Scripture calls the Church a wife, the bride of the Lamb, and compares it to the holy city of Jerusalem, prepared, and “as a bride adorned for her husband” (Rev.21:2). The Scripture also compares the Church of God with the construction of a building, which “fitly framed together, groweth vnto an holy Temple in the Lord” (Eph.2:21). In the Gospels there are also types of the holy Temple in the Lord.
Name the Lord Jesus Christ will be given to Christ and the Church. In this Greatness, “all the fulnesse of the Godhead” will dwell bodily (Col.2:9). Scripture shows us the Lord Jesus Christ in many types. In the description of the face and clothes of Jesus after His transfiguration on a high mountain, as well as in the appearance of a cloud that overshadowed His disciples, the Scripture shows us the holy Temple in the Lord: “And was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the Sunne, and his raiment was white as the light” (Matt.17:2).
In the seventh chapter of the book of Acts, Scripture shows us the most important events over the past three thousand years: from the birth of Christ to the completion of the world.
In the image of Stephen at the end of the Millennium, we are shown two groups of people called and sanctified by God. People who will be delivered “from the houre of temptation” (Rev.3:10) will be raptured, while others (Israel) will be tested through baptism of fire. The holy Ghost Himself will give the right words to Israel, who will have led before kings and rulers for the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And in these words their accusers will be shown the whole history of Christianity. Scripture, telling about the wisdom of Stephen, about the false accusation and the death sentence to him, shows us these last days of the Millennium. And we are shown the whole history of Christianity in his speech to the Sanhedrin.
What prophetic significance does Abram’s exit from Ur of the Chaldeans and his stop in Harran in chapter 7 of the book of Acts (Acts 7:2-4)?
Scripture, using the events associated with Abram, shows us the events of the past, present and future times. We will review the first verses of the seventh chapter of the book of Acts. In the image of Abram, the Scriptures show us the ministry of the Son of God: on earth, in the tabernacle of heaven, and in the New Jerusalem. He will fulfill the functions of: Prophet, High Priest and King. At birth, they called him the name Jesus. In the tabernacle of heaven, He is Christ. On the throne, He is the Lord.
“Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken: The God of glory appeared vnto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran,
And said vnto him, Get thee out of thy countrey, and from thy kinred, and come into the land which I shall shew thee.
Then came he out of the land of the Chaldeans, and dwelt in Charran: and from thence, when his father was dead, he remoued him into this lande wherein ye now dwell” (Acts.7:2‑4)
“Loe, I come to doe thy will (O God”
Scripture shows us how God commands the Son to go out of his kindred, out of His Father’s house, and go to the earth that He will show Him. The Son left His “earth” - the third heaven, left His kinship - “the king and the queen” (Neh.2:6), but “made himselfe of no reputation, and tooke vpon him the forme of a seruant, and was made in the likenesse of men” (Phil.2:7,8).
The books of the New Testament tell us about the fulfillment of this prophecy: for unto us is born after the fourth thousand years from the creation of Adam “in the citie of Dauid, a Sauiour, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).
The second chapter of Genesis speaks of this event: “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, & breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a liuing soule” (Gen.2:7).
“being put to death in the flesh”
“came he out of the land of the Chaldeans” (Acts.7:4)
After accepting the death of the cross, He really came out of the land of the Chaldeans. And here, at this event, the whole Christian world, in fact, puts an end, believing that Jesus has already fulfilled the will of the Father. But is it? The reason for this error lies in the misunderstanding of the many prototypes of the books of the Old Testament, in particular ceremonial law. This misunderstanding is for mistrust of the Word of God.
Scripture, narrating about the temptation of Christ in the wilderness, about trial of Pilate, and “that he rose againe the third day”, shows us the most important events of the future. It is impossible to see them without understanding the prophetic significance of the verses of the books of the Old Testament. And in general, the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Mark.1:1) is in the future. The Son fulfilled only part of the Father’s command.
After death on the cross, after 2,000 years, He will dwell “in Charran” (Acts.7:4)
Ahead is the long ministry of the High Priest and priests at the edge of heaven in the tabernacle of heaven. And even after that, it’s too early to put an end to the work of redemption. A stop in Charran corresponds in the Gospels to the temptation of Christ in the wilderness, to the presence of the Child and His Mother in Egypt (Matt. 2), and denotes the ministry of Christ in the second Tabernacle. The purpose of this ministry is explained in detail in the work: “The Way of the Lord.”
The seventh chapter of the book of Acts is the only one in Scripture in which is the word Charran; it means the tabernacle of heaven. In all other verses of the Bible there is the word Haran; it means life on earth.
“and from thence, when his father was dead, he remoued him” (Acts.7:4).
At a certain time, God will resettle Jesus Christ from the first branch of the tabernacle of heaven. And the Scripture gives us a sign when this will happen. He will be resettled, when his father is dead. What father is the Scripture prophetically talking about? For what reason will he die? And what is the connection between these events? Answers to these questions will be given in another work.
“the third day” or “in three dayes”?
