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  1. Ken Hamrick

    Why the Middle View is Here to Stay

    Calvinists and [the opposing party] have been arguing... since long before the SBC was formed. But between these two (with slight overlap of both) is a less argumentative and more cooperative middle view. ...When we encounter Calvinists who demand that God is the ultimate determiner of the...
  2. Ken Hamrick

    On Corporate Election

    John Piper provides a detailed, exegetical treatise in his book, The Justification of God, which thoroughly vitiates the claim of corporate election in lieu of individual election. He writes: It is a remarkable and telling phenomenon that those who find no individual predestination to eternal...
  3. C

    Called According to His Purpose

    A study of Paul's use of the word call. 1 Corinthians 1. What is the gospel to those who haven't been called? But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a ___________, and unto the Greeks ___________; But unto them which are ___________, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and...
  4. Rhetorician

    Dr. Roger D Duke (Rhetorician) web page just went live...

    Hello to all, In the New and Current Events forum, I have just gone live with my web page. You can find it at: https://www.drrogerdduke.com/ Please to there and give me some feedback and opinions. Be kind since I have really "thin skin." I would appreciate your giving it a look see. Thanks be...
  5. Conqueror

    No division in elect and non-elect Gentiles, as none of them were My people

    As He says also in Hosea: (a prophecy about the future) “I will call them My people, who were not My people (Rom 9:25). Calvinists then proceed to divide the Gentiles into the following two categories; the elect (who weren't God's people) and the non-elect (who weren't God's people)...
  6. Rhetorician

    How much of a "sinner" are we really?

    Hello to all: I suppose this will bring out the real "Arminian" in those who are and I suppose this will bring out the real "Particular Redemptionist" in those who are?! I propose that "Arminians" believe that they commit sins. I propose that "Particular Redemptionsists" would say that they...
  7. Rhetorician

    An "Ax to Grind!"

    To whom it may concern and all "who may have a dog in the fight!" Dr. RC Sproul declared, "Theology should be done on the razor's edge!" My ax to grind and my bone to pick is this. All of you who are not "in the know" let me help you out here. Many are calling those Baptists who believe in...
  8. BobRyan

    Why I am not a Calvinist.. the ACTUAL topic of this thread

    Why not be Calvinist? One good reason is the following "Calvinism does not survive the test of scripture." ================================================ John 1:11 “He came to His OWN and His OWN received Him NOT” "God so loved the WORLD that HE gave" John 3:16. "God is not WILLING...
  9. Rhetorician

    Has Fundamentalism Lost the Gospel?

    To all who have an ear: I am not an IFB so I probably should not be even posting at this thread. But, I was raised with a "Bob Jones pastor" and was a Bus Pastor for years and years. I also, in the early to mid 1970s, attended many bus clinics where John R. (as I affectionately call him) and...
  10. Mark Corbett

    Predestination and Foreknowledge

    Most Christians sooner or later struggle with questions about predestination. Many Christians don’t like the idea of predestination because it feels unfair. I think the problem is not with predestination itself, but with a lack of understanding about how predestination is related to...