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100,000,000 on welfare


Well-Known Member
I saw the report on Fox that touted that the USA now has 100,000,000 people on somekind of welfare. In 2000 17mil were on food stamps and now 45mil are, it was similar numbers for medicaid. Then we see that the bottom 45% or more pay nothing in taxes and many get a tax return of more than they paid in. Now the libs want the rich to pay more, why? Aren't we already seeing the rich paying for 100,000,000 Americans already. I would say that is enough. I would like to see just how many of those 100mil really need the help. I know of several people who are pleased just to get a welfare check and not have to work, we do live in a sad country when it comes to this. Maybe it is the wealthy who need to revolt in this country?


<b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>
The sources I read on the Internet said 110 million people on government assistance, excluding Social Security and Medicare and Earned Income Credit.

That is roughly 1/3 of the US population living on our dime, living off of the rest of us who are paying for it and borrowed money from China.

The biggest culprit is Medicaid.

One out of 3 people in the US.

No matter how it is played down by Democrats, the sharpest increase has come during the obama reign, a graph that shows the numbers shooting straight up. There will be many people who will vote for obama because they are afraid Republicans will take these freebies away.

That's 1/3 of the population. Think of it - 1 out of 3 people.

Pretty good job security for obama.


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Simply shows how successful the Republicans have been in redistributing the wealth away from the poor and middle class to the rich. Not a good legacy ... unless you are rich. And as we have seen over the last year or so the Republicans want to cut the program for the poor, the elderly, women and the middle class.


Well-Known Member
Simply shows how successful the Republicans have been in redistributing the wealth away from the poor and middle class to the rich. Not a good legacy ... unless you are rich. And as we have seen over the last year or so the Republicans want to cut the program for the poor, the elderly, women and the middle class.

I will tell you CTB, being rich is great. My Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills.


Well-Known Member

Don't forget Republicans want to kill off all the old people too. I cannot believe your statement-You have listened to the propaganda form MSNBC too long. Please tell me where the wealth you speak of is from?


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
More evidence of the success of Republicans income distribution from the middle class and the poor to the rich ............

For more than ten years the richest 1 percent have received $750 billion from these tax cuts. Income and wealth inequality have grown astronomically, threatening the very fabric of our democracy. The top 1 percent in our nation now possesses more net worth than the bottom 90 percent.



Active Member
So, because I accept Social Security payments for my children that puts us in the catagory of being on "some form of welfare"? How is it welfare when my husband paid into the system for 30+ years?

Ya'll are funny. This is the sort of thing that will keep me from voting for the so-called "conservative republicans" (Romney isn't that and I still won't vote for him!). What they are really saying is, we are rich and we deserve to be rich because we are rich and you don't deserve to do anything except work hard and die with nothing because you aren't rich and we are and because we are rich we get the say so.

The disparity between rich and poor along with the disappearance of the middle class will be the downfall of this country and it lies squarely on Reagan and his so-called "trickle down economics" and his trust that the rich understood Henry Ford's principal that if you don't pay your workers a decent wage then there will be no one to buy your goods. He was old, short sighted and believed the best about his political cronies. What he didn't see was that those who have the money seek to keep the money and the power it confers. His Republican bedfellows saw it clearly and used his ideas to rape the average American middle class worker of everything they could and when there was no more they started shouting about how "welfare" was the downfall of the economy.

I'm not buying it. And I'll collect from SS as long as it is there to collect from.


<b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>
So, because I accept Social Security payments for my children that puts us in the catagory of being on "some form of welfare"? How is it welfare when my husband paid into the system for 30+ years?

No, you read this wrong. The 1/3 of Americans on the federal (taxpayer dole) EXCLUDES Medicare and Social Security.

SS & Medicare are not considered welfare.

You are forgetting, it seems, that obama ROBBED over $750 billion dollars from the Medicare fund to pay for the obamacare he and the Dems shoved down our throats. I only hope if you choose to sit it out and/or vote for obama and obamacare is not repealed (Mitt Romney promises to repeal and replace obamacare), I hope you can still find doctors to care for your children. Doctors are leaving the practice of medicine in droves now that obamacare is in place. And I hope there is enough medicine to go around. And I hope you will be able to afford the new taxes that are in obamacare for nearly everyone. I hope that you will still be able to buy food, clothes, and other things you and your children need, because those new taxes on business will be passed on to you and me, the consumers.

And I hope you will be able to afford electricity because most of our electricity comes from coal and obama has declared a war on coal and fossil fuels (long before he was ever elected) and has carried through with that through his EPA (in spite of Congress not passing Cap and Trade).

