When I was writing this I had terms more like "inerrant" (which was mentioned earlier) in mind simply because that term has been such fodder for legalist's and has caused so much unneeded distention, IMO.
Why would the question IF one held that the Bible in inerrant be a "legalist" question though?
You do hold that ALL of the Canon of scripture is divinely inspired, and fully accurate in both was was recorded down, and accurate in all its details , don't you?
Since Jesus/Apostles/OT writers saw their scriptures as being inerrant and infallible?
Right, which you seemed to concede just a bit ago with your batman exclamation and your accusal of "hair-splitting."
I'm treading carefully here for a few reasons. I'm not sure what YOU mean
by "force and effect" and "God's Word." Are you meaning what God has said or what God has inspired to be reliably recorded, or both? Sure there are different ways in which we apply narratives versus didactic texts. The story of David and Goliath certainly has a greater appeal to most than the begets, as an example. Is that a shock to anyone? They serve different purposes. One may be inform and another inspire and yet another instruct or advise, but all of it is profitable, reliable and authoritative
ALL of the Bible though is equally inspired by God, some sections more valuable/important to us, but ALL came from God, and would say that regardless where found, Jesus said something is SAME weight as others saying it, IF matter of biblical doctrines!
seems that you keep "looking" fro the means to have a "limited inerrancy" bible, IF Jesus said it, or about Jesus Himself the wriiting, than "fully inspired" compared to rest of the Scriptures!
It is a matter of fact regarding certain manuscripts missing parts or having different additional parts than other sometimes older or more reliable manuscripts. So what? My faith is in the author, not merely his book. Why is it that we are fine to admit God's chosen messengers (David, Paul, Peter etc) were full of flaws and yet were entrusted to carry God's message, but somehow can't stand someone suggesting that the book God produced using these messengers might have some typos along the way? The message is what matters, and that has been preserved and is sufficient to accomplish the purpose for which it was sent...which is NOT for it to be dissected, analyzed and idolized, but for it to lead us into relationship with the WORD, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! He is the one we need to be analyzing and idolizing. Yes, the scriptures help with that, no doubt, but they are not the end in and of themselves... That was my point.
Do you hold that the original manuscripts were 100% accurate and 100% error free?
Quite the opposite. Some of the least educated people I know (in regard to theological concepts, etc) have the greatest knowledge of the Word (Christ). My point is that you can know the Word without owning a bible...just ask many of the believers in closed countries who can't have the scriptures. Generations of believers didn't have the bible yet many were very intimate in their knowledge of the Word (Christ.)
We, humans, always have a tendency to worship the created over the Creator...ALWAYS. That's as true in Baptist bible-believing circles as it was in OT times. We idolize the gifts God gives us which were given to lead us into intimacy and relationship with Him and others, but instead are used as a substitute for God and as a stick with which we beat others.
Sometimes is easier to relate to a tangible book that we can define, systematize and hold in our small hands, than to step into a radical, dangerous, sometimes unpredictable journey with a Father who can't be defined or contained. I know because, that's me! I fight that tendency daily, and having tasted of both worlds I'm just not content staying where I am. That is just me...I'm not "projecting" anything. Read into what ever you want...