After "that man of sinne" (2Thess.2:3) (KJV1611AV) and the false prophet are cast "aliue" (Rev.19:20) into the lake of fire at the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, Satan will be thrown into a bottomless pit and bound "a thousand yeres" (Rev.20:2). Thus will begin a thousand years of peace, in which all the promises of God given to Israel will be fulfilled.
Scripture says that it is to Israel whom "perteineth the adoption, and the glory, and the couenants, and the giuing of the Law, and the seruice of God, and the promises" (Rom.9:4). Israel will be sent by God to preach the Gospel of peace to the Gentile nations (who will not come to fight "against Ierusalem" (Zech.14:16) into a place "called in the Hebrewe tongue, Armageddon" (Rev.16:16) to make war against him "that sate on the horse, and against his armie" (Rev.19:19)), which, by the grace of God, will enter into 1000 years of Peace.
After the conclusion of the new covenant "with the house of Israel" (Jer.31:33), God will ascend "vp with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet" (Ps.47:5) into heaven.
Israel will exclaim:
"For the Lord most high is terrible; he is a great King ouer all the earth. Hee shall subdue the people vnder vs, and the nations vnder our feet. He shall chuse our inheritance for vs, the excellencie of Iacob whom hee loued." (Ps. 47:2-4)
The Father will say to the Son: "Sit thou at my right hand: vntil I make thine enemies thy footestoole" (Ps.110:1).
"For he (Son) must reigne, till hee (Father) hath put all enemies vnder his (Son's) feete" (1Cor.15:25)
And God has sat "vpon the throne of his holinesse" (Ps.47:8).
And "the Prince" (Ezek.44:2) Michael, one of the two anointed ones (Zech.4:14) standing before the Lord of all the earth, will sit "vpon the throne of Dauid" (Is.9:7) on Earth.
From now on, the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church will be in heaven, and Michael, "the great Prince" (Dan.12:1) and Israel will be on Earth and he "shall be a priest vpon his throne, and the counsell of peace shall bee betweene them both" (Zech.6:13).
For a thousand years of peace there will still be sin, death and damnation. Then "the childe shall die an hundreth yeeres olde: but the sinner being an hundreth yeres old, shalbe accursed." (Is.65:20). Since the devil will be in a bottomless pit during these 1000 years, the forces of evil on earth will be significantly weakened (despite the fact that "his angels" will still remain on Earth (Rev.12:9)). Therefore, there will be no competition and wars on Earth.
The Scripture says: "they shall beate their swords into plow-shares, and their speares into pruning hookes: nation shall not lift vp sword against nation, neither shall they learne warre any more" (Is.2:4), until the end of the 1000 years of peace, when Satan will be released "a little season" (Rev.20:3) and after "cast into the lake of fire" (Rev.20:10), where the beast and the false prophet were cast for 1000 years before that.
"The last enemie that shall be destroyed, is death" (1Cor.15:26)
Scripture says that it is to Israel whom "perteineth the adoption, and the glory, and the couenants, and the giuing of the Law, and the seruice of God, and the promises" (Rom.9:4). Israel will be sent by God to preach the Gospel of peace to the Gentile nations (who will not come to fight "against Ierusalem" (Zech.14:16) into a place "called in the Hebrewe tongue, Armageddon" (Rev.16:16) to make war against him "that sate on the horse, and against his armie" (Rev.19:19)), which, by the grace of God, will enter into 1000 years of Peace.
After the conclusion of the new covenant "with the house of Israel" (Jer.31:33), God will ascend "vp with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet" (Ps.47:5) into heaven.
Israel will exclaim:
"For the Lord most high is terrible; he is a great King ouer all the earth. Hee shall subdue the people vnder vs, and the nations vnder our feet. He shall chuse our inheritance for vs, the excellencie of Iacob whom hee loued." (Ps. 47:2-4)
The Father will say to the Son: "Sit thou at my right hand: vntil I make thine enemies thy footestoole" (Ps.110:1).
"For he (Son) must reigne, till hee (Father) hath put all enemies vnder his (Son's) feete" (1Cor.15:25)
And God has sat "vpon the throne of his holinesse" (Ps.47:8).
And "the Prince" (Ezek.44:2) Michael, one of the two anointed ones (Zech.4:14) standing before the Lord of all the earth, will sit "vpon the throne of Dauid" (Is.9:7) on Earth.
From now on, the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church will be in heaven, and Michael, "the great Prince" (Dan.12:1) and Israel will be on Earth and he "shall be a priest vpon his throne, and the counsell of peace shall bee betweene them both" (Zech.6:13).
For a thousand years of peace there will still be sin, death and damnation. Then "the childe shall die an hundreth yeeres olde: but the sinner being an hundreth yeres old, shalbe accursed." (Is.65:20). Since the devil will be in a bottomless pit during these 1000 years, the forces of evil on earth will be significantly weakened (despite the fact that "his angels" will still remain on Earth (Rev.12:9)). Therefore, there will be no competition and wars on Earth.
The Scripture says: "they shall beate their swords into plow-shares, and their speares into pruning hookes: nation shall not lift vp sword against nation, neither shall they learne warre any more" (Is.2:4), until the end of the 1000 years of peace, when Satan will be released "a little season" (Rev.20:3) and after "cast into the lake of fire" (Rev.20:10), where the beast and the false prophet were cast for 1000 years before that.
"The last enemie that shall be destroyed, is death" (1Cor.15:26)