The middle class is disappearing because of obama and his lack of leadership to spur job growth in our nation. It is not the fault of the rich. I have never had a poor person give me a job and I have never known a poor person to employ anyone. Have you?

I want a rich president, someone who knows how to create wealth, rather than living on the public dole as obama has done. I want someone who understands how economics works and above all, someone who loves this country and the blood, sweat, and tears it took to create this nation and to create small businesses, which make up the bulk of our economy. Obama is stiffling small business. Small businesses which might be just hanging on now, will go belly up if obamacare is not repealed, because of the burdensom regulations and taxes that they will be required to pay under it.

You think the job situation is bad now and the middle class is disappearing now, just wait if we are stuck with 4 more years of obama and millions of businesses going belly up.

People just don't get it.


Active Member
Oh no, I haven't forgotten Obama or his new tax on the nation as a whole. But I'm not on Medicare. Instead I get to pay $1500 plus per month for insurance for my children. Now why do you suppose health insurance is so high? It's because the Republicans deregulated the insurance companies and allowed them all to turn from non profits into profit making entities and THAT was the begining of what we suffer from today. (but this was all done in the name of helping the economy and of course the Repubs didn't do it without support/help from their Dem buddies)

When too much of a nation's wealth is in the hands of too few people (that 1%) you end up with social unrest. It's a fact of civilization. You can call it a redistribution of wealth if you want to, I call it greed on the part of the 1%.


<b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>
Well, Romney and Ryan have promised to Repeal and Replace Obamacare.

You are right, it was Republicans & Democrats together who turned the nonprofit insurance companies into for-profits.

The solution is simple - Let us buy health insurance across state lines.

My 83-year-old mother receives $650. month for Social Security. Out of that, she pays $350. per month for her supplemental health insurance to cover what Medicare will not pay. Needless to say, she lives with me.

Regardless of who did what, we know what course we are charted for in the future under obama and how the healthcare system as we know it will be wrecked if obamacare is not repealed. So you can be angry at Republicans but at least there is a chance with Republicans that things will get better if they retake the WH and control the Senate. If it's another 4 years of obama and Democratic control of the Senate, our country and way of life as we know it is doomed. Let alone our healthcare.


New Member
You think your mother would be better off if there was neither Social Security nor Medicare? Please explain? One explanation might be that she has $350K invested which is more than the net benefits of SS and Medicare.


Active Member
LE I agree heartily with allowing insurance to be bought across state lines. But the insurance companies don't want that anymore than they want to turn back into non-profits (which would be my preference, though I recognize the downsides to that as well). What the insurance companies don't want, we consumers won't get from a pro-business administration. And Romney is laughing up his sleeve. You don't really believe he'll repeal Obamacare when his own home state was the first to implement madated health care? Even though it has been a resounding failure those laws are still in place. Why? They are making money for the insurance companies.


Well-Known Member
I saw the report on Fox that touted that the USA now has 100,000,000 people on somekind of welfare. In 2000 17mil were on food stamps and now 45mil are, it was similar numbers for medicaid. Then we see that the bottom 45% or more pay nothing in taxes and many get a tax return of more than they paid in. Now the libs want the rich to pay more, why? Aren't we already seeing the rich paying for 100,000,000 Americans already. I would say that is enough. I would like to see just how many of those 100mil really need the help. I know of several people who are pleased just to get a welfare check and not have to work, we do live in a sad country when it comes to this. Maybe it is the wealthy who need to revolt in this country?

More like 100,000,000 and growing. Yeah it sure is sad to think that some of those people are milking the system.

But here's a question. How many of those people on welfare would gladly go to work if work could be found in the USA? We've shipped their jobs overseas and lowered the wages of workers here to "compete" with foreign companies and of course to increase the corporate bottom line and CEO's pay.

The corporations and our government who is sponsored by them have done about everything they can to bring this situation about, now add a few million "undocumented workers" into the mix.

The problem here isn't the people who are milking the welfare system it's the people who are creating it while enriching themselves.


New Member
http://www.walifega.org/faqprint.cfm/ protects me from insurance company bankruptcy.

