You do realize that we are now in an era of another Holy Crusade again, as the Kingdoms of God and satan are fighting in out here on this world...What is it with some of y'all and him not calling it what you think he should? Do you have equal disdain for him not referring to all the white terrorism as such? Maybe he should ask the media to start saying radical white terrorism when someone white commits a mass shooting which they have done quite frequently since 9/11---by far more in the states than have Muslims.
And what we call 'radical islam" would probably be the exact same islam the prophet would have them to take on and do if living here today...
Also ironic that the president and others of his camp can go out of their way to make remarks and try to punish Christians who just object to say being forced to cater a gay wedding, but he and his ilk haved NOTHING to say about nations following "real islam", where to be caught gay/lesbian is to get the death penalty!