many is something called the unpardonable sin, which none of the non-elect have to worry about, considering none of their sins are pardonable, as Christ apparently did not die for them. So then, who committed the unpardonable sin? If you say that the sins of the non-elect are...
  3. G

    Calvinism Refuted with One Verse

    In Genesis 6:3, the Bible reports God as saying, "My spirit shall not always strive with man..." (KJV). Now, if Calvinism is true, why does God need to strive with anyone? Could he not simply irresistibly move them? This appears to be one of those instances, according to Calvinism, in which God...
  4. G

    The Total Inability of Pharoh

    Apparently, went Pharoh was born, something went awry from God's creation, that is, with the God' of Calvinisms creation, because Pharoh needed to have his heart hardened lest he should obey God. If people have no ability whatsoever to respond to God, apart from the irresistible, regenerating...
  5. 37818

    Each of the points Calvinism have some kind Scriptural support.

    Those who hold to a Calvinist view ought to be able to positively present their view. And not merely the 5 points. Long rants and whole chunks Scripture may prove meaningless to those who have not understood any Calvinist view. Key foundational points need to be laid down first and understood.
  6. 37818

    About a Pastor who was twice a 5 point Calvinist.

    An interesting read. My Personal Experience with Calvinism All are welcome comment on his views.
  7. atpollard

    As a ‘Calvinist’, How did you come to believe?

    What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander … so based on the OP above: Peace brothers. 5 point Particular Baptist here. I have a question to offer on the means of salvation and would like to offer a chance for the TULIP crowd to share their opinions. Feel free to explain how...
  8. G

    John 6:37

    “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. - John 6:37 Here we see that two truths are stated: one, those whom the Father gives to Jesus and those who will come to Jesus are in the same group, (Nothing beyond that is stated, or can be...
  9. G

    Why did Christ say he would draw all men to himself.

    First, please pardon this wrong of mine -- ceasing concerning the pronoun for God to capitalize the first letter -- as almost no Bible, neither old nor new, capitalizes the first letter. The Bible states plainly that after his ascension, the Lord Jesus Christ would draw to himself all men...
  10. G

    Romans 9 and Calvinism

    Twice a week I attend a program with groups for people with disorders like schizophrenia, where there is one patient who is a Calvinist, from whose mouth comes always the doctrines of Calvinism, referring for proof to verses like those in Romans 9, which reads: The bolded words are the words...
  11. Dave G

    The love of God and His hatred of sinners

    In another thread, a good brother has asked a question that many continue to ask to this day... "Does God hate anyone?" I believe that this can be addressed by asking the equally important question: "Does God love anyone?" There's a reason that we as believers are to rejoice in His love for...
  12. C

    Doctrine of Election Livestream TODAY 5 PM EST - feedback wanted!

    Bring questions and objections to the doctrine of election in Calvinism. Livestream starts at 5 pm EST. Rick is my friend and I'm very interested in people, especially Arminians (i'm neutral and do not hold a strong opinion of soteriology), to show up with questions/comments/objections to the...
  13. Miss E

    Is God the author of Evil/Sin?

    According to your Calvinist teacher(s), whom I am currently reading about via this enlightening criticism of your doctrines, you all teach that God predestines people to sin. Thus, aka, God makes people sin. You say God chooses people to be saved, so why would you not say that God chooses which...
  14. D

    Calvinism and Arminianism foreknowledge compared with respect to time

    This is a limited topic--not about all aspects of Calvinism and Arminianism, but only about how foreknowledge is viewed with respect to time. I encourage disagreement with my suppositions, but please give me a reason and a replacement supposition for each one you oppose. 1. Calvinism's view of...
  15. 37818

    Fixing points of disagreement.

    On both sides of the isle, each person who thinks they disagree with an opposing view needs to make clear the truth one believes. I agree with "Total deprivity." Why? Because the word of God explicitly states none understand and seek God, Romans 3:11 (Psalms 14:2). I disagree with...
  16. George Antonios

    Prove it wrong: There is not one verse about predestination to salvation

    I ask you all to be as careful with terms as you can be. Our Calvinist brethren often denounce conflation of terms. We are not talking about election here. The thread is about predestination unto salvation. And please define terms with cross-references, not general one-liners.
  17. George Antonios

    Could some of your children be not elect of God?

    My God has graciously given me two lovely daughters, for whom I thank him. The question is to my Calvinist brethren. Given your interpretation of Romans 9, where God elected/loved Jacob but rejected/hated Esau, do you countenance the very real possibility that some of your children may be...
  18. Ken Hamrick

    The Call to Believe is Not Without a Promise

    Imagine how sinners would react if the gospel offered no promise of eternal life to those who believe. If there were no amazing grace, no opportunity for forgiveness, no loving heavenly Father to welcome us into His family, no Savior who gave His life to save us, but only a proclamation that God...
  19. Ken Hamrick

    The Missing Balance in Calvinism

    Any time that some truth which is held in balance in God’s word is given an emphasis on only one side, then misunderstanding and error result. It is true, as the Calvinists emphasize, that election in eternity past is unconditional. But the neglected Biblical balance is this: salvation in this...
  20. Ken Hamrick

    Inability of the Will is Never Literal

    We in the middle watch with dismay as justification for the extremes of one side is claimed to be based on the extremes of the other (in the ongoing Calvinism debate). Why ignore the middle position? There are more than two choices here... The issue of the inability of sinners is one in...