I would not buy an insurance policy from an out of state insurance company.

from http://www.lifeinsurancegroup.com/f...otected-if-your-insurer-turns-bankrupt-6.html

The state government is responsible for consumer protection against insurance companies. The state government regulates the financial health of every licensed insurance company. If the insurance company turns bankrupt, it is the sole responsibility of the state government to refund the money owed to the policy holder and protect them in any adverse circumstance.
If an insurance provider is bankrupt, the state’s insurance department protects the interest of the policyholders. The guarantee fund from the state’s insurance department will transfer the policies over other stable insurance vendors within the state. If the situation remains insolvent, the policy will continue to run by the guarantee fund. However, the policies will be subjected to coverage limitation as per the state laws.


Well-Known Member
I may derail my own post. I hear a lot of you strongly agree with Obama's stance on the USA being a nanny state. This is sad. Yes we are a capitalist nation and DO have the best health care money can buy. Sadly a lot of the poor cannot afford what the rich can, but who is being turned away from hospital ERs? If I have no insurance because I'm too poor to afford it and I get cancer and have a surgery that puts me in debt for the rest of my life, hey I'm fortunate, I live where I can still get the BEST health care. If I live in England or Canada I probably get put on a list and get a doctor that isn't the best (IMO). Or if I'm too old I'm told to take pain medicine and die in peace. NO THANKS!!!

Now the point of the OP was that over the past 12 years the amount of people drawing a living from the rest of us has over doubled and Obama is doing nothing but advancing policies that encourage this. You all heard the people who gloated when Obama was elected saying that now they would get free cars and homes. We all know there are many in this country who will take and take and take with no gratitude for where it comes from. It isn't Obama giving cash from his pocket, It is our Govt reaching in to our pockets and giving it to 100,000,000 people, some deserve it many don't.

Go to WalMart and sit in the parking lot for an hour and see how many people park in the handicapped zones. Look at these people, most are not even handicapped or at least they don't appear to be. I have a bad back and a bumb leg and could probably qualify for disability if I pushed it, but I'd rather work. Most of the people who I see playing the handicapped card are not disabled. Maybe if the Govt would police their welfare ranks they would probably find half of them hunting and fishing and playing golf while we work for their monthly checks.

Yes I'm sick and tired of this country's whimpy whiney liberals who cannot man up and work like our fathers did. It is true we lost the greatest generation from WWII. These were real men and women who didn't look for a handout. I truly hate what my daughter and granddaughter are left with. :BangHead:


<b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>
You think your mother would be better off if there was neither Social Security nor Medicare? Please explain? One explanation might be that she has $350K invested which is more than the net benefits of SS and Medicare.

Sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about. There is no $350K. Where did you get that from? What are you asking???

And, yes, MK, I do believe Romney will repeal and replace Obamacare. No Republican I know, rich or poor, or middle class wants obamacare to be left in place. No small business can afford it, either. Already large companies were granted "waivers" by the DHS. The increased taxes from obamacare will cause many employers to bankrupt, adding to unemployment.


New Member
>>Originally Posted by billwald
>>You think your mother would be better off if there was neither Social Security nor Medicare? Please explain? One explanation might be that she has $350K invested which is more than the net benefits of SS and Medicare.

>Sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about. There is no $350K. Where did you get that from? What are you asking???

It is quite simple. If your mother had $350K invested then she would (most likely) not need SS and Medicare to pay her monthly bills. She would would most likely be better off if her SS and medicare taxes had gone into her retirement fund and not into the SS and Medicare funds.

SS was invented because the majority of old people were living in poverty. In other words, the majority of the population was NEVER able and willing to invest for themselves enough assets to take care of themselves.

I mentioned your mother only because you mentioned a facet of her financial condition. Only you know her. IF SS and Medicare did not exist and she and/or your father had never paid the 8% (or whatever) payroll taxes would your Mother's finances be in better shape, everything else being the same?


New Member
But back to the 100 million people. Forget about the middle class. Think of us as people who work for wages or who are self-employed, or who work on commission as the working class, probably the 90% bottom of the population. Think of another class, those who live off interest payments, dividends, and by selling off accumulated assets as capital gains, maybe the upper 10% of the population.

Would it not be advantageous for the 10% to keep the 90% stirred up with intra-class warfare?

Would it not be to the advantage of the 10% if every one of the 90% got some kind of check or tax break from the 10%?


Well-Known Member
I lost you Bill? But are you saying 10% of the country lives off of dividends and interest? If so I'd like to know who they bank with? I would say only 1% or less are in this category. Anyway it has been clearly shown that the top 5% foots the bill for most all the taxes taken in and the bottom 45% do nothing but take in what the top 5% give out. What else should the rich do? Maybe all the libs in AMerica should move to France where the Rich will now start being taxed 75%.