This 1 Cor. 2:14 person is spiritually dead since the Holy Spirit doesn't dwell within. This person has not been made spiritually alive and lives in ignorance and darkness. How much plainer can it be? To reject such clear biblical testimony is puzzling. You have a real antipathy toward Scripture. It is a wonder that you can accept Christ's vicarious atonement, the election of His own, along with their preservation, the Trinity, Christ's resurrection, reconciliation, justification and other cardinal truths of the Bible. These truths are just as clear and plain as the teaching of 1 Cor. 2:14, yet you rail against it.
It reminds me of something about 30 years ago. I wasn't going to a Calvinistic church per se, although some were no doubt Calvinistic. The Adult Sunday School teacher asked someone to read Romans 9 out loud. Let's call him Jay (I do forget his name). When Jay started reading he kept saying things such as "But it doesn't really mean what I'm reading. Er, ah, it can't mean what I..." He kept arguing with the biblical text. He just couldn't square it with his traditional background. MB you are another Jay.