Eric, since I cannot criticize anyone that isn't of my race, could you serve as a middleman, and tell folks my opinions?
I realize you have trouble distinguishing between the assignment of motive and the evaluation of empirical data...but I'll do my best to help you along.
But you're not evaluating. At least one of you is just tossing this stuff out endlessly with no point, and then he and others make these outrageous sweeping statements about the entire race elsewhere.
You seem to be taking such personal offense, but I never questioned
your motives personally. I was debating others, and you jumped in on their side. And what I was saying was that it is BETTER not to criticize other groups. You keep twisting this into stuff like "
cannot criticize
anyone that isn't of my race", or "never" criticize.
And also ignored is how I specified UNTIL THIS RESENTMENT BLOWS OVER. Such qualification is ALWAYS ignored in the responses. The counterarguments (with their broad language) won't work when such details are present.
You yourself just showed why it is better not too. Misunderstanding.
I also forgot to mention (the main point in that response) "the ad was '
poorly worded'." Why might it have been poorly worded? Because some
outsiders criticizing a community do not know what might offend. So they put out this statement, and it happens to offend. They don't realize that calling the whole race's wombs "dangerous" would be insulting. For anyone. It ain't them; it's someone else they're implicating. They're so politically driven, that sort of thing they don't consider anyway.
The offended people, as I said before, do not know where these people are coming from. They do not know their motives. They see others in the conservative movement who have said offensive things, so it doesn't sit well.
This is so simple to understand, but all you two do is misconstrue everything I say to support your case that some "card" is being played on you. If you don't like the card, then don't deal it in the first place.
That's the other reason I say this trans-racial criticism is not wise. Your side is still jumpy on it too. So just people's
reactions to this stuff set you off.
It is your kind of thinking that has led to the ridiculous notion in our colleges that "because nonwhites are not empowered, they cannot be guilty of racism."
How in the world do you figure that? Where have I said
anything pertaining to whether nonwhites can be racist?
But of course, you read so much stuff in my messages I didn't actually write.
Right here in the very same breath as accusing me of "
assigning motives".
Now if I had said something like whites should criticize blacks, but blacks can criticize whites,
then you would have a case on that. (Maybe I shouldn't provide ideas for more words to put in my mouth).
This, of course, gives carte blanche for all sorts of behavior that is despicable for any group of folks to exhibit (including Caucasians).
Of course, that's all anyone is trying to do: justify some wrong.
You're the one exaggerating my stance on people criticizing their own group. Your comrade thinks I condemn the black lady who agreed with the slogan, even though I didn't, as well as people expecting me to be against Cosby, but I wasn't. So with that inner criticism in the community, there won't be any "carte blanche" for all sorts of despicable behavior.
Where are you getting all this stuff from? It must be coming from you own heads, because it isn't coming from me.
Anyhow...just let me know if it's OK to hire a middleman to convey my concerns...or is that wrong as well?
And if it is I have to celebrate everything? Maybe since I'm straight, and thus cannot criticize gay I have to march in a "gay pride" parade?
Man...relativism really stinks, when you start hashing out the details, doesn't it?
Just a bunch of facetious sarcasm, based all on premises you have basically made up.