So, because I accept Social Security payments for my children that puts us in the catagory of being on "some form of welfare"? How is it welfare when my husband paid into the system for 30+ years?
No, you read this wrong. The 1/3 of Americans on the federal (taxpayer dole) EXCLUDES Medicare and Social Security.
SS & Medicare are not considered welfare.
You are forgetting, it seems, that obama ROBBED over $750 billion dollars from the Medicare fund to pay for the obamacare he and the Dems shoved down our throats. I only hope if you choose to sit it out and/or vote for obama and obamacare is not repealed (Mitt Romney promises to repeal and replace obamacare), I hope you can still find doctors to care for your children. Doctors are leaving the practice of medicine in droves now that obamacare is in place. And I hope there is enough medicine to go around. And I hope you will be able to afford the new taxes that are in obamacare for nearly everyone. I hope that you will still be able to buy food, clothes, and other things you and your children need, because those new taxes on business will be passed on to you and me, the consumers.
And I hope you will be able to afford electricity because most of our electricity comes from coal and obama has declared a war on coal and fossil fuels (long before he was ever elected) and has carried through with that through his EPA (in spite of Congress not passing Cap and Trade).
The middle class is disappearing because of obama and his lack of leadership to spur job growth in our nation. It is not the fault of the rich. I have never had a poor person give me a job and I have never known a poor person to employ anyone. Have you?
I want a rich president, someone who knows how to create wealth, rather than living on the public dole as obama has done. I want someone who understands how economics works and above all, someone who loves this country and the blood, sweat, and tears it took to create this nation and to create small businesses, which make up the bulk of our economy. Obama is stiffling small business. Small businesses which might be just hanging on now, will go belly up if obamacare is not repealed, because of the burdensom regulations and taxes that they will be required to pay under it.
You think the job situation is bad now and the middle class is disappearing now, just wait if we are stuck with 4 more years of obama and millions of businesses going belly up.
People just don't get it.