Anni Cyrus, an Iranian who escaped Submission, English for Islam, and the trap of being a child bride, and got to the USA, has posted a video from the Glazov Gang about ten of Obama's betrayals of the USA and the American people.
10. Politicalizing of the IRS and other agencies such as the now corrupt FBI.
9. Decimating of the military leadership by firing military officers who were not leftists and thereby lowering military preparedness, leading to Benghazi.
8. Communing the prison sentences of vast numbers of hardened criminals, including Gitmo prisoners.
7. Executive amnesty of illegal aliens and trafficking of guns through Fast and Furious, which caused the deaths of some Americans and many Mexicans.
6. Increasing racial tensions as a matter of policy.
5. Destabilizing the Middle East and causing a flood of Mid-East refugees worldwide, some of whom are terrorists and most of whom do not want to assimilate (ask the Europeans).
4. Purging the now corrupt FBI training manual of methods to combat Islamic terrorism, an activity presided over by the shady Robert Mueller.
3. An ignorant foreign policy, including an apology tour, a failure to sympathize with the Iranian people against their oppressive Islamic government, the overthrow of the Egyptian and Libyian governments, destabilization of Syria with a red line, giving rise to ISIS.
2. Declining economic labor participation and weak economic growth and stupid regulations and doubling of the national debt.
1. Obamacare. Lies about keeping your doctor and your health insurance and projected savings about $2,500 savings. Obama knew that he was lying.
10. Politicalizing of the IRS and other agencies such as the now corrupt FBI.
9. Decimating of the military leadership by firing military officers who were not leftists and thereby lowering military preparedness, leading to Benghazi.
8. Communing the prison sentences of vast numbers of hardened criminals, including Gitmo prisoners.
7. Executive amnesty of illegal aliens and trafficking of guns through Fast and Furious, which caused the deaths of some Americans and many Mexicans.
6. Increasing racial tensions as a matter of policy.
5. Destabilizing the Middle East and causing a flood of Mid-East refugees worldwide, some of whom are terrorists and most of whom do not want to assimilate (ask the Europeans).
4. Purging the now corrupt FBI training manual of methods to combat Islamic terrorism, an activity presided over by the shady Robert Mueller.
3. An ignorant foreign policy, including an apology tour, a failure to sympathize with the Iranian people against their oppressive Islamic government, the overthrow of the Egyptian and Libyian governments, destabilization of Syria with a red line, giving rise to ISIS.
2. Declining economic labor participation and weak economic growth and stupid regulations and doubling of the national debt.
1. Obamacare. Lies about keeping your doctor and your health insurance and projected savings about $2,500 savings. Obama knew that he was lying.