Over 3,000 people die from car wrecks each day. From a quick glance and seeing 2015 numbers, just over 28,000 people died due to terrorism in 2015 globally. Including war torn countries like Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. That is roughly less than 30 a day.
Simple math shows that most people in this world have an irrational fear of terrorism, mostly due to the media latching on to each and every attack. I am willing to bet that if CNN and Fox News covered every single car wreck in this country non stop less people would be willing to get behind the wheel and more legislation would be aimed at the auto industry.
If we take your right leaning news source and assume it is 100% true that a terror attack was attempted every 9 days in Europe and we give a generous 20 deaths per attack every day days (lets just go ahead and say that every 9 days a terrorist is able to kill on average 20 people), you still fall drastically short of simple car accidents in this country, coming in at around 800 terrorist related deaths per year in Europe.
Someone can check my math but based on your article you posted Europe looks pretty light on terrorism.