People argue, finding out the number of days that have passed from His death to His resurrection, not understanding that His “resurrection” and all further events described in the Gospels serve only as prototypes for describing future events. His “resurrection” in the year 34 and the description of the day of Pentecost is the shadow of future events. Otherwise, how the Scripture, telling about Jesus, could tell us about His resurrection in the Spirit, about His ministry in the Tabernacle of heaven, about the events of the last seventieth week, about the events on His marriage day, about His second coming and events in the end of the world (John 21)?
If the Scripture in only one chapter is able to show us several events of the future time, then the four Gospels show us in all details all significant events over three thousand years. Scripture says:
“Him God raised vp the third day, and shewed him openly” (Acts.10:40);
“Thus it is written, & thus it behoued Christ to suffer, & to rise from the dead the third day” (Luke.24:46);
“he rose againe the third day” (1Cor.15:4);
“the third day there was a mariage in Cana of Galilee” (John.2:1).
In these verses, “the third day” means the third thousand years, Christ will be rise again in the Spirit at the beginning of the third thousand years, and the marriage “in Cana of Galilee” will be at the third thousand years. But an holy Temple in the Lord will be finally built only after the third thousand years. Jesus said:
«Destroy this temple, and in three dayes I will raise it vp»(John.2:19).
After “the third day”, Christ and the Church will be like “an holy Temple in the Lord.” Scripture, using the phrase “the third day,” refers to another great event that will occur at the end of the seventh year. Three “dayes”, depending on the context, is also equal by three years (Mat.12:40), and in the verse (John.2:1) “the third day” it is also the third day literally.
The week of those past days is a prototype of future events. Read the work: “The Week of the Days.” The events of the week of the days show us the events of the last seventieth week of Daniel. This is the time when all power will be given to the devil and his angels for seven years. So, more than three days passed from the death of Jesus to His “resurrection”, which corresponds to three and a half years, this is 1260 days. Wednesday of the week of the day corresponds to the middle of the last seven years.
The end of the day and the beginning of a new one was determining according to the Sun at that time, that is, subjectively. And some disciples, speaking of those events, counted the days from His burial, when Thursday actually began.
“he was buried” and“he rose againe the third day according to the Scriptures”(1Cor.15:4).
Scripture does not openly name the time of His resurrection in the future, but allowing the disciples to contradict each other when they count days and give their details, shows us the most important events of the future time.
The Author of the Scripture, using such “mistakes”, errors and traditions of the fathers, through the written text shows in detail us the past and future events. His Word is in the PROPHETICAL meaning of verses.
One can absolutely say that His resurrection in the Spirit will happen on the night of Saturday to Sunday. And “the mariage of the Lambe” (Rev.19:7) will come at midnight from Saturday to Sunday.
Name the Lord Jesus Christ will be given to Christ and the Church. In this Greatness, “all the fulnesse of the Godhead” will dwell bodily (Col.2:9). Scripture shows us the Lord Jesus Christ in many types. In the description of the face and clothes of Jesus after His transfiguration on a high mountain, as well as in the appearance of a cloud that overshadowed His disciples, the Scripture shows us the holy Temple in the Lord: “And was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the Sunne, and his raiment was white as the light” (Matt.17:2).
In the seventh chapter of the book of Acts, Scripture shows us the most important events over the past three thousand years: from the birth of Christ to the completion of the world.
In the image of Stephen at the end of the Millennium, we are shown two groups of people called and sanctified by God. People who will be delivered “from the houre of temptation” (Rev.3:10) will be raptured, while others (Israel) will be tested through baptism of fire. The holy Ghost Himself will give the right words to Israel, who will have led before kings and rulers for the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And in these words their accusers will be shown the whole history of Christianity. Scripture, telling about the wisdom of Stephen, about the false accusation and the death sentence to him, shows us these last days of the Millennium. And we are shown the whole history of Christianity in his speech to the Sanhedrin.
What prophetic significance does Abram’s exit from Ur of the Chaldeans and his stop in Harran in chapter 7 of the book of Acts (Acts 7:2-4)?
Scripture, using the events associated with Abram, shows us the events of the past, present and future times. We will review the first verses of the seventh chapter of the book of Acts. In the image of Abram, the Scriptures show us the ministry of the Son of God: on earth, in the tabernacle of heaven, and in the New Jerusalem. He will fulfill the functions of: Prophet, High Priest and King. At birth, they called him the name Jesus. In the tabernacle of heaven, He is Christ. On the throne, He is the Lord.
“Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken: The God of glory appeared vnto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran,
And said vnto him, Get thee out of thy countrey, and from thy kinred, and come into the land which I shall shew thee.
Then came he out of the land of the Chaldeans, and dwelt in Charran: and from thence, when his father was dead, he remoued him into this lande wherein ye now dwell” (Acts.7:2‑4)
“Loe, I come to doe thy will (O God”
Scripture shows us how God commands the Son to go out of his kindred, out of His Father’s house, and go to the earth that He will show Him. The Son left His “earth” - the third heaven, left His kinship - “the king and the queen” (Neh.2:6), but “made himselfe of no reputation, and tooke vpon him the forme of a seruant, and was made in the likenesse of men” (Phil.2:7,8).
