For those predicting President Obama will take the oath of office with a Quran, like we said, ain't gonna happen.
If you are referring to me, don't forget there will be a private swearing in on the 20th. The public one will be on a different day because the 20th is on Sunday and the 21st is MLK day.
I personally no longer care. America voted for this despot (no matter what he professes or doesn't profess to believe) and this is what America has gotten---4 more years of tyrrany, trampling the Constitution that he is "sworn" to uphold, circumventing the potted plants in Congress through his regulatory agencies (EPA, DOE, etc.), recess appointments, and executive orders. And someone in Congress is trying to pass a law to repeal term limits for obama. I imagine what he can't take through Congress, he will take through other channels, like he usually does.
And BTW, Lincoln was no hero in my book. His actions had many unforeseen and unintended consequences which the working class is paying for now. And I don't necessarily mean about an Arab imposter in the Oval Office (yes, his gene pool is more Arab than Negro if you bother to check) and the Muslim Brotherhood in positions of power within his administration.
I have been unusually quiet since the election, but if you want to pick at scabs just to gloat because your hero "won" the election, I will remind you of your hero's own words that "elections have consequences" and you haven't even begun to see the consequences of your vote. Come on back in 4 years and tell me how wonderful this trip into tyranny has been. :tear:
What you brag about now will end up coming back to bite you.