Yes, man came alive...he now possessed the Nephesh or "soul" or that "life-force" whatever which makes him a living being. This same Nephesh or "soul" spoken of is also given to animals. What is your Point?
Yes there is....Genesis
There are literally scores (probably hundreds of them).
Let's pick one:
Gen 2:17
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Adam ate....Adam died. That is so simple
If you are claiming that human "souls" are naturally immortal by nature you are not only directly (and heretically) teaching rank paganism, but you are expressly against all Christian tradition from the time of Genesis onwards.
Only GOD possesses immortality, and if God tells you you will die, you will die.
Just read the text:
1Ti 6:16
Who (that is God) only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen
Humans are not immortal. That is heresy and blasphemy.
Only God is immortal and he chooses to gift life and immortality to whom he chooses...
Adam DIED when he sinned and he was removed from the life-giving tree of life.
Please show Scripture which teaches this.
Please demonstrate that there is a meaningful distinction between "physical" and "Spiritual" death and please show the Scripture which teaches Adam died in two distinct ways....
Please show the Scripture which teaches Adam was ever given an "incorruptible" physical body.
Where does the Scripture teach that Adam had such a thing?
If Adam had an incorruptible body....why did God cut him off from the tree of life????
Please show us the Scripture where the "Second Death" is defined as the "death of the Spirit".
Are you now claiming that unbelieving humans become demons?
Is that merely an hyperbole meant for effect?
What is a "Resurrection from the Lake of Fire"?
Are you claiming that all humans, upon natural death are consigned to this thing called the "Lake of Fire"?
Is Charles Spurgeon (who clearly awaits the Resurrection of his body, and in Christ hopefully awaits the Resurrection of his body unto immortality) in the "Lake of Fire"?
So, the "Second death" now a 'restoration'?
Actually, the "Second Death"
is a death.
It's dying....for the second time.
You see, the Bible teaches that the wages of sin is death:
All mankind will therefore die
All mankind, however will be ressurected (believer and unbeliever alike) to face judgement.
They will ALL become alive again.
Jhn 5:29
And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
The saved will go to the New Jerusalem (where, incidentally John says the tree of life is). I wonder why he mentioned that tree?????
The damned will be thrown into a Lake of fire which John calls the "Second Death".
It's so simple a caveman can do it.
God will not restore the damned...
They will be killed....both body and soul in gehenna.
I think I remember someone mentioning that in the gospels somewhere.
Mat 10:28
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
We know exactly what God has planned for the damned...
He kills them (both body and soul)
They perish
They become the corpses of the slain
Their rotting corpses are feasted upon by maggots
Their rotting corpses are eaten by vultures and scavengers
The righteous will look upon their corpses and they will be an abhorence to them.
They are thrown into a Lake of fire which is a "second death" (which I take to mean a 'second' death)
They are like the chaff which is thrown into a furnace which is burned up.....
Need we go on?
There is the passage of being like a slug that salt is poured on....(one of my favourites) but, I'm thinking you can get it.
It changes at the Resurrection before final judgement...That is Christianity 101
Well, Jesus said God would kill it in Gehenna
Mat 10:28
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
It's a belief Jesus Christ who is the Divine Son of God held, so....there's that.
That is clearly more than any and all Theologians throughout Christian history would claim to know.
Tertullian doesn't claim that kind of specificity
Augustine doesn't
Thomas Aquinas wouldn't dare
Anselm of Canterbury demures from asserting such things as Orthodoxy
Luther would hardly make that kind of an Anthropological claim
Spurgeon, Carson, Sproul, Bruce, Moo, Fee.....
Pick a name.....None of them would assert something like that.
No. That's (I'll just call it heterodoxy)
No, you're least as of the time you typed this.
You are actually quite alive.
In my humble opinion (I might be mistaken) only very much alive humans are capable of debating topics on the internet.....
I await correction from my betters.
That is absolutely heterodoxy.
The resurrection happens at the end of the age...all Christianity has understood and accepted this from the first Century onwards...It has never been debated.
Paul (who is now dead)
awaits the resurrection with hope.
That is a beautiful truth.....and Paul awaits that at the resurrection where he will be given
an immortal body
But the damned are not made immortal
They are resurrected unto death.
They face judgement....
And God destroys them both body and soul in Gehenna...which is the second death.
That's what the Bible clearly and unequivocally in no uncertain terms teaches.