The books of the New Testament tell us about the fulfillment of this prophecy: for unto us is born after the fourth thousand years from the creation of Adam “in the citie of Dauid, a Sauiour, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).
The second chapter of Genesis speaks of this event: “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, & breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a liuing soule” (Gen.2:7).
“being put to death in the flesh”
“came he out of the land of the Chaldeans” (Acts.7:4)
After accepting the death of the cross, He really came out of the land of the Chaldeans. And here, at this event, the whole Christian world, in fact, puts an end, believing that Jesus has already fulfilled the will of the Father. But is it? The reason for this error lies in the misunderstanding of the many prototypes of the books of the Old Testament, in particular ceremonial law. This misunderstanding is for mistrust of the Word of God.
Scripture, narrating about the temptation of Christ in the wilderness, about trial of Pilate, and “that he rose againe the third day”, shows us the most important events of the future. It is impossible to see them without understanding the prophetic significance of the verses of the books of the Old Testament. And in general, the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Mark.1:1) is in the future. The Son fulfilled only part of the Father’s command.
After death on the cross, after 2,000 years, He will dwell “in Charran” (Acts.7:4)
Ahead is the long ministry of the High Priest and priests at the edge of heaven in the tabernacle of heaven. And even after that, it’s too early to put an end to the work of redemption. A stop in Charran corresponds in the Gospels to the temptation of Christ in the wilderness, to the presence of the Child and His Mother in Egypt (Matt. 2), and denotes the ministry of Christ in the second Tabernacle. The purpose of this ministry is explained in detail in the work: “The Way of the Lord.”
The seventh chapter of the book of Acts is the only one in Scripture in which is the word Charran; it means the tabernacle of heaven. In all other verses of the Bible there is the word Haran; it means life on earth.
“and from thence, when his father was dead, he remoued him” (Acts.7:4).
At a certain time, God will resettle Jesus Christ from the first branch of the tabernacle of heaven. And the Scripture gives us a sign when this will happen. He will be resettled, when his father is dead. What father is the Scripture prophetically talking about? For what reason will he die? And what is the connection between these events? Answers to these questions will be given in another work.
“the third day” or “in three dayes”?
People argue, finding out the number of days that have passed from His death to His resurrection, not understanding that His “resurrection” and all further events described in the Gospels serve only as prototypes for describing future events. His “resurrection” in the year 34 and the description of the day of Pentecost is the shadow of future events. Otherwise, how the Scripture, telling about Jesus, could tell us about His resurrection in the Spirit, about His ministry in the Tabernacle of heaven, about the events of the last seventieth week, about the events on His marriage day, about His second coming and events in the end of the world (John 21)?
If the Scripture in only one chapter is able to show us several events of the future time, then the four Gospels show us in all details all significant events over three thousand years. Scripture says:
“Him God raised vp the third day, and shewed him openly” (Acts.10:40);
“Thus it is written, & thus it behoued Christ to suffer, & to rise from the dead the third day” (Luke.24:46);
“he rose againe the third day” (1Cor.15:4);
“the third day there was a mariage in Cana of Galilee” (John.2:1).
In these verses, “the third day” means the third thousand years, Christ will be rise again in the Spirit at the beginning of the third thousand years, and the marriage “in Cana of Galilee” will be at the third thousand years. But an holy Temple in the Lord will be finally built only after the third thousand years. Jesus said:
«Destroy this temple, and in three dayes I will raise it vp»(John.2:19).
After “the third day”, Christ and the Church will be like “an holy Temple in the Lord.” Scripture, using the phrase “the third day,” refers to another great event that will occur at the end of the seventh year. Three “dayes”, depending on the context, is also equal by three years (Mat.12:40), and in the verse (John.2:1) “the third day” it is also the third day literally.
The week of those past days is a prototype of future events. Read the work: “The Week of the Days.” The events of the week of the days show us the events of the last seventieth week of Daniel. This is the time when all power will be given to the devil and his angels for seven years. So, more than three days passed from the death of Jesus to His “resurrection”, which corresponds to three and a half years, this is 1260 days. Wednesday of the week of the day corresponds to the middle of the last seven years.
The end of the day and the beginning of a new one was determining according to the Sun at that time, that is, subjectively. And some disciples, speaking of those events, counted the days from His burial, when Thursday actually began.
“he was buried” and“he rose againe the third day according to the Scriptures”(1Cor.15:4).
Scripture does not openly name the time of His resurrection in the future, but allowing the disciples to contradict each other when they count days and give their details, shows us the most important events of the future time.
The Author of the Scripture, using such “mistakes”, errors and traditions of the fathers, through the written text shows in detail us the past and future events. His Word is in the PROPHETICAL meaning of verses.
One can absolutely say that His resurrection in the Spirit will happen on the night of Saturday to Sunday. And “the mariage of the Lambe” (Rev.19:7) will come at midnight from Saturday to Sunday.