You like Dr._ach miss the point of Peter.
He is not talking about salvation, he is talking about the return of Christ. That it will not take place until the chance for salvation is over - the last person chosen to be saved is saved.
I do wish that sometime a post by a non-cal person can actually be made without thinking that they have to make attempts at slamming the cals.
It gets old,
And frankly it really cheapens the post.
Once in a while - fine, but prove your point by Scriptures and leave the rest to those lesser in skill.
It still does not make sense. There is no need for God to "suffer" for a single second, as he could cause all the elect to be born at one time and simply regenerate them.
And if God chooses to make the elect be born at different times throughout history, then how is he suffering? He choose to make the elect be born at different times in history. Your view is plain SILLY.
You just don't get it, if God determines all things that come to pass, there is no need for him to suffer. Does God make himself suffer? Ridiculous to say the least.
And slamming Calvinism may get old, but it is FALSE DOCTRINE, and the scriptures say we are to contend for the truth.
Frankly, I get tired of all the falsehood you Calvinists spew out.